

Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.
An idea to increase board revenues/cut down on nonsense.

I recently began viewing gamers on a platform called I don't know much about it....still....but apparently there is a mechanism by which the longer you stay on the platform as a lurker or commentator or participant into some of the games, the more "currency" you build up in your account. The currency is not legal tender, of course...its only usable on the platform. And content providers can "gift" you tokens or whatever to use in the chatroom. Again, I'm not 100% sure about any of this...I have just gotten into the platform.

Translating to USMB; why not eventually move to a system that does the same thing here. Each day give members two tokens until they top out at 15 tokens (14 tokens a week plus 1 for just being a member). You can never have more than 15 tokens. Each thread you start in Zone 1 or Zone 2 will cost you a token and you can only use a maximum number of five tokens in a 24 hour period. Move the topics that are not highly visited to Zone 3 (TV/Movies, Books, Canada, Middle East, Podcasts etc...) Make the basement a Zone 4. Members can start as many threads as they want--token free--in Zones 3 and 4. If people feel the need to post a lot, they can buy more tokens (a 3 pack for $0.99 for example). But the maximum number of threads you can start in Zone 1 and Zone 2 is 5 in a 24 hour period.

During peak times--national elections, supreme court vacancies, civil unrest, etc... you can lift the limits if you want of course. People will have more to say at these times and the stories usually have more than one POV.

Anyone who is here often would likely attest that many threads are started in Zone 1 and 2 with completely ridiculous opening posts and the threads quickly develop into insult-fests. It is what it is and the powers that be seem to be okay with it. But perhaps a move like this would make people more judicious about the amount of crap threads they wish to start.

Anyone who is here often can also identify multiple threads that have no business being in politics. They are put there by the poster because that is where the most viewers are located. Perhaps a move like this will lead to some self-editing. If you really want to post about how Hollywood it in the movie section; not politics.

Anyone who is here often can also attest that a large number of threads are started on the same topic. I don't think I'm being overly dramatic when I say that the redundancy is one of the larger problems on the board. Threads are closed by the moderators saying "already a topic on this". Sometimes the threads are merged. Sometimes not. While it seems silly to simply lock a thread because it's redundant, it seems that some self-policing would help the matter. If you only have 5 bullets in your gun so to speak instead of a limitless amount; you become more selective on starting a thread where there are a half dozen active ones in Zones 1 and 2 already.

Finally, the selling of tokens would help raise monies for the board. Supporting memberships is fine and those that do...more power to you. But I think the benefits are somewhat obscure if existent at all. Translate that membership into something tangible. Maybe create a members only panel if and when board feedback is sought. Maybe lift the 5 post a day limit to those who are contributing regularly. There is a lot of options in an economy. The hardest step is to create one to start with.
An idea to increase board revenues/cut down on nonsense.

I recently began viewing gamers on a platform called I don't know much about it....still....but apparently there is a mechanism by which the longer you stay on the platform as a lurker or commentator or participant into some of the games, the more "currency" you build up in your account. The currency is not legal tender, of course...its only usable on the platform. And content providers can "gift" you tokens or whatever to use in the chatroom. Again, I'm not 100% sure about any of this...I have just gotten into the platform.

Translating to USMB; why not eventually move to a system that does the same thing here. Each day give members two tokens until they top out at 15 tokens (14 tokens a week plus 1 for just being a member). You can never have more than 15 tokens. Each thread you start in Zone 1 or Zone 2 will cost you a token and you can only use a maximum number of five tokens in a 24 hour period. Move the topics that are not highly visited to Zone 3 (TV/Movies, Books, Canada, Middle East, Podcasts etc...) Make the basement a Zone 4. Members can start as many threads as they want--token free--in Zones 3 and 4. If people feel the need to post a lot, they can buy more tokens (a 3 pack for $0.99 for example). But the maximum number of threads you can start in Zone 1 and Zone 2 is 5 in a 24 hour period.

During peak times--national elections, supreme court vacancies, civil unrest, etc... you can lift the limits if you want of course. People will have more to say at these times and the stories usually have more than one POV.

