Thug with badge assaults disabled woman and 4 year old son

Fromn the linked story on the OP's link...
“He took his clothes off, gun, uniform, and pants, and tried to jump out the window,” the man said.
Clearly this man has mental issues. Certainly not a representation of typical police behavior, which based on his posting history, the OP was probably trying to portray it as. I'd wager the OP did not even read the linked story from his link, or he'd most likely not have bothered to start this thread.
Fromn the linked story on the OP's link...
“He took his clothes off, gun, uniform, and pants, and tried to jump out the window,” the man said.
Clearly this man has mental issues. Certainly not a representation of typical police behavior, which based on his posting history, the OP was probably trying to portray it as. I'd wager the OP did not even read the linked story from his link, or he'd most likely not have bothered to start this thread.

No he's probably part of the libertarian idiots like Paulitician that believes we are headed towards a police state or his wife ran off with a LEO and he can't get over it.
Fromn the linked story on the OP's link...
“He took his clothes off, gun, uniform, and pants, and tried to jump out the window,” the man said.
Clearly this man has mental issues. Certainly not a representation of typical police behavior, which based on his posting history, the OP was probably trying to portray it as. I'd wager the OP did not even read the linked story from his link, or he'd most likely not have bothered to start this thread.

No he's probably part of the libertarian idiots like Paulitician that believes we are headed towards a police state or his wife ran off with a LEO and he can't get over it.

No, I didn't mean Dissent has mental issues.... well, he does of course, but I was talking about the cop.
We aren't headed to a police state. We ARE a police state...only a blind fool doesn't realize that.
By the limited information it sounds like he went crazy. The fact that he was arrested proves that we certainly are not in a police state, at least locally. Whether the Attorney General is prosecuted for his role in gun running and murder is another matter.
Unfortunately, this snippet doesn't give enough information to make a determination on whether the officer acted wrongly or not.
If we were "in a police state" you wouldn't even know about the incident. The police would cover it up or ignore it or even encourage it. The fact that the media reported it and the officer is under arrest or being investigated indicates that the system is working correctly. What more do you want? Ron Paul?

There are idiots in every profession.

The badge had nothing to do with it.

Pull your head out.

Without the badge he doesnt have the balls to break in.........

Full, read the story the OP's source links to. It clearly shows there are mental issues involved. This guy would have done this if he was a janitor, parking lot attendant or even a brain surgeon. He has issues.
Head buried in sand still huh?

I happen to know what a police state is, you are nothing but a paranoid idiot.

If this was indeed a police state.... you would not have the freedom to write in this forum.

They have tried to regulate the internet they just ain't got there yet...they will in time believe me...Remember SOPA? We caused an uproar and it never passed. We do live in a police state. When you can't drive down the road without being forced through a "dui" checkpoint like I live in some foreign country is in fact a symptom of the police state. Its absolutely pathetic and stupid. I have been through 2 of those while driving also was harassed in my town by a random road block where a pig tried opening my back door,good thing I keep them locked from the inside he claimed my son wasn't buckled in correct and was trying to abuse his power as usual to see inside my vehicle...oh btw he was buckled up correctly as if that's any of the pigs business...I was forced to pull over in NC while getting off an off ramp just to see my DL...its unbelievable how much shit we put up with in this police state.
If we live in a police state it's selective policing. After all, if this woman was a racist homophobe and the cop was "saving" the child by removing him from the home none of this would make the press.

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