Thread for Zionists who Deny the Existence of the Palestinian Christians and Muslims

Now the facts on film.

:blahblah::blahblah::blahblah: I tore the shit out of that bullshit video in at least one other thread.

I thought this thread was over with none of you able to answer a very basic question based on the known FACTS.

1) Europeans moved to Palestine in just the last century.

2) There were Palestinian people who lived there, both Christian and Muslim.

Are those facts or not in your world?

Monte switches to his sock in the bold font in order to avoid further humiliation. Ya gotta love it! It's the equivalent of waving the white flag of surrender.
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Now the facts on film.

Right, we're taking a "film" over official Ottoman census numbers.

You are truly pathetic.

I have the Ottoman Census numbers. Your's are bogus. I have the census reports. I have posted them in the past. As I recall there were about 6,000 female and 7,000 male Jews in Palestine in 1883.

The film is documentary evidence from a time where there was little partisanship. So, it is accurate.

As usual...Monte is full of shit!

And now the inconvenient truth:

The Ottoman census figures of 1905 reveal a total of 32,400 Ottoman nationals in Jerusalem: 13,400 Jews, 11,000 Muslims, and 8,000 Christians.49 However, these numbers do not reflect those with foreign nationality living in the city which more than likely would raise the numbers ofJewsandChristians.50 Jewishsourcesforthisyearcontendamuchhighernumber, including one estimating 50,000 Jews in a total population of 75,000.51 The Ottoman sources for 1914 for the entire Qada' of Jerusalem, give the number of Jewish citizens to be 18,190.52 The historian Yehoshua Ben-Arieh has examined innumerable sources on the demography of the city at this time and concludes that:

In 1917, Colonel Zaki Bey, head of the Jerusalem Wheat Syndicate, reported to Jamal Pasha that Jerusalem had 31,147 Jews in an overall population of 53,410. These figures were based on birth certificates and police records; their accuracy is proven by the first compre- hensive census in Jerusalem, made by the British in 1922. This census showed a general population of 62,000, including 34,300 Jews.

Statistics that record the residential area of the population in the different parts of the city were not taken at this period. However, it is known that at the beginning of the British Mandate, the area of the New City was four times greater than that of the Old City.54 Residents of the New City at the end of Ottoman rule, according to Ben-Arieh’s estimates, were as follows: 2,000-2,400 Muslims, around 15% of the estimated 12,000 Muslim Jerusalemite girls s55, and 29,000 of the total 45,000 Jews.56 Christians constituted 15% of the population in the New City (or approximately 5- 6,000 people).57 However, the city continued to grow as a residential area for Muslims, Christians and Jews witnessed by the 1922 Census where 30.3% of the Muslims were living outside of the walls.

...We do know, however, that there were Jewish and Arab residents outside the walls because the Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly reported in 1881, that of 2,500 residents living outside the walls, 1,510 of them were Jews.

And now for the kicker, so called "natives" had less schools than Jews or Christians! When in hole, stop digging Monte:

Table 1 Number of students in Jerusalem schools in 1882 by type of school and by gender of students

Christian schools

926 Girls

861 Boys

1,787 Total

Christian schools for Jewish students



138 Total

Jewish schools

160 Girls

1,547 Boys

1,707 Total

Muslim schools

0 Girls

360 Boys

360 Total

Total Number of Students

1,086 Girls

2,768 Boys

3,992 Total
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After Ruddy's fantasy, the facts:

From the Ottoman census held between 1844-1850. The Kudus Special District had 3,963 Jew females and 4,117 Jew males . The Kudus Special District was a large part of Palestine, minus the districts of Nablus and Acre, and included Jerusalem. Christians numbered in the tens of thousands and Muslims almost 200,000.


Feel free to download at:

OTTOMAN POPULATION, 1830-1914: Demographic and Social Characteristics, By KEMAL H. KARPAT

The chart is on page 148.
I posted actual Ottoman tax records which counted the number of tax payers and their ethnicity, detailed city by city, and this idiot posts yet another meaningless irrelvant chart of the entire region including all the other middle eastern countries. I bet if you actually bothered to go through this mutilated document,you will find many instances that his claims are destroyed.

