Thread for Zionists who Deny the Existence of the Palestinian Christians and Muslims

As usual, you totally missed the point.

We are discussing two simple and obvious facts.

1) Europeans moved to Palestine in just the last century.

2) There were Palestinian people who lived there, both Christian and Muslim.

Are those facts or not in your world?

Those are no more facts than claiming "mixing chocolate and butter together makes cookies" is a fact.

The Jewish people moved BACK to Israel, Judea and Samaria. Jews from Europe. Jews from North Africa. Jews from the Americas. Jews from Australia. Jews from the Middle East. Jews from India. Jews from freaking China. Jews from everywhere in the Diaspora. They moved BACK there to join their fellow Jews who never left, despite intense efforts by numerous invading peoples.

This whole thread is about refusing to acknowledge the existence of a people. All of your posts today erase the Jewish people. You literally refuse to put the Jewish people on the page.

And you are both a hypocrite and a fool to be posting on THIS thread about THIS topic.
The Europeans are focused on a peaceful solution. The solution can't be equitable as the Jews after the British supported colonization, are now a reality on the ground and the Palestinians have to accept that Jews now represent a substantial presence and they are going nowhere, however, the dynamic that Jews must rule over non-Jews is not a solution.

Maybe, maybe some Europeans are focused on peace, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt (putting aside their treatment of Jews).
But their judgment of the situation in ME is totally fogged by their projection of their own European values on ME people.

Why can't Arab Palestinians live in a Jewish homeland?
It actually brings them closer to their origins, language and culture.
If anything it's the Arabic culture and Islam that are the markers of their long occupation...not Hebrew, Arameic languages or the original Israelite names of ancient cities.
Why should the Palestinians NOT HAVE their own Country(considering the barbaric treatment they have had from the Synthetic Non Semitic Zionist Jews) the way Jews on-mass deserted Palestine for 1950 have really NO RIGHT OF RETURN
As I said earlier today...reset to Noah.
As spoken by a true Synthetic who thinks he is the Real Deal..He ain't of course
As usual, you totally missed the point.

We are discussing two simple and obvious facts.

1) Europeans moved to Palestine in just the last century.

2) There were Palestinian people who lived there, both Christian and Muslim.

Are those facts or not in your world?

Those are no more facts than claiming "mixing chocolate and butter together makes cookies" is a fact.

The Jewish people moved BACK to Israel, Judea and Samaria. Jews from Europe. Jews from North Africa. Jews from the Americas. Jews from Australia. Jews from the Middle East. Jews from India. Jews from freaking China. Jews from everywhere in the Diaspora. They moved BACK there to join their fellow Jews who never left, despite intense efforts by numerous invading peoples.

This whole thread is about refusing to acknowledge the existence of a people. All of your posts today erase the Jewish people. You literally refuse to put the Jewish people on the page.

And you are both a hypocrite and a fool to be posting on THIS thread about THIS topic.
Actually, it is the perfect thread, you just hate how obvious that I am able to make it.

We are discussing two simple and obvious facts.

1) Europeans moved to Palestine in just the last century.

2) There were Palestinian people who lived there, both Christian and Muslim.

Are those facts or not in your world?
As usual, you totally missed the point.

We are discussing two simple and obvious facts.

1) Europeans moved to Palestine in just the last century.

2) There were Palestinian people who lived there, both Christian and Muslim.

Are those facts or not in your world?

Those are no more facts than claiming "mixing chocolate and butter together makes cookies" is a fact.

The Jewish people moved BACK to Israel, Judea and Samaria. Jews from Europe. Jews from North Africa. Jews from the Americas. Jews from Australia. Jews from the Middle East. Jews from India. Jews from freaking China. Jews from everywhere in the Diaspora. They moved BACK there to join their fellow Jews who never left, despite intense efforts by numerous invading peoples.

This whole thread is about refusing to acknowledge the existence of a people. All of your posts today erase the Jewish people. You literally refuse to put the Jewish people on the page.

And you are both a hypocrite and a fool to be posting on THIS thread about THIS topic.
As usual, you totally missed the point.

We are discussing two simple and obvious facts.

1) Europeans moved to Palestine in just the last century.

2) There were Palestinian people who lived there, both Christian and Muslim.

Are those facts or not in your world?

Those are no more facts than claiming "mixing chocolate and butter together makes cookies" is a fact.

The Jewish people moved BACK to Israel, Judea and Samaria. Jews from Europe. Jews from North Africa. Jews from the Americas. Jews from Australia. Jews from the Middle East. Jews from India. Jews from freaking China. Jews from everywhere in the Diaspora. They moved BACK there to join their fellow Jews who never left, despite intense efforts by numerous invading peoples.

