This Should Be Good- Obama to speak at 9:30PM on Iraq

Why does the President insist on calling ISIS 'ISIL' instead, when most others use ISIS? There has to be some political reason behind it.
Why does the President insist on calling ISIS 'ISIL' instead, when most others use ISIS? There has to be some political reason behind it.

The L just stands for Levant, which covers basically the geography that includes Syria, Leb, Israel, Iraq and Jordan I think.
Well what is the over and under he throws Iraq under the bus here. I bet he starts bombing sorties to back off the terrorist he armed who are closing in on our 'advisers'


It was just a warning to ISIS. Stop or we will get really, really, angry with you. If you are not going to kill every fucking man, woman, and child in ISIS supporting villages, then don't put your presidential street credit on the line. He was right about ground troops. That war is history now. If it were me I would teach ISIS a lesson then try to reach out to Sunni's vs. the pro-Iranian Shia. Fuck them. Oh, I might have to accidentally hit some Iranian assets in eastern Iraq just for shits and giggles while I'm undergoing operations.
Nothing he does will help. He will drop food and water. After its gone the people will still be stuck in the mountains. He may, may bomb a few positions. Then what? He made ISIS. He fed them. He armed them. He stood by when they killed the Christians of Syria. He's going to muddle around until they kill the Christians of Iraq.
Sorry man, but I limited time to follow the Prez.. So I skipped the posts and his wise speech.

But I'm CERTAIN that's it's 3 months TOO LATE, $40Bill more than what he says, and only 10% of what was needed 6 weeks ago..
Most likely... In 5 1/2 years he has yet to say anything that I don't oppose.

So you opposed our getting OBL. Shocking.

I forgot. Obama was with the SEALS when they blapped Osama Obama...I mean
Bin Laden.

LOL, 92, tally ho.

What people don't seem to understand is that the military and intel organizations never changed their mission between Bush and Obama. They were doing the same thing they would've done under whomever was president to find the SOB. It's not like either president would've called off looking for him.

Obama does get credit for the go ahead, but can you imagine how much trouble he would've been in had he not and it was leaked? If more than 3 people know something in DC, expect it will be leaked. I'm sure that also went into his calculus.

As we see with all things foreign policy....O's motives are purely political.
Nothing he does will help. He will drop food and water. After its gone the people will still be stuck in the mountains. He may, may bomb a few positions. Then what? He made ISIS. He fed them. He armed them. He stood by when they killed the Christians of Syria. He's going to muddle around until they kill the Christians of Iraq.

Exactly. There WILL be mission creep. That's why you never do anything half assed. Because you wind up being sucked in anyway. Just hit with overwhelming force in the first place since you'll be blamed anyway.
Wildman and Samson, thanks for the entertainment. I need some after getting on threads with some of the most idiotic liberals I've ever met....for some reason they like to converge on the econ threads.

Just as they do on the Iraq topic, they will spend 20 pages trying to prove the ocean's made of bubblegum so thanks for the laugh!

Very funny. Econ gal is back:lol:
Why does the President insist on calling ISIS 'ISIL' instead, when most others use ISIS? There has to be some political reason behind it.

The L just stands for Levant, which covers basically the geography that includes Syria, Leb, *Iraq and Jordan I think.

Thanks EconChick, and from what I have read the radical islamists and Arab nationalists hate that word which has french colonial associations .
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Did he draw ANOTHER red line?


The American President Teddy Roosevelt famously said: "Speak softly and carry a big stick"...unfortunately Hussein Obama is shouting loudly and carrying a toothpick!

Lead from behind, he said, and here we are at the doorsteps of hell becuase of his stupid policies....useless, incompetent , dangerous President! :mad:

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