"Total Chaos": Bernie Sanders Threatens To Leave The Democrat Party

Esoteric Inkling

Diamond Member
Jul 27, 2023
Reaction score
Trump isn't even President, and he's already making America GREAT again.

Shall we count the myriad of ways?

Yes, yes we shall.

Mexico and Canada have pledged to secure their borders, Israel/Lebanon are initiating a Cease Fire, Iran agents have leaked they no longer intend to attack Israel, Ukraine/Russia are finally being held to account.....I could go on.

But rather than indulge in further gluttonous Trumpsgiving digression - let us behold the latest manifestation of the Orange God Emperor's unique expertise:

Fucking destroying the rickety unhealthy structure also known as the "Democrat(ic)" party.

Pop popcorn.

Load up on your Lefty tears interspersed with vodka.

We're going in for the kill folks.

And this time it's gonna be total.
Trump isn't even President, and he's already making America GREAT again.

The parents went out and for the last four years, the children were left in charge of the house.
Democrats were well on their way of burning it down.

But Daddy just came home.

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I truly believe that the best part of this election - besides the utter repudiation of the insane Left despite the Legacy media's best efforts - is the fact that it was called on election night.

Talk about restoring faith in America.

Happy Trumpsgiving indeed.
I truly believe that the best part of this election - besides the utter repudiation of the insane Left despite the Legacy media's best efforts - is the fact that it was called on election night.

Talk about restoring faith in America.

Happy Trumpsgiving indeed.
The insane left apparently has no idea how completely and throughly they have been repudiated.
Yeah because you've been correct about everything else.

I'm sure you predicted Trump's glorious and epic political comeback....


I said Trump had a very good chance at winning. I noted how stupid it was that the (D)'s picked Harris as VP.

Sanders isn't a Democrat. The only time he was, was the short amount of time he ran for president. He then went back to being an Independent.
If you are going to reply to me, it would be great if you actually would have something to say.

And if you're going to bother to post anything, as in....anything....at all....

It would be nice if for once you were accurate.

By my tally?

You're 0 for 1,000.

(Rough estimate.)
Trump isn't even President, and he's already making America GREAT again.

Shall we count the myriad of ways?

Yes, yes we shall.

Mexico and Canada have pledged to secure their borders, Israel/Lebanon are initiating a Cease Fire, Iran agents have leaked they no longer intend to attack Israel, Ukraine/Russia are finally being held to account.....I could go on.

But rather than indulge in further gluttonous Trumpsgiving digression - let us behold the latest manifestation of the Orange God Emperor's unique expertise:

Fucking destroying the rickety unhealthy structure also known as the "Democrat(ic)" party.

Pop popcorn.

Load up on your Lefty tears interspersed with vodka.

We're going in for the kill folks.

And this time it's gonna be total.

I don't care if Sanders leaves the Democrat Party. I just don't want him changing to the Republican Party. If he did claim to join the Republican Party, he would be a RINO and thus bad for the party. He should just join the party that fits him best and that would be the Socialist Party or the Communist Party, as he is so fond of Cuba's government.

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