Do.Those who can't Teach.
Like Todays Democrats.Their teachings as taught and thunk via
their past leader Obama. Such things as Saul Alinsky
- Rules for Radicals -.Alinsky learned this when on summer
vacation from college.From of all Chicagoians Frank Nitti.
Al Capone enforcer.If ever watching the very productive
TV series ... - The Untouchables - { 1959-1963 }.
Alinsky somehow was young and impressionable enough to
fall privy to Al Caponey logic.
Saul's 12 Rules are the result.
That is how Democrats view Life and specifically politics.
In that distorted and conflated context.
" She denied the claims,quoted that the quote circulating
on social media was out od context. "
How perverse.When there's virtually No Trump quote
that isn't manifestly taken out of context in the extreme.
Lesson learned.
S'not if Democrats have any say.Virtually,historically
Nothing is beyond a Democrats wont.
" Chaotic as holidays are wont to be. "
Or ... S'not!
Like Todays Democrats.Their teachings as taught and thunk via
their past leader Obama. Such things as Saul Alinsky
- Rules for Radicals -.Alinsky learned this when on summer
vacation from college.From of all Chicagoians Frank Nitti.
Al Capone enforcer.If ever watching the very productive
TV series ... - The Untouchables - { 1959-1963 }.
Alinsky somehow was young and impressionable enough to
fall privy to Al Caponey logic.
Saul's 12 Rules are the result.
That is how Democrats view Life and specifically politics.
In that distorted and conflated context.
" She denied the claims,quoted that the quote circulating
on social media was out od context. "
How perverse.When there's virtually No Trump quote
that isn't manifestly taken out of context in the extreme.
Lesson learned.
S'not if Democrats have any say.Virtually,historically
Nothing is beyond a Democrats wont.
" Chaotic as holidays are wont to be. "
Or ... S'not!