Anyone who is here often would likely attest that many threads are started in Zone 1 and 2 with completely ridiculous opening posts and the threads quickly develop into insult-fests. It is what it is and the powers that be seem to be okay with it. But perhaps a move like this would make people more judicious about the amount of crap threads they wish to start.

Anyone who is here often can also identify multiple threads that have no business being in politics. They are put there by the poster because that is where the most viewers are located. Perhaps a move like this will lead to some self-editing. If you really want to post about how Hollywood it in the movie section; not politics.

Anyone who is here often can also attest that a large number of threads are started on the same topic. I don't think I'm being overly dramatic when I say that the redundancy is one of the larger problems on the board. Threads are closed by the moderators saying "already a topic on this". Sometimes the threads are merged. Sometimes not. While it seems silly to simply lock a thread because it's redundant, it seems that some self-policing would help the matter. If you only have 5 bullets in your gun so to speak instead of a limitless amount; you become more selective on starting a thread where there are a half dozen active ones in Zones 1 and 2 already.

Finally, the selling of tokens would help raise monies for the board. Supporting memberships is fine and those that do...more power to you. But I think the benefits are somewhat obscure if existent at all. Translate that membership into something tangible. Maybe create a members only panel if and when board feedback is sought. Maybe lift the 5 post a day limit to those who are contributing regularly. There is a lot of options in an economy. The hardest step is to create one to start with.

Good Description and a Plan ... Nice Effort

Not interested in suppressing eligible members from discussing what they want, when they want, where it may apply
under the current Terms of Service.

Donations seem to be covering the required costs.
No-go on selling tokens unless of course Management would like to discuss profit sharing with the members, paid content, or staff salaries.

An idea to increase board revenues/cut down on nonsense.

I recently began viewing gamers on a platform called I don't know much about it....still....but apparently there is a mechanism by which the longer you stay on the platform as a lurker or commentator or participant into some of the games, the more "currency" you build up in your account. The currency is not legal tender, of course...its only usable on the platform. And content providers can "gift" you tokens or whatever to use in the chatroom. Again, I'm not 100% sure about any of this...I have just gotten into the platform.

Translating to USMB; why not eventually move to a system that does the same thing here. Each day give members two tokens until they top out at 15 tokens (14 tokens a week plus 1 for just being a member). You can never have more than 15 tokens. Each thread you start in Zone 1 or Zone 2 will cost you a token and you can only use a maximum number of five tokens in a 24 hour period. Move the topics that are not highly visited to Zone 3 (TV/Movies, Books, Canada, Middle East, Podcasts etc...) Make the basement a Zone 4. Members can start as many threads as they want--token free--in Zones 3 and 4. If people feel the need to post a lot, they can buy more tokens (a 3 pack for $0.99 for example). But the maximum number of threads you can start in Zone 1 and Zone 2 is 5 in a 24 hour period.

During peak times--national elections, supreme court vacancies, civil unrest, etc... you can lift the limits if you want of course. People will have more to say at these times and the stories usually have more than one POV.

Anyone who is here often would likely attest that many threads are started in Zone 1 and 2 with completely ridiculous opening posts and the threads quickly develop into insult-fests. It is what it is and the powers that be seem to be okay with it. But perhaps a move like this would make people more judicious about the amount of crap threads they wish to start.

Anyone who is here often can also identify multiple threads that have no business being in politics. They are put there by the poster because that is where the most viewers are located. Perhaps a move like this will lead to some self-editing. If you really want to post about how Hollywood it in the movie section; not politics.

Anyone who is here often can also attest that a large number of threads are started on the same topic. I don't think I'm being overly dramatic when I say that the redundancy is one of the larger problems on the board. Threads are closed by the moderators saying "already a topic on this". Sometimes the threads are merged. Sometimes not. While it seems silly to simply lock a thread because it's redundant, it seems that some self-policing would help the matter. If you only have 5 bullets in your gun so to speak instead of a limitless amount; you become more selective on starting a thread where there are a half dozen active ones in Zones 1 and 2 already.

