Time to get back to the grass roots


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020
Conservatives have the tools for a peaceful revolution - American Thinker

for non DC establishment conservatives.

Untrustworthy leadership hasn’t been enough either. President Biden is clearly mentally deficient, judging by his confused public speaking. The unlikeable Vice President’s decisive primary losses prove no one wanted her in the White House. She blames racism, of course.

Leftist policies haven’t been enough. Biden’s numerous executive orders undoing policies clearly important to half the country, and beneficial to the other half, haven’t stimulated a significant response. Lies, misleading information, disastrous economic policies, open borders, bad trade and climate agreements, distorted COVID-19 facts, and destroying girls’ sports, etc., have only generated more noise.

Nor have decades of leftist indoctrination in educational institutions been enough. Schools don’t even teach how our republic operates or why it was designed as it is. They teach how America has perpetrated great evil in the world, and demand false rights, like healthcare, abortion, and “equitable” life outcomes. They deny the very existence of a Creator, from whom natural rights come. One doesn’t even have to believe in a Creator to understand the logic of natural rights, but the left refuses to see even that.

Unscrupulous politicians violate federal and state constitutions without opposition since too few people know what these vital contracts even say. Politicians’ need for reelection money is so powerful it corrupts even the most well-meaning officeholders who are seemingly unconcerned about the long-term consequences of pursuing their short-term interests.

Yet, conservatives are still not mad enough to do anything!

Conservatives are targeted by left-leaning business enterprises that punish them for their views. These are the same people who used the law to punish bakers for not wanting to participate in a gay wedding or support leftist ideas. Leftists are the equivalent of Tories in colonial America who considered independence speech hateful, southern slaveholders who hated abolitionist speech, and segregationists who hated hearing about Civil Rights. Allowing speech you hate is the whole point of the First Amendment.

Some conservatives say, “Don’t worry…just wait until they come for our guns.”

That line of thinking has gotten us nowhere so far. Conservatives did little when banks refused to provide services to firearms-related businesses, or when state policies forced manufacturers to leave, and they were silent when people sued firearms manufacturers for a gun owner’s behavior. Will they finally do something when they are told to register their weapons or when they are required to pay a tax to keep them? Or will it be when they are ordered to relinquish them at gunpoint?

I know from reading and listening that conservatives do want to do something, but they don’t know what exactly. The good news is conservatives can act, and it does not require a violent revolution.

First, while the federal election leaves them feeling frustrated and even powerless, it’s really true that “all politics is local.” There is significant political power locally, and conservatives must learn to use it to change America’s direction.

Conservatives must recognize that this is a culture war in which the left currently dominates -- but the right can use the same tactics. The conservative advantage is that its principles and objectives are best for everyone. To win, then, conservatives must demonstrate this reality in ways that positively affect most Americans—especially those sitting on the political fence or reflexively voting for Democrat.

Too few conservatives pay attention to elections for city and county councils, school boards, and state legislatures. The left pays attention and devotes time and energy to develop comprehensive action plans to advance leftist ideals. Conservatives must do the same, although this means sacrificing time, talent, and even treasure.

Conservatives can volunteer to go door-to-door promoting their candidates and work the phone banks to educate voters and solicit support. They can volunteer for candidates at campaign headquarters and serve as poll workers to keep elections transparent and honest. They can put up yard signs and engage their neighbors in meaningful discussions.

Because elections are expensive, conservatives must put their money behind good candidates. This action can replace left-leaning politicians at the local level, positively affecting elections at all levels.

Conservatives can regain control of local school boards and counter leftist indoctrination in K-12 schools. They can also promote homeschooling, so the leftist content advocated by teachers’ unions affects fewer children. Most importantly, conservatives must mentor their own kids instead of relying upon schools. They must have sit-down family meals whenever possible and discuss topics that matter to them. They must also control the media their children absorb. The Left is infecting kids in every way possible.

Learning to enjoy the “B” movie content produced by faith organizations instead of Hollywood’s explicit sex, gratuitous violence, and incessant leftist content will help. People’s money and time are powerful tools to encourage more “A” level entertainment promoting universal values like courage, honor, truth, and justice. These movies don’t have to be boring or instructional. The good ones don’t titillate base instincts. They offer real talent and compelling stories—think Schindler’s List or The Blind Side. The success of “A” level faith-based films like The Passion of the Christ shows there is a market.

Conservatives must counter the Cancel Culture. Ben Shapiro’s The Daily Wire set an outstanding example by immediately hiring Gina Carano to create and star in her own film after Disney’s Lucasfilms vindictively fired her for having conservative values. The Daily Wire also recently produced Run, Hide, Fight, an action movie that encourages positive conservative values.

Boycotting every leftist business is impractical, but conservatives can successfully boycott specific businesses. Just as they rallied to support Chick-fil-A against leftist boycotts, they can collectively and systematically boycott high-value Leftist targets. They must deny the target their business and make it clear why. Businesses listen when profits plummet. When finished with one left-leaning business, they can move to the next. Other businesses will change behaviors to avoid this negative attention.

Errant politicians can be held accountable for their actions as is happening with Wyoming’s Rep. Liz Cheney and California’s Governor Gavin Newsom. Conservatives need to step up organizing these grassroots efforts just as leftists have done, and they must remember and target Republicans who sell out their conservative constituents.