This whole thread is about refusing to acknowledge the existence of a people. All of your posts today erase the Jewish people. You literally refuse to put the Jewish people on the page.

And you are both a hypocrite and a fool to be posting on THIS thread about THIS topic.
Because she constantly must conflate Jews with zionist scum to make her "points", she is always capable of missing simple and obvious points. In this case, she can't even offer a straight answer to:

1) Europeans moved to Palestine in just the last century.

2) There were Palestinian people who lived there, both Christian and Muslim.

Are those facts or not in your world?
Show me a link Achmed. Go ahead make my day.
Wait, you need a link to know that...

1) Europeans moved to Palestine in just the last century.

2) There were Palestinian people who lived there, both Christian and Muslim.

Are those facts or not in your world?
I want to see a link that "100% of Israelis are of European / Aryan descent"

Now put up or shut up.
As usual, you totally missed the point.

We are discussing two simple and obvious facts.

1) Europeans moved to Palestine in just the last century.

2) There were Palestinian people who lived there, both Christian and Muslim.

Are those facts or not in your world?

Those are no more facts than claiming "mixing chocolate and butter together makes cookies" is a fact.

The Jewish people moved BACK to Israel, Judea and Samaria. Jews from Europe. Jews from North Africa. Jews from the Americas. Jews from Australia. Jews from the Middle East. Jews from India. Jews from freaking China. Jews from everywhere in the Diaspora. They moved BACK there to join their fellow Jews who never left, despite intense efforts by numerous invading peoples.

This whole thread is about refusing to acknowledge the existence of a people. All of your posts today erase the Jewish people. You literally refuse to put the Jewish people on the page.

And you are both a hypocrite and a fool to be posting on THIS thread about THIS topic.
Israeli Jews aren't semetic?! Woooooo you and Achmed must be smoking the same shit! Or maybe it's early symptoms of Rama-dung.
As usual, you totally missed the point.

We are discussing two simple and obvious facts.

1) Europeans moved to Palestine in just the last century.

2) There were Palestinian people who lived there, both Christian and Muslim.

Are those facts or not in your world?

Those are no more facts than claiming "mixing chocolate and butter together makes cookies" is a fact.

The Jewish people moved BACK to Israel, Judea and Samaria. Jews from Europe. Jews from North Africa. Jews from the Americas. Jews from Australia. Jews from the Middle East. Jews from India. Jews from freaking China. Jews from everywhere in the Diaspora. They moved BsACK there to join their fellow Jews who never left, despite intense efforts by numerous invading peoples.

This whole thread is about refusing to acknowledge the existence of a people. All of your posts today erase the Jewish people. You literally refuse to put the Jewish people on the page.

And you are both a hypocrite and a fool to be posting on THIS thread about THIS topic.
Because she constantly must conflate Jews with zionist scum to make her "points", she is always capable of missing simple and obvious points. In this case, she can't even offer a straight answer to:

1) Europeans moved to Palestine in just the last century.

2) There were Palestinian people who lived there, both Christian and Muslim.

Are those facts or not in your world?
I like how Monte's sock aka Achmed Louie changes the font to make us think it isn't him.

You deny these two facts:

1- many Jews were already there, and in fact starting in the 1400's by invitation of the Ottomans migrated to their holy land in larger numbers. And by the mid 1800's the majority population of Jerusalem was Jewish, who were not recent European migrants.
2- majority of Arabs who call themselves Palestinians today are invaders and squatters from neighboring Arab countries.
As usual, you totally missed the point.

We are discussing two simple and obvious facts.

1) Europeans moved to Palestine in just the last century.

2) There were Palestinian people who lived there, both Christian and Muslim.

Are those facts or not in your world?

Those are no more facts than claiming "mixing chocolate and butter together makes cookies" is a fact.

The Jewish people moved BACK to Israel, Judea and Samaria. Jews from Europe. Jews from North Africa. Jews from the Americas. Jews from Australia. Jews from the Middle East. Jews from India. Jews from freaking China. Jews from everywhere in the Diaspora. They moved BACK there to join their fellow Jews who never left, despite intense efforts by numerous invading peoples.

This whole thread is about refusing to acknowledge the existence of a people. All of your posts today erase the Jewish people. You literally refuse to put the Jewish people on the page.