Finally, the selling of tokens would help raise monies for the board. Supporting memberships is fine and those that do...more power to you. But I think the benefits are somewhat obscure if existent at all. Translate that membership into something tangible. Maybe create a members only panel if and when board feedback is sought. Maybe lift the 5 post a day limit to those who are contributing regularly. There is a lot of options in an economy. The hardest step is to create one to start with.

Good Description and a Plan ... Nice Effort

Not interested in suppressing eligible members from discussing what they want, when they want, where it may apply
under the current Terms of Service.

Donations seem to be covering the required costs.
No-go on selling tokens unless of course Management would like to discuss profit sharing with the members, paid content, or staff salaries.

Thanks for your input.

I don't see how limiting posters to starting five threads in a 24 hour period (unlimited thread starting in Zones 3 and possibly Zone 4 and unlimited commenting on any thread anywhere) is really suppressing much.
Thanks for your input.

I don't see how limiting posters to starting five threads in a 24 hour period (unlimited thread starting in Zones 3 and possibly Zone 4 and unlimited commenting on any thread anywhere) is really suppressing much.

I honestly understood your reasoning and your plan ... And I didn't say it was poorly developed or supported.
I support Freedom and Liberty in whatever I can, and try to avoid controls that limit any sharing at this site.
I am just one member, and I hardly represent a majority though.

I would be more adamantly opposed to the idea of selling Tokens,
but still offered the opportunity for Management to negotiate should they desire to entertain any of that.

Edit for Clarification on Selling Tokens:
Assuming that the development and implementation of your priority in management of content is successful,
that still leaves selling Token, which is an entirely different ball of wax.

When you sell Tokens in manner you suggested, it would be with the intent to gain profit from people who
desire to circumvent the controls you described, and avoid the management you either desire or your initial priority could provide.

I mean anyone may actually be a Corporate negotiator at some point in their life,
But it helps if they truly understand their asset management, program, product or service initiatives,
and profit opportunities or obligations.

Last edited:
I was on that site for a while, as one of my favorite Youtubers also had a feed on there.

I had no idea what that "currency" was for, I never cared to find out. But they seemed to disappear when I logged off, because when I logged in again, the counter was back at zero.
An idea to increase board revenues/cut down on nonsense.

I recently began viewing gamers on a platform called I don't know much about it....still....but apparently there is a mechanism by which the longer you stay on the platform as a lurker or commentator or participant into some of the games, the more "currency" you build up in your account. The currency is not legal tender, of course...its only usable on the platform. And content providers can "gift" you tokens or whatever to use in the chatroom. Again, I'm not 100% sure about any of this...I have just gotten into the platform.

Translating to USMB; why not eventually move to a system that does the same thing here. Each day give members two tokens until they top out at 15 tokens (14 tokens a week plus 1 for just being a member). You can never have more than 15 tokens. Each thread you start in Zone 1 or Zone 2 will cost you a token and you can only use a maximum number of five tokens in a 24 hour period. Move the topics that are not highly visited to Zone 3 (TV/Movies, Books, Canada, Middle East, Podcasts etc...) Make the basement a Zone 4. Members can start as many threads as they want--token free--in Zones 3 and 4. If people feel the need to post a lot, they can buy more tokens (a 3 pack for $0.99 for example). But the maximum number of threads you can start in Zone 1 and Zone 2 is 5 in a 24 hour period.

During peak times--national elections, supreme court vacancies, civil unrest, etc... you can lift the limits if you want of course. People will have more to say at these times and the stories usually have more than one POV.

Anyone who is here often would likely attest that many threads are started in Zone 1 and 2 with completely ridiculous opening posts and the threads quickly develop into insult-fests. It is what it is and the powers that be seem to be okay with it. But perhaps a move like this would make people more judicious about the amount of crap threads they wish to start.

Anyone who is here often can also identify multiple threads that have no business being in politics. They are put there by the poster because that is where the most viewers are located. Perhaps a move like this will lead to some self-editing. If you really want to post about how Hollywood it in the movie section; not politics.

