Three Years Of Iran Building Nukes,Why Hasn't Obama Spoken To America On The Crisis ?

This is the Iraq war scene deju vu

Paint some country as evil to garner support for to take control of Iran oil and natural gas.

Don't get duped again!!!
Not really. Militarily, Iran is a weak nation.
Rhode Island could beat the crap out it.
We have enough of our own oil and gas.....If the government would stop kowtowing to the enviro-wackos and allow us to go get it.

The Fact is there are only 2 nations on Earth who are not our allies, that could come close to giving us a run for our Money in a Battle of Conventional Military Forces. Russia and China. A war with any other Nation other than some of our allies will look just like the Opening Parts of Iraq, or Desert Storm. one Side completely out classed by the other.
i am aware of what the navy is doing in the straights, its the fact that our president has never gone on national TV and kept us afloat on the Iranian Nuclear Crisis. Just once, why wont Obama say,,,,Iran plans on building nuclear weapons on my watch. Thats all,,,why wont he say it to the 300 million american who are in fear?

Do you think Iran's nuclear program started on Obama's watch?

How come Bush never said, "Iran plans on a nuclear weapons program on my watch"?

What would you have Obama do, exactly, and why didn't Bush do it?
i am aware of what the navy is doing in the straights, its the fact that our president has never gone on national TV and kept us afloat on the Iranian Nuclear Crisis. Just once, why wont Obama say,,,,Iran plans on building nuclear weapons on my watch. Thats all,,,why wont he say it to the 300 million american who are in fear?

Do you think Iran's nuclear program started on Obama's watch?

How come Bush never said, "Iran plans on a nuclear weapons program on my watch"?

What would you have Obama do, exactly, and why didn't Bush do it?

Bush did say Iran could not be allowed to get a nuke. Besides what the hell kind of Excuse is that. Bush didn't stop them so it's ok Obama is not going to try?
What does Bush have to do with todays crisis? I dont recall Iran building nukes when Bush was president, and if they were, Bush would of taken them out !!
Saber rattling is a propaganda technique that is counter productive to actual diplomacy. We have nothing to gain by our president escalating tensions just to play to the voters who seem to want a president who issues foolish ultimatums for kicks. The adults are in charge here, your massive body counts will have to wait for a less prudent, republican president.
This is the Iraq war scene deju vu

Paint some country as evil to garner support for to take control of Iran oil and natural gas.

Don't get duped again!!!
Not really. Militarily, Iran is a weak nation.
Rhode Island could beat the crap out it.
We have enough of our own oil and gas.....If the government would stop kowtowing to the enviro-wackos and allow us to go get it.

Iran and Iraq fought to a draw.

Iran has more than double the population of Iraq though and not the same level of hate for their gov't, it'll be much uglier than the War in Iraq.

If you're pro Iran War, be ready to justify 10,000 dead american soldiers and another 80-100,000 permanently injured and obviously trillions in debt.
Saber rattling is a propaganda technique that is counter productive to actual diplomacy. We have nothing to gain by our president escalating tensions just to play to the voters who seem to want a president who issues foolish ultimatums for kicks. The adults are in charge here, your massive body counts will have to wait for a less prudent, republican president.

Correct, we remember that long agonizing period at the debate table over Libya where Obama was being diplomatic like an adult.

Remember all the months of debate and diplomacy over whether or not we should get entangled in the Libya conflict? You don't?

Me either.
and where is our fearless leader today as prices of crude keeps going up? is Iran the primary reason?

And the fact that this is never brought up on the news. Has anyone ever heard an anchor complain or mention that Obama has yet to bring up a news conference regarding Iran in the process of building nuclear weapons? Has Obama ever mention it to his supporters during his rallies?
And this is our leader? This would be like the Kennedy Administration never mentioning the Cuba Missile Crisis to America.
What's Obama Afraid Of ? Losing the "Muslim Terrorist Vote"? Or maybe he's too embarrassed to tell his 40% of supporters that Iran might bomb Israel or maybe even the USA?
Have you ever seen a President who avoids speaking of a nuclear crisis on top of all the other crisis's he's created? And what happens when Iran starts testing bombs? or send one in the direction of Israel? Will he just stay silent and beat up on Mitt Romney Instead?

Here's the deal; we can't stop every country from developing nuclear power and/or weapons. The technology is in the hands of almost everyone now, and if countries want nukes, they will probably get them, unless we are going to take over every country that decides they want them. The biggest true threat with Iran having nukes is that Israel might blow them off the map and planet. There will always be the fear that the Iranians could launch a nuclear warhead at Israel, but honestly, that threat isn't very likely. If it ever does happen, God help 70 million Iranians.
i heard that they recently tried to acquire yellowcake from mali.

you would not want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud.
Saber rattling is a propaganda technique that is counter productive to actual diplomacy. We have nothing to gain by our president escalating tensions just to play to the voters who seem to want a president who issues foolish ultimatums for kicks. The adults are in charge here, your massive body counts will have to wait for a less prudent, republican president.