And you are both a hypocrite and a fool to be posting on THIS thread about THIS topic.
Israeli Jews aren't semetic?! Woooooo you and Achmed must be smoking the same shit! Or maybe it's early symptoms of Rama-dung.
Read and COMPREHEND Rouds....I have never said all Israeli Jews are Synthetics just the Majority,Unfortunately or FORTUNATELY MOST Semitic Jewish people in Israel detest Synthetic Zionists ..fact.....Zionist Converts can be Jewish but NEVER Semitic in ANYWAY AS THEY HAVE NO DIRECT LINK TO Abraham...THEY WERE CENTRAL ASIANS who just converted to judiasim SIC........why do you find the true fact so hard to comprehend ????????

Look we have all watched how Zionists/Zionism have tried to entwine themselves with Judiasm but it is a complete falsehood....your beloved Zionism is basically a cult manufactured in in England circa 1895 by a NON SEMITIC Gay,Athiest Jew as you full well know......the majority of Semitic people are in fact the Palestinians.

Get with the programme Rouds or get off the site,and that goes for the rest of you NONE SEMITIC Zionist Trash.peddling your Bullshit.....steve
Last edited:
As usual, you totally missed the point.

We are discussing two simple and obvious facts.

1) Europeans moved to Palestine in just the last century.

2) There were Palestinian people who lived there, both Christian and Muslim.

Are those facts or not in your world?

Those are no more facts than claiming "mixing chocolate and butter together makes cookies" is a fact.

The Jewish people moved BACK to Israel, Judea and Samaria. Jews from Europe. Jews from North Africa. Jews from the Americas. Jews from Australia. Jews from the Middle East. Jews from India. Jews from freaking China. Jews from everywhere in the Diaspora. They moved BsACK there to join their fellow Jews who never left, despite intense efforts by numerous invading peoples.

This whole thread is about refusing to acknowledge the existence of a people. All of your posts today erase the Jewish people. You literally refuse to put the Jewish people on the page.

And you are both a hypocrite and a fool to be posting on THIS thread about THIS topic.
Because she constantly must conflate Jews with zionist scum to make her "points", she is always capable of missing simple and obvious points. In this case, she can't even offer a straight answer to:

1) Europeans moved to Palestine in just the last century.

2) There were Palestinian people who lived there, both Christian and Muslim.

Are those facts or not in your world?
I like how Monte's sock aka Achmed Louie changes the font to make us think it isn't him.

You deny these two facts:

1- many Jews were already there, and in fact starting in the 1400's by invitation of the Ottomans migrated to their holy land in larger numbers. And by the mid 1800's the majority population of Jerusalem was Jewish, who were not recent European migrants.
2- majority of Arabs who call themselves Palestinians today are invaders and squatters from neighboring Arab countries.
WRONG AGAIN Silly Boy...When the Christians drove out the Jews from Spain the majority of refugees 98% got a safe haven in Contantinople in Byzantiam sic you fool....not the Ottomans..........Jesus Christ where is your mind.......your Math and Accuracy in your above post,would render you a E- in Australia.....You may think that you are an A+ in you mind but even Israel would ban you from entering the country..and that's saying something.

No Rouds stop talking shit please,as I said get with the Programme...NOW...steve,I can help you if you want.

I'm theliq....Helping Jews and Americans to understand History and Facts.........
As usual, you totally missed the point.

We are discussing two simple and obvious facts.

1) Europeans moved to Palestine in just the last century.

2) There were Palestinian people who lived there, both Christian and Muslim.

Are those facts or not in your world?

Those are no more facts than claiming "mixing chocolate and butter together makes cookies" is a fact.

The Jewish people moved BACK to Israel, Judea and Samaria. Jews from Europe. Jews from North Africa. Jews from the Americas. Jews from Australia. Jews from the Middle East. Jews from India. Jews from freaking China. Jews from everywhere in the Diaspora. They moved BACK there to join their fellow Jews who never left, despite intense efforts by numerous invading peoples.

This whole thread is about refusing to acknowledge the existence of a people. All of your posts today erase the Jewish people. You literally refuse to put the Jewish people on the page.

And you are both a hypocrite and a fool to be posting on THIS thread about THIS topic.

Still fixated on that RACIAL PURITY thing??
Keep ...keep up the 'good work' for team-Palestine.
Actually, it's the Magical Kingdom of Disney Pal'istan.
Your usual deflection from the issues.

Your usual retreat to inventing a history that conforms to your delusions and misconceptions.
So, what makes Israel a legitimate, not merely a political, state?

You do know the above has been addressed for you multiple times, right?

I see you abandoned your spamming this thread with your silly "country of Arab-islamist'istan", nonsense just as you have abandoned it before when you realized your position is indefensible.

Why do you feel a need to spam multiple threads with the same nonsense when that nonsensical position crashes into the ground in flames?
Not so. Nobody has ever proven my premise to be false.