Anyone who is here often can also attest that a large number of threads are started on the same topic. I don't think I'm being overly dramatic when I say that the redundancy is one of the larger problems on the board. Threads are closed by the moderators saying "already a topic on this". Sometimes the threads are merged. Sometimes not. While it seems silly to simply lock a thread because it's redundant, it seems that some self-policing would help the matter. If you only have 5 bullets in your gun so to speak instead of a limitless amount; you become more selective on starting a thread where there are a half dozen active ones in Zones 1 and 2 already.

Finally, the selling of tokens would help raise monies for the board. Supporting memberships is fine and those that do...more power to you. But I think the benefits are somewhat obscure if existent at all. Translate that membership into something tangible. Maybe create a members only panel if and when board feedback is sought. Maybe lift the 5 post a day limit to those who are contributing regularly. There is a lot of options in an economy. The hardest step is to create one to start with.

An idea to increase board revenues/cut down on nonsense.

I recently began viewing gamers on a platform called I don't know much about it....still....but apparently there is a mechanism by which the longer you stay on the platform as a lurker or commentator or participant into some of the games, the more "currency" you build up in your account. The currency is not legal tender, of course...its only usable on the platform. And content providers can "gift" you tokens or whatever to use in the chatroom. Again, I'm not 100% sure about any of this...I have just gotten into the platform.

Translating to USMB; why not eventually move to a system that does the same thing here. Each day give members two tokens until they top out at 15 tokens (14 tokens a week plus 1 for just being a member). You can never have more than 15 tokens. Each thread you start in Zone 1 or Zone 2 will cost you a token and you can only use a maximum number of five tokens in a 24 hour period. Move the topics that are not highly visited to Zone 3 (TV/Movies, Books, Canada, Middle East, Podcasts etc...) Make the basement a Zone 4. Members can start as many threads as they want--token free--in Zones 3 and 4. If people feel the need to post a lot, they can buy more tokens (a 3 pack for $0.99 for example). But the maximum number of threads you can start in Zone 1 and Zone 2 is 5 in a 24 hour period.

During peak times--national elections, supreme court vacancies, civil unrest, etc... you can lift the limits if you want of course. People will have more to say at these times and the stories usually have more than one POV.

Anyone who is here often would likely attest that many threads are started in Zone 1 and 2 with completely ridiculous opening posts and the threads quickly develop into insult-fests. It is what it is and the powers that be seem to be okay with it. But perhaps a move like this would make people more judicious about the amount of crap threads they wish to start.

Anyone who is here often can also identify multiple threads that have no business being in politics. They are put there by the poster because that is where the most viewers are located. Perhaps a move like this will lead to some self-editing. If you really want to post about how Hollywood it in the movie section; not politics.

Anyone who is here often can also attest that a large number of threads are started on the same topic. I don't think I'm being overly dramatic when I say that the redundancy is one of the larger problems on the board. Threads are closed by the moderators saying "already a topic on this". Sometimes the threads are merged. Sometimes not. While it seems silly to simply lock a thread because it's redundant, it seems that some self-policing would help the matter. If you only have 5 bullets in your gun so to speak instead of a limitless amount; you become more selective on starting a thread where there are a half dozen active ones in Zones 1 and 2 already.

Finally, the selling of tokens would help raise monies for the board. Supporting memberships is fine and those that do...more power to you. But I think the benefits are somewhat obscure if existent at all. Translate that membership into something tangible. Maybe create a members only panel if and when board feedback is sought. Maybe lift the 5 post a day limit to those who are contributing regularly. There is a lot of options in an economy. The hardest step is to create one to start with.

Good Description and a Plan ... Nice Effort

Not interested in suppressing eligible members from discussing what they want, when they want, where it may apply
under the current Terms of Service.

Donations seem to be covering the required costs.
No-go on selling tokens unless of course Management would like to discuss profit sharing with the members, paid content, or staff salaries.

Thanks for your input.

I don't see how limiting posters to starting five threads in a 24 hour period (unlimited thread starting in Zones 3 and possibly Zone 4 and unlimited commenting on any thread anywhere) is really suppressing much.
Admit it, you're just irritated by Quasar44.

We all know it. :safetocomeoutff:

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