Ultimately, conservatives must avoid the “We’ll get ‘em next time” mindset that believes the next federal election will be the one that finally works. They must drive all sorts of political and election activities, especially at the local level, to effect change. If they don’t, the left will continue to set the political agenda and ultimately destroy the republic. They know what they’re doing and so do conservatives. It is simply irresponsible and too late to wait until they come for our guns.
Conservatives are not with you Trump populist because that would not make them conservatives if they did..
Conservatives must counter the Cancel Culture.

Conservatives _are_ Cancel Culture. They invented it, and now they devote their entire lives to it. Just look at how they're purging any Republican who isn't sucking DearLeader's bum.

Ben Shapiro’s The Daily Wire set an outstanding example by immediately hiring Gina Carano to create and star in her own film after Disney’s Lucasfilms vindictively fired her for having conservative values.

I'm sure that will be every bit as successful as the _Atlas Shrugged_ movie.
Conservatives must counter the Cancel Culture.

Conservatives _are_ Cancel Culture. They invented it, and now they devote their entire lives to it. Just look at how they're purging any Republican who isn't sucking DearLeader's bum.

Stemming from a phony charges in 2 impeachments. And after the way African American conservatives are treated don't lecture anyone on the right about tolerance.

Ben Shapiro’s The Daily Wire set an outstanding example by immediately hiring Gina Carano to create and star in her own film after Disney’s Lucasfilms vindictively fired her for having conservative values.

I'm sure that will be every bit as successful as the _Atlas Shrugged_ movie.

Who knows.
First thing the MAGA people have to do is get legal guarantees that observers will get into the count centres in 2022 (imagine even having to ask for that.)
Then recruit an army of count observers to make sure each ballot is scrutinised the next time.
I do think they will do well in 2022 if they get rid of the old guard, and put up working class, blue collqr fighters.
The pendulum will swing back again.
Dems won't have the China Virus next time to carry out mass fraud.
Conservatives must counter the Cancel Culture.

Conservatives _are_ Cancel Culture. They invented it, and now they devote their entire lives to it. Just look at how they're purging any Republican who isn't sucking DearLeader's bum.

Ben Shapiro’s The Daily Wire set an outstanding example by immediately hiring Gina Carano to create and star in her own film after Disney’s Lucasfilms vindictively fired her for having conservative values.

I'm sure that will be every bit as successful as the _Atlas Shrugged_ movie.
Yeah, conservatives are burning cars outside Democrat conventions and attacking students going to listen to the Young Turks.
WTF are you on about?
Yeah, conservatives are burning cars

Conservatives are staging violent fascist coup attempts. And most of them are not in the least sorry for that. They supported the violent fascist coup attempt, and they want to see more violent fascist coup attempts. They know they can't win national elections any more, so they're attacking democracy.

The two sides are total opposites. The liberals are peaceful and democratic, while conservatives are violent and fascist. Needless to say, liberal patriots don't accept moral lectures from fascist traitors.
Yeah, conservatives are burning cars

Conservatives are staging violent fascist coup attempts. And most of them are not in the least sorry for that. They supported the violent fascist coup attempt, and they want to see more violent fascist coup attempts. They know they can't win national elections any more, so they're attacking democracy.

The two sides are total opposites. The liberals are peaceful and democratic, while conservatives are violent and fascist. Needless to say, liberal patriots don't accept moral lectures from fascist traitors.
Um. Stop calling people Fascists when you patently don't understand it.
Um. Stop calling people Fascists when you patently don't understand it.

Fascism is right-wing authoritarianism. It differs from other forms of authoritarianism in that it embraces crony capitialism, and in that it seeks to maintain the status quo.

That's the modern Republican party, as controlled by the Trump cult.

You seem to sort of know what fascists are, so why are you denying that the Trump cult qualfies?
Conservatives are staging violent fascist coup attempts. And most of them are not in the least sorry for that. They supported the violent fascist coup attempt, and they want to see more violent fascist coup attempts. They know they can't win national elections any more, so they're attacking democracy.

The two sides are total opposites. The liberals are peaceful and democratic, while conservatives are violent and fascist. Needless to say, liberal patriots don't accept moral lectures from fascist traitors.

Is it dope? The 'ol wacky tobacky? Are you all hopped up on crank?
The sad reality is "conservatives" don't have balls...They are scared shitless of the vicious Left.
They don't know how to behave like impactful activists do...they can't take a stand against anything...they have just about lost their nation for their nutlessness.
Yeah, conservatives are burning cars

Conservatives are staging violent fascist coup attempts. And most of them are not in the least sorry for that. They supported the violent fascist coup attempt, and they want to see more violent fascist coup attempts. They know they can't win national elections any more, so they're attacking democracy.

The two sides are total opposites. The liberals are peaceful and democratic, while conservatives are violent and fascist. Needless to say, liberal patriots don't accept moral lectures from fascist traitors.
Conservatives are staging violent fascist coup attempts.
Where, you idiot.
Um. Stop calling people Fascists when you patently don't understand it.

Fascism is right-wing authoritarianism. It differs from other forms of authoritarianism in that it embraces crony capitialism, and in that it seeks to maintain the status quo.

That's the modern Republican party, as controlled by the Trump cult.

You seem to sort of know what fascists are, so why are you denying that the Trump cult qualfies?
Fascism was economically left, and socially right.
They believed in nationalisation of industry and banks for example.
They were a reaction to Communism, which at the time was a barbaric ideology committing atrocities not unlike ISIS did in Syria.
Europeans feared the encroachment of Communism mainly as it was a threat to Chrisitianity.
Communists murdered around 8000 Priests and Nuns in Spain.
That's why Fascism surged in popularity.
Trump is so far from the description of a fascist that it's laughable.

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