Time travel to the past ?????

Also, as we approach the speed of light, our mass increases.

And so the force needed to speed up the craft would be moving ever higher as that mass kept increasing.
Also, as we approach the speed of light, our mass increases.
And so the force needed to speed up the craft would be moving ever higher as that mass kept increasing.

True, as you approach 1C, mass reaches infinity so you can never go faster, but time outside your ship would greatly speed up so that in a short while, you would see the distant future, while you would appear to them frozen in time like a fly stuck in amber.
E = MC^

Energy is equivalent to mass times the velocity of light squared.

What is light squared? Wouldn’t it be faster than the speed of light? But don’t Einstein also say that nothing can be faster than (the speed of) light?
What is light squared? Wouldn’t it be faster than the speed of light?
No. It is just C times C, a bigger number, not faster.

But don’t Einstein also say that nothing can be faster than (the speed of) light?
Nothing can go faster than light. Matter cannot go as fast as light without becoming energy itself, and energy, light, photons, etc., cannot exceed light speed without warping the physical laws of the universe. So when you look towards the constellation of Andromeda, you are seeing light from 2.5 million years ago that left there when apes and humans were first diverging and the saber-toothed cat was first appearing on Earth.

Of course, there are a few theories that light changes speed slightly with time and there is some support for that as, when light passes through glass and refracts (bends path), it does so partly because it has changed speed interacting with the substrate according to wavelength.
First you have to get around the Law of Conservation of Matter and Energy.

You can change matter into energy, or vice-versa, but you can not add to or subtract from the total amount of energy plus matter in the Universe.

If you go back in time, you have removed a quantity of matter and energy from this "now" universe and added such to that "past' universe.
Most who understand physics will advise that such is impossible.

An example to consider. You ate a big mac burger before your trip back in time. Six months ago the meat pattie was in a cow and the wheat flour for the bun was growing in the field. when you go back in time, does the hamburger remain in your stomach and the cow have a hole where the pattie would have been, the field a gap in the grain stalks OR are the burger ingredients still there in their place and time and you have a vacant void=hole in your gut?

As if that weren't complication enough, if you want to go back in time, say six months ago, then the Earth was on the other side of the Sun from here, and now. So you will have to travel about 184 million miles, +/-.
But that's only part of the physical distance travel portion of the trip. The Sun has moved around the Galaxy center and the Galaxy has moved relative to the universe in those six months so you have some more 3D astrogation to compute and travel.

Want to go back 150 years in the past, then that physical distance part of the equation just grew by billions of miles, not millions.
And that would have to be a near instant speed for the distance, violates that light speed barrier.

It may be fun mental masturbation to think about time travel, but anyone who understands science involved should notice the impossibilities that need to be overcome.

We now return you to your circle jerk.
First you have to get around the Law of Conservation of Matter and Energy.
You can change matter into energy, or vice-versa, but you can not add to or subtract from the total amount of energy plus matter in the Universe.
Unless you are God, that cosmological creational force by whose potency all matter and energy was first created.

If you go back in time, you have removed a quantity of matter and energy from this "now" universe and added such to that "past' universe.
Most who understand physics will advise that such is impossible.
Sounds right, except there may be a theory for a way in which matter from the future upon traveling back in times DOES SO by exchanging an equal amount of matter or energy from the past forward into the future, which may be possible if you accept that time is circular.

As if that weren't complication enough, if you want to go back in time, say six months ago, then the Earth was on the other side of the Sun from here, and now. So you will have to travel about 184 million miles
Actually, that appears OK as time travel and space travel are the same thing. You cannot do one without the other. Even if you just get up right now and walk across the room, you travel in time, if only a few seconds into the future. All matter vibrates in space according to quantational energy, so every point of matter is merely a statistical point of quanta localized in space yet never occupying the exact same position in time, like energy trapped in a bottle.

It may be fun mental masturbation to think about time travel, but anyone who understands science involved should notice the impossibilities that need to be overcome.
Impossibilities which only exist with our present, rather newtonian understanding of the universe, but little by little, we are slowly understanding that the universe is far stranger than we imagine, and in fact, it is starting to appear these things will HAVE to be possible in order to explain certain things we have already observed to be true.
Yes. It is what I said.

If time slowed down to zero, can there actually still happen anything, such as human actions?