What a friggin' pathetic loser. This is all he can come up with. :lmao:
I posted actual Ottoman tax records which counted the number of tax payers and their ethnicity, detailed city by city, and this idiot posts yet another meaningless irrelvant chart of the entire region including all the other middle eastern countries. I bet if you actually bothered to go through this mutilated document,you will find many instances that his claims are destroyed.

What a friggin' pathetic loser. This is all he can come up with. :lmao:

Tax records? TAX RECORDS??

You do realise that some countries, even today, have less than 25% actually paying ANY tax!!

Just sayin' :eusa_whistle:
I posted actual Ottoman tax records which counted the number of tax payers and their ethnicity, detailed city by city, and this idiot posts yet another meaningless irrelvant chart of the entire region including all the other middle eastern countries. I bet if you actually bothered to go through this mutilated document,you will find many instances that his claims are destroyed.

What a friggin' pathetic loser. This is all he can come up with. :lmao:

Tax records? TAX RECORDS??

You do realise that some countries, even today, have less than 25% actually paying ANY tax!!

Just sayin' :eusa_whistle:
Which is why there is evidence of even more Jews and Christians than recorded as tax payers. Your answer doesn't negate the recorded tax payers, in fact it bolsters and amplifies it.

They even have details of the number schools in individual cities such as Jerusalem, and the again the Jewish schools were more than the Muslims and Christians.
I posted actual Ottoman tax records which counted the number of tax payers and their ethnicity, detailed city by city, and this idiot posts yet another meaningless irrelvant chart of the entire region including all the other middle eastern countries. I bet if you actually bothered to go through this mutilated document,you will find many instances that his claims are destroyed.

What a friggin' pathetic loser. This is all he can come up with. :lmao:

You posted fantasy, I posted facts. You are all over the place and never provide the source documentation. I provided the census data, that's the source data, not reports from third parties of "tax records" .

I make no claims at all, I just post the source material. The facts are in the source material. You just continue to make a fool of yourself, pushing Hasbara nonsense.

Just like Trump, you have the alternative facts, punk. :finger3:
After Ruddy's fantasy, the facts:

From the Ottoman census held between 1844-1850. The Kudus Special District had 3,963 Jew females and 4,117 Jew males . The Kudus Special District was a large part of Palestine, minus the districts of Nablus and Acre, and included Jerusalem. Christians numbered in the tens of thousands and Muslims almost 200,000.

View attachment 129893

Feel free to download at:

OTTOMAN POPULATION, 1830-1914: Demographic and Social Characteristics, By KEMAL H. KARPAT

The chart is on page 148.

Still think pushing that "document" after You've been caught photosopping will get through...especially after You've admitted to 'aligning' it??

And You've been spotted editing Jews out of documents just 2 weeks earlier AGAIN:
post #308

Nice try Monte, anyone can upload to that site.

I have provided the link to the document, download it and look at page 148 and 149. The Academia.EDU site holds source documents and is used by scholars.

Nice try, but the deflection wont work.

You are a liar, basically.
I have provided the link to the document, download it and look at page 148 and 149. The Academia.EDU site holds source documents and is used by scholars.

Nice try, but the deflection wont work.

You are a liar, basically.

No You didn't, all You provided was a link to a site ANYONE can upload to. The name of the site doesn't change it.

Ah and You of course were caught "aligning" those documents, AND admitted to it :

post #28-
" I aligned the left and right pages correctly as the single scan had them unaligned. Another lying Zionist complained about it and I aligned them, you lying Zionist scum."

Then You did it again, erased the Jews from another document as presented in my previous post.