Your premise was that 'nobody in the BDS denies Jews their right to live on that land'.

We just showed Your hypocrisy, louie and theliq helping along...
What's next hiding behind "smart" one-liners or another senseless video?
Your usual deflection from the issues.

Your usual retreat to inventing a history that conforms to your delusions and misconceptions.
So, what makes Israel a legitimate, not merely a political, state?

You do know the above has been addressed for you multiple times, right?

I see you abandoned your spamming this thread with your silly "country of Arab-islamist'istan", nonsense just as you have abandoned it before when you realized your position is indefensible.

Why do you feel a need to spam multiple threads with the same nonsense when that nonsensical position crashes into the ground in flames?
Not so. Nobody has ever proven my premise to be false.

Your premise was that 'nobody in the BDS denies Jews their right to live on that land'.

We just showed Your hypocrisy, louie and theliq helping along...
What's next hiding behind "smart" one-liners or another senseless video?
Refute away.
As usual, you totally missed the point.

We are discussing two simple and obvious facts.

1) Europeans moved to Palestine in just the last century.

2) There were Palestinian people who lived there, both Christian and Muslim.

Are those facts or not in your world?

Those are no more facts than claiming "mixing chocolate and butter together makes cookies" is a fact.

The Jewish people moved BACK to Israel, Judea and Samaria. Jews from Europe. Jews from North Africa. Jews from the Americas. Jews from Australia. Jews from the Middle East. Jews from India. Jews from freaking China. Jews from everywhere in the Diaspora. They moved BsACK there to join their fellow Jews who never left, despite intense efforts by numerous invading peoples.

This whole thread is about refusing to acknowledge the existence of a people. All of your posts today erase the Jewish people. You literally refuse to put the Jewish people on the page.

And you are both a hypocrite and a fool to be posting on THIS thread about THIS topic.
Because she constantly must conflate Jews with zionist scum to make her "points", she is always capable of missing simple and obvious points. In this case, she can't even offer a straight answer to:

1) Europeans moved to Palestine in just the last century.

2) There were Palestinian people who lived there, both Christian and Muslim.

Are those facts or not in your world?
I like how Monte's sock aka Achmed Louie changes the font to make us think it isn't him.

You deny these two facts:

1- many Jews were already there, and in fact starting in the 1400's by invitation of the Ottomans migrated to their holy land in larger numbers. And by the mid 1800's the majority population of Jerusalem was Jewish, who were not recent European migrants.
2- majority of Arabs who call themselves Palestinians today are invaders and squatters from neighboring Arab countries.
WRONG AGAIN Silly Boy...When the Christians drove out the Jews from Spain the majority of refugees 98% got a safe haven in Contantinople in Byzantiam sic you fool....not the Ottomans..........Jesus Christ where is your mind.......your Math and Accuracy in your above post,would render you a E- in Australia.....You may think that you are an A+ in you mind but even Israel would ban you from entering the country..and that's saying something.

No Rouds stop talking shit please,as I said get with the Programme...NOW...steve,I can help you if you want.

I'm theliq....Helping Jews and Americans to understand History and Facts.........
That was Spain; what about the Jews in Gernany, Poland and Russia?
As usual, you totally missed the point.

We are discussing two simple and obvious facts.

1) Europeans moved to Palestine in just the last century.

2) There were Palestinian people who lived there, both Christian and Muslim.

Are those facts or not in your world?

Those are no more facts than claiming "mixing chocolate and butter together makes cookies" is a fact.

The Jewish people moved BACK to Israel, Judea and Samaria. Jews from Europe. Jews from North Africa. Jews from the Americas. Jews from Australia. Jews from the Middle East. Jews from India. Jews from freaking China. Jews from everywhere in the Diaspora. They moved BACK there to join their fellow Jews who never left, despite intense efforts by numerous invading peoples.

This whole thread is about refusing to acknowledge the existence of a people. All of your posts today erase the Jewish people. You literally refuse to put the Jewish people on the page.

And you are both a hypocrite and a fool to be posting on THIS thread about THIS topic.
Israeli Jews aren't semetic?! Woooooo you and Achmed must be smoking the same shit! Or maybe it's early symptoms of Rama-dung.
Read and COMPREHEND Rouds....I have never said all Israeli Jews are Synthetics just the Majority,Unfortunately or FORTUNATELY MOST Semitic Jewish people in Israel detest Synthetic Zionists ..fact.....Zionist Converts can be Jewish but NEVER Semitic in ANYWAY AS THEY HAVE NO DIRECT LINK TO Abraham...THEY WERE CENTRAL ASIANS who just converted to judiasim SIC........why do you find the true fact so hard to comprehend ????????