Yes absolutely as it’s all relative . From your perspective everything is fine and normal !!
It’s no different than now
Yes absolutely as it’s all relative . From your perspective everything is fine and normal !!
It’s no different than now
Is it really that way? Clocks run slower if they travel faster. They will stop at light speed. The clock is not smart and doesn´t know about the speed/time relation. It could be that everything, including humans, will respond like a clock does. You will "stop" at light speed. And die.
Is it really that way? Clocks run slower if they travel faster. They will stop at light speed. The clock is not smart and doesn´t know about the speed/time relation. It could be that everything, including humans, will respond like a clock does. You will "stop" at light speed. And die.
The clock obeys the laws of Einstein
The clock only measures time !
I am no EXPERT but you would act normal and not notice that your clock does not move .
The seconds no longer tick but you act normally!
You would not even notice until you saw your clock ⏰
The photons don’t age
The clock obeys the laws of Einstein
The clock only measures time !
I am no EXPERT but you would act normal and not notice that your clock does not move .
The seconds no longer tick but you act normally!
You would not even notice until you saw your clock ⏰
The photons don’t age
The clock does not measure time. It just goes forward the way the manufacturer set it. You could make a clock that has its own rules and it still runs slower...
The clock does not measure time. It just goes forward the way the manufacturer set it. You could make a clock that has its own rules and it still runs slower...

I mean a real atomic cesium clock that emitts radiation every second and can be defined by decay
Time travel to the future is super easy as Einstein figured it out a century ago !

No. Einstein did not figure out time travel. Einstein figured out that his laws are the same independent from the direction of time. With other words: His laws do not show only what will happen in the future for example with a movement of a planet or of a whole galaxy (in case the "three body problem" (~='determinitsic chaos') is a totally solvable problem). His laws show also what had happened in the past. Example: The universe expands in direction future - so it shrinks in direction past.

All we need is a fast ship that goes 99 percent speed of light
Ok not easy

Impossible for everythting what has mass because it had to fly with more than 100% of light speed.


PS.: Sorry. I am an idiot. You wrote "time travel to the future". Now I am in a wrong future where I am an idiot because I did not take my time really to read what you said.

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I mean a real atomic cesium clock that emitts radiation every second and can be defined by decay
It depends on the atoms´ behavior. If they will be "slower", the clock will "tick" slower. But if atoms go "slower" and we consist of atoms, that might still affect humans that are travelling at high velocities.

Here is what Copilot says:
Time dilation, as described by Einstein’s theory of relativity, means that time passes at different rates for observers in different frames of reference, especially at high velocities or in strong gravitational fields. However, time never actually stops for any observer; it just slows down relative to others.

If time were to hypothetically stop for a human (which current physics deems impossible), it wouldn’t result in freezing in the literal sense. Instead, all biological and physical processes would halt. This means no aging, no movement, and no metabolic activity. Essentially, the person would be in a state of suspended animation, but this is purely theoretical and not achievable with our current understanding of physics12.

In reality, significant time dilation effects require extreme conditions, such as traveling at speeds close to the speed of light or being near a massive gravitational source like a black hole2. Even then, time would only slow down, not stop completely.
E = MC^

Energy is equivalent to mass times the velocity of light squared.

What is light squared?

Light Speed squared is just simple a constant because light speed is a constant. By the way: (-c)^2 = c^2.

Wouldn’t it be faster than the speed of light? But don’t Einstein also say that nothing can be faster than (the speed of) light?

Not "nothing can be faster" everything what has mass cannot move faster. The space itselve for example is able to expand or to shrink faster than lightspeed. That's the idea behind the motor of star ship Enterprise. It would really work - with a little unimportant side effect. If you would fly to a planet with a real star ship Enterprise then this kind of motor would destroy the planet.
Master Guru and polymath extraordinaire , Clif High , is scathing about the possibility of time travel .

He posits that Universe is an eternity of "Nows "which reverberate at a frequency of over 22 trillion times a second .

And , cutting to the chase , you can never move a " now" in any direction under any circumstance .
Master Guru and polymath extraordinaire , Clif High , is scathing about the possibility of time travel .
He posits that Universe is an eternity of "Nows "which reverberate at a frequency of over 22 trillion times a second .

And , cutting to the chase , you can never move a " now" in any direction under any circumstance .

How to measure a vibration with over 22 trillion times a second?

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