Time To End The Trump Investigations

Dems are "investigating" something which they alleged themselves and which never existed.

Not only it's time to stop those "investigations" but also it's time to judge all those "servants of American people" who are fooling American people at their own expense.


"The Democrats" aren't investigating anything.
Sure they are. All the lawyers Mewler hired are Democrats.

Prove it.

Mueller is a Republican. The House and Senate are controlled by Republicans. The AG who appointed Mueller is a Republican.

And so on.
Dems are "investigating" something which they alleged themselves and which never existed.

Not only it's time to stop those "investigations" but also it's time to judge all those "servants of American people" who are fooling American people at their own expense.


"The Democrats" aren't investigating anything.
Sure they are. All the lawyers Mewler hired are Democrats.

Prove it.

Mueller is a Republican. The House and Senate are controlled by Republicans. The AG who appointed Mueller is a Republican.

And so on.
Mewler is not a Republican.
Dems are "investigating" something which they alleged themselves and which never existed.

Not only it's time to stop those "investigations" but also it's time to judge all those "servants of American people" who are fooling American people at their own expense.


"The Democrats" aren't investigating anything.
Sure they are. All the lawyers Mewler hired are Democrats.

Prove it.

Mueller is a Republican. The House and Senate are controlled by Republicans. The AG who appointed Mueller is a Republican.

And so on.
Mewler is not a Republican.


Yeah, he is.
Wait a sec.....we need a thorough 100 year investigation so we can make sure someone perjures themself.
Jeff Sessions already did, within the first 30 to 60 days and so did Flynn, well he lied before the FBI if reporting is correct and that was within the first 10 days or so of the inauguration... no need to wait the hundred years.... :rolleyes:
Trump needs to take this Russian hacking seriously by confiscating the DNC servers
Why would anyone but a D activist want to turn off one of the D engines of Self-destruction? IL will go junk because of a lack of structural reform. The IL corruption investigation will generate many leads to other investigations in other states about how D political machines try to steal each and every election and only the lack of D competence prevents that. Leave them alone except for providing ammo for their circular firing squad.
Mueller is here to do one thing, bury the crimes of The DNC, Clinton and Obama when they tried to rig the election.

This will all be swept under the rug. There will be some finger pouring and misdirection but no evidence will be shown to The American Public.
The difference is 4 dead Americans that you and Hillary obviously don't give a damn about.
Unlike the thousands killed in the WTC. Republicans were so angry, they let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him. Just so Obama could take him down. Well it worked.

And Trump said he lost hundreds of friends but couldn't name a single one. In fact, he was so over come, not only couldn't he remember any names, he couldn't go to a single funeral. Glad he didn't lie and use their deaths to score political points. Only a monster would do that.

Don't you agree?


Don't you?
The difference is 4 dead Americans that you and Hillary obviously don't give a damn about.
Unlike the thousands killed in the WTC. Republicans were so angry, they let Bin Laden go and stopped looking for him. Just so Obama could take him down. Well it worked.

And Trump said he lost hundreds of friends but couldn't name a single one. In fact, he was so over come, not only couldn't he remember any names, he couldn't go to a single funeral. Glad he didn't lie and use their deaths to score political points. Only a monster would do that.

Don't you agree?


Don't you?

Deflection and weaseling. You are such a beautiful snowflake.

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