Look we have all watched how Zionists/Zionism have tried to entwine themselves with Judiasm but it is a complete falsehood....your beloved Zionism is basically a cult manufactured in in England circa 1895 by a NON SEMITIC Gay,Athiest Jew as you full well know......the majority of Semitic people are in fact the Palestinians.

Get with the programme Rouds or get off the site,and that goes for the rest of you NONE SEMITIC Zionist Trash.peddling your Bullshit.....steve
So such thing as a "synthetic Jew". Just the wild imagination of a rabid antisemite.
As usual, you totally missed the point.

We are discussing two simple and obvious facts.

1) Europeans moved to Palestine in just the last century.

2) There were Palestinian people who lived there, both Christian and Muslim.

Are those facts or not in your world?

Those are no more facts than claiming "mixing chocolate and butter together makes cookies" is a fact.

The Jewish people moved BACK to Israel, Judea and Samaria. Jews from Europe. Jews from North Africa. Jews from the Americas. Jews from Australia. Jews from the Middle East. Jews from India. Jews from freaking China. Jews from everywhere in the Diaspora. They moved BsACK there to join their fellow Jews who never left, despite intense efforts by numerous invading peoples.

This whole thread is about refusing to acknowledge the existence of a people. All of your posts today erase the Jewish people. You literally refuse to put the Jewish people on the page.

And you are both a hypocrite and a fool to be posting on THIS thread about THIS topic.
Because she constantly must conflate Jews with zionist scum to make her "points", she is always capable of missing simple and obvious points. In this case, she can't even offer a straight answer to:

1) Europeans moved to Palestine in just the last century.

2) There were Palestinian people who lived there, both Christian and Muslim.

Are those facts or not in your world?
I like how Monte's sock aka Achmed Louie changes the font to make us think it isn't him.

You deny these two facts:

1- many Jews were already there, and in fact starting in the 1400's by invitation of the Ottomans migrated to their holy land in larger numbers. And by the mid 1800's the majority population of Jerusalem was Jewish, who were not recent European migrants.
2- majority of Arabs who call themselves Palestinians today are invaders and squatters from neighboring Arab countries.
WRONG AGAIN Silly Boy...When the Christians drove out the Jews from Spain the majority of refugees 98% got a safe haven in Contantinople in Byzantiam sic you fool....not the Ottomans..........Jesus Christ where is your mind.......your Math and Accuracy in your above post,would render you a E- in Australia.....You may think that you are an A+ in you mind but even Israel would ban you from entering the country..and that's saying something.

No Rouds stop talking shit please,as I said get with the Programme...NOW...steve,I can help you if you want.

I'm theliq....Helping Jews and Americans to understand History and Facts.........
You are blaberring incoherently again. The Ottomans who were in control of the land starting in the 1400's invited the Jews to migrate back to their holy land as well as the rest of the Ottoman Empire. I have posted many articles as evidence.
We are discussing two simple and obvious facts.

1) Europeans moved to Palestine in just the last century.

2) There were Palestinian people who lived there, both Christian and Muslim.

Are those facts or not in your world?
We are discussing two simple and obvious facts.

1) Europeans moved to Palestine in just the last century.

2) There were Palestinian people who lived there, both Christian and Muslim.

Are those facts or not in your world?
Monte you are such a "genius", using your sock to switch to your font and posting bullshit that has been answered over and over. :rofl:
We are discussing two simple and obvious facts.

1) Europeans moved to Palestine in just the last century.

2) There were Palestinian people who lived there, both Christian and Muslim.

Are those facts or not in your world?
Monte you are such a "genius", using your sock to switch to your font and posting bullshit that has been answered over and over. :rofl:
We are discussing two simple and obvious facts.

1) Europeans moved to Palestine in just the last century.

2) There were Palestinian people who lived there, both Christian and Muslim.

Are those facts or not in your world?
We are discussing two simple and obvious facts.

1) Europeans moved to Palestine in just the last century.

2) There were Palestinian people who lived there, both Christian and Muslim.

Are those facts or not in your world?
Monte you are such a "genius", using your sock to switch to your font and posting bullshit that has been answered over and over. :rofl:
We are discussing two simple and obvious facts.

1) Europeans moved to Palestine in just the last century.

2) There were Palestinian people who lived there, both Christian and Muslim.

Are those facts or not in your world?
Facts out of context.
BTW, how did those Christians get there?
They weren't Jews who converted because that failed after Hebrews and that's why Saul had to write Romans.

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