To all our trooos, past and present.....THANK YOU

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
[ame=]3 Doors Down - When I'm Gone - YouTube[/ame]

Past or present, you have sacrificed far more than I ever have. You protect my right to spout ny political bullshit regardless of ideology. If you serve you're a cut above. Everytime I see a movie or video with dedication to YOU I get chills. Left or right or somewhere in between we ALL owe you.

If you can spare it, vet or not, donate to the wounded warriors charity.
I'll you a pass on the spelling errors. Sign a civility trooos with me? Tahank you.
I feel sorry for them. They have been nothing but political pawns. Even illiterates know this, but somehow people still champion this false pride of patriotism.

[ame=]Black Sabbath - War Pigs - YouTube[/ame]
My good fried just lost his dad to agent orange over in Vietnam. How the fuck was the Vietnam war patriotic?

It was a war based off of ignorance and fear, not patriotism.

Fuck you and your political BS that keeps dragging us off into more senseless war that keeps bringing on useless destruction.
Another neg by a warmongering Rethuglican who thinks my friends father died a noble cause while fighting the asinine war over in Vietnam for nothing.

You people are disgusting and love to waste lives. You are devoid of compassion and believe in this false sense of patriotism which makes you proud, regardless if it kills people.

Go fuck yourselves.
My good fried just lost his dad to agent orange over in Vietnam. How the fuck was the Vietnam war patriotic?

It was a war based off of ignorance and fear, not patriotism.

Fuck you and your political BS that keeps dragging us off into more senseless war that keeps bringing on useless destruction.

You have a right to such an idiotic opinion?
Yes you do. It was given to you-and is maintained-by the troops you belittle and disrespect.
A close friend of mine who died of an agent orange caused cancer felt he had gotten extra decades of life because defolients helped him avoid ambushes.

It's a shame so many are willing run their mouth without a clue about the facts.
Best way to honor the troops?

Don't send them into battle based on LIES and made up BULLSHIT!
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For all those that did their duty in my generation. God Bless you, and may you have at least some nights of restful sleep.

[ame=]I was only 19 - YouTube[/ame]

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