Correct, we remember that long agonizing period at the debate table over Libya where Obama was being diplomatic like an adult.

Remember all the months of debate and diplomacy over whether or not we should get entangled in the Libya conflict? You don't?

Me either.

I remember the warhawks (McCain and others) urging him to get in there ASAP when they thought he would not go and then claiming he waited too long when he did and then turning totally against the libyan action when it became apparent that it would not be a huge windfall for the war profiteers.
Another fabrications of evidence to use as an excuse to invade and kill Iran's president?

KAHLILI: Iran already has nuclear weapons
Reza Kahlili The Washington Times

Western intelligence has known it for years

The pressure the United States and the West is bringing to bear on Iran to keep it from acquiring nuclear weapons is all for naught. Not only does the Islamic Republic already have nuclear weapons from the old Soviet Union, but it has enough enriched uranium for more. What’s worse, it has a delivery system.

The West for nearly a decade has worried about Iran’s uranium enhancement, believing Iran is working on a nuclear bomb, though the government maintains its uranium is only for peaceful purposes.
The pressure the United States and the West is bringing to bear on Iran to keep it from acquiring nuclear weapons is all for naught. Not only does the Islamic Republic already have nuclear weapons from the old Soviet Union, but it has enough enriched uranium for more. What’s worse, it has a delivery system.

The West for nearly a decade has worried about Iran’s uranium enhancement, believing Iran is working on a nuclear bomb, though the government maintains its uranium is only for peaceful purposes.
When Iran began its nuclear program in the mid-1980s,
KAHLILI: Iran already has nuclear weapons - Washington Times

Yeah, right, blame Obama. He get blame for what every one else does and for what every one else don't do. Damned if he do and damned if he don't.

And the fact that this is never brought up on the news. Has anyone ever heard an anchor complain or mention that Obama has yet to bring up a news conference regarding Iran in the process of building nuclear weapons? Has Obama ever mention it to his supporters during his rallies?
And this is our leader? This would be like the Kennedy Administration never mentioning the Cuba Missile Crisis to America.
What's Obama Afraid Of ? Losing the "Muslim Terrorist Vote"? Or maybe he's too embarrassed to tell his 40% of supporters that Iran might bomb Israel or maybe even the USA?
Have you ever seen a President who avoids speaking of a nuclear crisis on top of all the other crisis's he's created? And what happens when Iran starts testing bombs? or send one in the direction of Israel? Will he just stay silent and beat up on Mitt Romney Instead?

That President of ours is one Egalitarian motherfucker.

He thinks that ALL countries should have an equal right to nuclear weapons.

It's only fair.
Obama deals with the nuclear crisis the same way he did during the 2009 riots in Iran,,,,Lets Just Wait And See How It All Plays Out".......that's like saying,,,,lets just wait and see if Iran Bombs Israel, and then Joe Biden and I will take our time deciding whether to retalliate.
Three Years Of Iran Building Nukes,Why Hasn't Obama Spoken To America On The Crisis ?

Umm perhaps because this is bush doctrine attitude.
What crisis? Is there really a crisis?

Bee afraid!

Ohh keep us safe!

Why worry?
If it does become a crisis. Israel will take care of it. And we will pay $5 for gasoline.
Kind of an oil company payoff. Kinda makes you wonder since they would be making gigabucks if Iran develops the bomb...hmmm
But what the hey? We will be paying $5 for gas before you know it anyway.
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and where is Obama now as we are approaching one year of Very Expensive Gas Prices !!!!
Obama wanted gas prices to rise.
The oft repeated quote he gave during an interview in the 2008 campaign...." I would be comfortable with four dollar gasoline"..
Obama has always maintained that energy conservation should be forced upon the country by the use of high prices.
It has been my perception that if Obama could have weathered the political storm, he would have raised the federal gas tax to at least one dollar per gallon from it's present 18CPG.
I have no doubt that if gas were under $2 he would have done it already.
High fuel costs have been one of the major factors as to why this economy just cannot recover.
Saber rattling is a propaganda technique that is counter productive to actual diplomacy. We have nothing to gain by our president escalating tensions just to play to the voters who seem to want a president who issues foolish ultimatums for kicks. The adults are in charge here, your massive body counts will have to wait for a less prudent, republican president.

Correct, we remember that long agonizing period at the debate table over Libya where Obama was being diplomatic like an adult.

Remember all the months of debate and diplomacy over whether or not we should get entangled in the Libya conflict? You don't?

Me either.

I remember the warhawks (McCain and others) urging him to get in there ASAP when they thought he would not go and then claiming he waited too long when he did and then turning totally against the libyan action when it became apparent that it would not be a huge windfall for the war profiteers.

I remember when Obamabots pretended to be anti-war, pretended to give a shit about U.S. missiles killing civilians/children/babies/women, going to war unprovoked, and not meddling in the Middle East.

Then when their walking god did everything Bush did, they became the loudest cheering fans of the Bush Doctrine. Such is the impact of partisan politics on the human brain.

I'm a fringe radical, why? Because I'm against warmongering when R's or D's do it, I'm sure that must sound crazy.

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