Zone1 Tik Tok


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2022
Most young voters get most of their information on Tik Tok. Is it wise to ban this?

Yes and no.
They allowed Tik Tok to become a problem so they could ban it. But instead what will happen is Tik Toc will probably stay and the DemocRrats will use their new legislation to go after Twitter.
Yes and no.
They allowed Tik Tok to become a problem so they could ban it. But instead what will happen is Tik Toc will probably stay and the DemocRrats will use their new legislation to go after Twitter.
And anyone else who doesn't toe Big Brother's line.

Patriot Act 2.0.
The generation of screen addicted nincompoops will just find their disinformation and stupid videos from another site.
Yes and no.
They allowed Tik Tok to become a problem so they could ban it. But instead what will happen is Tik Toc will probably stay and the DemocRrats will use their new legislation to go after Twitter.
I was at FB for a few years, as a large number of message board frens migrated there....Was a lot of fun, until Zuckerturd was on the losing end of the Great Meme War....Then all the cool edgy pages and posters were purged, over the course of the next few years.

It's still fine for gathering information on things like history and such...But anything over and above mundane Big Brother approved pablum is strictly verboten.
Yes it should be banned.

I still maintain social media was one of mankinds worst creations. It was fine to start with when it was used in moderation and just as a casual thing. But social media has become an addiction for Americans, especially younger ones. Now it's rotting the brains of generations and was millions of Americans lives as they spend multiple hours a day just flipping through garbage mindlessly and it infects young people minds and ruins their perception of the real world and makes them social retards.

I find all of it an anchor around Americans necks. I only use Twitter so I can follow movie studios and game developers and a couple guys that post deals on stuff. I only have 1 follower and that's my wife and have made like 6 posts asking questions.
Most young voters get most of their information on Tik Tok. Is it wise to ban this?


Young voters should get the information that they use to decide how to vote from government and civics classes, and intelligent parents, but NOPE! Ain't none of these out there anymore.

Well, except in towns like the one I live in.


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