Time travel to the past ?????

All beside the point. You tax the rate of expansion we are addressing. And the rate of the expansion is now calculated to be faster than the speed of light

Really? Space dot com? :auiqs.jpg:
But like I said, for all the reasons given above, the expansion of space is not constrained by the speed of light.
Not that you could ever go anywhere in the universe and see anything moving greater than 1C because space carries its own frame of reference seperate from the matter within it.
Nothing in those articles contradicts anything I told you.
No that does not matter

Nonsense. No one is able to create or to destroy energy. So nothing what has mass (or energy) is able to "travel" (whatever this could be) back in time because in this case in the current universe would be a hole (negative mass) and in the past universe would be an anti-hole. On the other side: Moments of time which had happened since the universe is existing are sending messages to us - so they exist in our presence (latest since the universe became transparent for electromagnetic radiation (~="light")). ... By the way: What for heavens sake is "time"?
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Really? Space dot com? :auiqs.jpg:
But like I said, for all the reasons given above, the expansion of space is not constrained by the speed of light.
Not that you could ever go anywhere in the universe and see anything moving greater than 1C because space carries its own frame of reference seperate from the matter within it.
Nothing in those articles contradicts anything I told you.

Do you estimate Humans will have space ships in 100 to 200 years???

Also it may be impossible to be intergalactic due to galaxies being millions of light years away

If the universe (without me) would send me into another time and space then I am able to imagine this easily - because the universe is a little bigger and has a little more mass and energy than only I have. On the other side I doubt I would survive this. But if I had to turn the time of the whole universe to change the time in which I live then I do not think I will have any chance to do so. But even in case I could travel to the year 1986 - ¿was it 1986? - who says that "there" is something what has anything to do with the year 1986 which is our history now? What if "there" is nothing at all now? What if "there" is now a totally other universe without any time or with a 5 dimensional time?

The theory of relativity uses for example the Minkowski-space - also called "space-time". Time is in this calculation only like a dimension of space. What if we would use instead of a Minkowski-space a Minkowski-time where all dimensions of space are only another dimension of time? I guess nothing would change in this case in our physical theories. Still we had 4 coordinates for a physical event - 4 time coordinates instead of 4 space coordinates. Nevertheless we "travel" by changing our position in space in a "flowing" time-dimension (not time flows - a fluid flows because of the existence of time).
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By the way: What for heavens sake is "time"?

It may sound corny and overused, but time is the necessary 4th dimension of space necessary for space to exist, for you cannot travel in time without space and you cannot travel in space without time, for it takes time to travel in space and it takes space to travel in time. Seriously. Think about it. It may sound stupid and obvious, but this expresses a profound concept.

Without time, you'd have no use for space, and without space, there'd be no use for time.
It may sound corny and overused, but time is the necessary 4th dimension of space necessary for space to exist, for you cannot travel in time without space and you cannot travel in space without time, for it takes time to travel in space and it takes space to travel in time. Seriously. Think about it. It may sound stupid and obvious, but this expresses a profound concept.

What if your brain is in a Platonian bottle in a laboratory and you dream this only? Are your dreams real?

Without time, you'd have no use for space, and without space, there'd be no use for time.

And what about if time and space do not exist at all and are only auxiliary psychological structures like the color "red" for example? A million different things can cause in you the impression "color red".
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It may sound corny and overused, but time is the necessary 4th dimension of space necessary for space to exist, for you cannot travel in time without space and you cannot travel in space without time, for it takes time to travel in space and it takes space to travel in time. Seriously. Think about it. It may sound stupid and obvious, but this expresses a profound concept.

Without time, you'd have no use for space, and without space, there'd be no use for time.
The aether is a background of gravity fields keeping the continuous background density and temperature. gravity fields cause the effect of time dilation, so all there is is matter and the aether it creates. Time is probably the effect of spin or vibration of atoms having to work harder through denser aether. If the atoms can't spin at all from density like in the core, time dilation is effected and encompasses the whole planet as a gravity field of static heat.
What if your brain is in a Platonian bottle and you dream this only? Are your dreams real?

What is the difference between a dream and reality? Until you wake up into reality, the dream is just as real. Your consciousness has simply moved from the infra-world to the extra-world, so does matter create mind or does mind really create matter? As such, God is the ultimate mind over matter.
What is the difference between a dream and reality?

I have not any problem to control my dreams. I do not control a Volcanic eruption.

Until you wake up into reality, the dream is just as real.

No. This never was so in my dreams. I always knew I dream. But I do not remember well what I dreamed. I can fly for example in my dreams and I learned to control this. I'm always able to change my dreams.

Your consciousness has simply moved from the infra-world to the extra-world, so does matter create mind or does mind really create matter?

Under your feet is the same matter as you are.

As such, God is the ultimate mind over matter.

"God" is not an argument in case of natural science. Let me say it in this way: God is no liar. So the reality is real. But what is it what we see?
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