Today is George Orwells Birthday

how right he was...

“If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face--forever.”
George Orwell, 1984

He was absolutely correct when he talked about "tyranny" and "Big Brother" ( hellooo Hussein Obama:mad-61: ) in a society in which the state constantly tracks the movements and thoughts of individuals.

Michael Shelden, author of Orwell: The Authorized Biography writes:

"Orwell certainly would have understood that officials would point to the unending threat of something like terrorism as a justification for ongoing, widespread surveillance......."He could see that war and defeating an enemy could be used as a reason for increasing political surveillance," Shelden says. "You were fighting a never-ending war that gave you a never-ending excuse for looking into people's lives."

Orwell was a true visionary and he was totally spot on! :clap:
I love this man, and I love animal farm, which is a critique of the USSR specifically, not socialism, keep that in mind, considering orwell was a democratic socialist who also wrote a homage to catalonia, an account of his experiences in the spanish civil war where anarchists established a truly socialist society. Hate to break it up.
Fitting that his birthday falls on the same day as the SCOTUS Obamacare decision as it took a 21 page decision to interpret 4 words.
Doublespeak, indeed!

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