Time travel to the past ?????

I would take all my assets, convert it to gold and go back to 1950 and live very well in a peaceful-awesome time.
And yes, I do realize it was the best time only for white people.
I am white people.
My understanding this is NOT possible!!
You cannot go back to 1983 and meet yourself

However you can go faster than light speed through worm holes and only go back in time when the machine was created

So you have 2 far off points in space aid one near a black hole . You could go from 2024 to even thousands of years in future and back
If you went into the past, wouldn't you see yourself in the past because you existed in the past? So because you're in the past and to get back to today, you have to set the machine to go into the future. Now, if you overshoot today by a week, you wouldn't exist for that week between the time you set off into the past and the day you landed back in the future.

Are we currently in the past, present, or future because it all depends on if anyone has already made a time machine and travelled to the past or future 🤔
No. It is just C times C, a bigger number, not faster.
It leads to a significantly bigger numbers in terms of MPH. BUT C was already the upper limit.
Nothing can go faster than light.

That’s what I’m saying. But, the math uses a significantly higher number of MPH.

(Also, space itself is expanding faster than the speed of light. Go figure.)
(Also, space itself is expanding faster than the speed of light. Go figure.)

Technically, no, BA. It is easy to think of it that way, but in reality, to measure speed, you need a frame of reference and there is no frame of reference beyond space. Space is like a bubble, but it has no outer surface you can touch because space wraps in on itself. So, the frame of reference moves /with/ space, so while space might be expanding all around you right now as we speak and measuring space via Doppler shift from 13 billion light-years away might suggest this, if you were to go out there, it would no longer seem that way and looking back at us, our space would seem expanding at hyperluminal speeds! Yet there is nothing hyperliminal about space to us here in the Local Group.

Also, since space is itself a dimension and not any matter or energy within it, space is not constrained by any limit on expansion, as the early expansion of the universe proves.
Technically, no, BA. It is easy to think of it that way, but in reality, to measure speed, you need a frame of reference and there is no frame of reference beyond space. Space is like a bubble, but it has no outer surface you can touch because space wraps in on itself. So, the frame of reference moves /with/ space, so while space might be expanding all around you right now as we speak and measuring space via Doppler shift from 13 billion light-years away might suggest this, if you were to go out there, it would no longer seem that way and looking back at us, our space would seem expanding at hyperluminal speeds! Yet there is nothing hyperliminal about space to us here in the Local Group.

Also, since space is itself a dimension and not any matter or energy within it, space is not constrained by any limit on expansion, as the early expansion of the universe proves.

But that’s not what I read. About the expansion of space.
Maybe. But that’s not what I read. About the expansion of space.

Maybe you are just reading the wrong people. :SMILEW~130:
You see, when space expands, there is no outer boundary like a balloon. Things are moving farther apart only because space itself is expanding. Space is the matrix within which there can be coordinates of up, down, left and right, but within space, those coordinates themselves are expanding since space itself is, so an observer in one area of space cannot fully trust what he sees elsewhere far away, because he is looking /through/ the expansional matrix of space to see there. That is why wherever you go, you are still always at the center of everything.
My understanding this is NOT possible!!
You cannot go back to 1983 and meet yourself

However you can go faster than light speed through worm holes and only go back in time when the machine was created

So you have 2 far off points in space aid one near a black hole . You could go from 2024 to even thousands of years in future and back
While you’re likely correct, it cracks me up how you say “by my understanding” as though you were some sort of authority on the subject
I would take all my assets, convert it to gold and go back to 1950 and live very well in a peaceful-awesome time.
And yes, I do realize it was the best time only for white people.
I am white people.

Just invest in Apple 25 years ago
You most likely cannot go back
My understanding this is NOT possible!!
You cannot go back to 1983 and meet yourself

However you can go faster than light speed through worm holes and only go back in time when the machine was created

So you have 2 far off points in space aid one near a black hole . You could go from 2024 to even thousands of years in future and back
Wormholes? ER bridge?
Maybe you are just reading the wrong people. :SMILEW~130:
You see, when space expands, there is no outer boundary like a balloon. Things are moving farther apart only because space itself is expanding. Space is the matrix within which there can be coordinates of up, down, left and right, but within space, those coordinates themselves are expanding since space itself is, so an observer in one area of space cannot fully trust what he sees elsewhere far away, because he is looking /through/ the expansional matrix of space to see there. That is why wherever you go, you are still always at the center of everything.
All beside the point. You tax the rate of expansion we are addressing. And the rate of the expansion is now calculated to be faster than the speed of light


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