I'm just wondering, how much more have You "aligned" and presented as original?:bs1:
Nothing was erased, the adjoining pages were aligned as they should be. The link is there, you can read the scanned census document and align the rows yourself. You are atypical Hasbara troll. The facts are the facts you lying piece of crap.
And You've been spotted editing Jews out of documents just 2 weeks earlier AGAIN:
post #308

Wow, thank you rylah. I had been hearing of monti editing and photoshopping his 'honest', 'truthfull', 'factual' 'source' documents that he/she claims trumps all others, but you have now shown the board beyond a shadow of a doubt here in this linked post that he is as evil a liar as I have known in my heart.

And what's funny is that he/she did it to him/her self. For the whole world to see.
Nothing was erased, the adjoining pages were aligned as they should be. The link is there, you can read the scanned census document and align the rows yourself. You are atypical Hasbara troll. The facts are the facts you lying piece of crap.

You come back again with Your straightforward lies...
when just a week ago You've tried to cut Jews out of a document:
post #308

Montelatici said:
"Yes, Jerusalem should be 100% Christian. We have the power, why should we allow non-believers to have any authority in Jerusalem? Why do we need to be fair or accommodating? Throw out the troublemakers. Deus Vult." :uhh:

But then again manipulation and hatred is ALL YOU HAVE Monte.
Nothing was erased, the adjoining pages were aligned as they should be. The link is there, you can read the scanned census document and align the rows yourself. You are atypical Hasbara troll. The facts are the facts you lying piece of crap.
Indeed, you can show where people are lying with actual documents then tomorrow they come back with the same lie.
Nothing was erased, the adjoining pages were aligned as they should be. The link is there, you can read the scanned census document and align the rows yourself. You are atypical Hasbara troll. The facts are the facts you lying piece of crap.

You come back again with Your straightforward lies...
when just a week ago You've tried to cut Jews out of a document:
post #308

Montelatici said:
"Yes, Jerusalem should be 100% Christian. We have the power, why should we allow non-believers to have any authority in Jerusalem? Why do we need to be fair or accommodating? Throw out the troublemakers. Deus Vult." :uhh:

But then again manipulation and hatred is ALL YOU HAVE Monte.

Yes, a Christian Jerusalem would certainly be better.
Those are no more facts than claiming "mixing chocolate and butter together makes cookies" is a fact.

The Jewish people moved BACK to Israel, Judea and Samaria. Jews from Europe. Jews from North Africa. Jews from the Americas. Jews from Australia. Jews from the Middle East. Jews from India. Jews from freaking China. Jews from everywhere in the Diaspora. They moved BsACK there to join their fellow Jews who never left, despite intense efforts by numerous invading peoples.

This whole thread is about refusing to acknowledge the existence of a people. All of your posts today erase the Jewish people. You literally refuse to put the Jewish people on the page.

And you are both a hypocrite and a fool to be posting on THIS thread about THIS topic.
Because she constantly must conflate Jews with zionist scum to make her "points", she is always capable of missing simple and obvious points. In this case, she can't even offer a straight answer to:

1) Europeans moved to Palestine in just the last century.

2) There were Palestinian people who lived there, both Christian and Muslim.

Are those facts or not in your world?
I like how Monte's sock aka Achmed Louie changes the font to make us think it isn't him.

You deny these two facts:

1- many Jews were already there, and in fact starting in the 1400's by invitation of the Ottomans migrated to their holy land in larger numbers. And by the mid 1800's the majority population of Jerusalem was Jewish, who were not recent European migrants.
2- majority of Arabs who call themselves Palestinians today are invaders and squatters from neighboring Arab countries.
WRONG AGAIN Silly Boy...When the Christians drove out the Jews from Spain the majority of refugees 98% got a safe haven in Contantinople in Byzantiam sic you fool....not the Ottomans..........Jesus Christ where is your mind.......your Math and Accuracy in your above post,would render you a E- in Australia.....You may think that you are an A+ in you mind but even Israel would ban you from entering the country..and that's saying something.

No Rouds stop talking shit please,as I said get with the Programme...NOW...steve,I can help you if you want.

I'm theliq....Helping Jews and Americans to understand History and Facts.........
That was Spain; what about the Jews in Gernany, Poland and Russia?

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