Zone1 Traditional patriarchal men versus feminized men

Feminine men are cucks in marriage.

Is that why Roger Stone, Oral Roberts Jr., and numerous other leaders on the right enjoy watched other men having sex with their wives???? Is that why Melania Trump had to be bribed into moving into the White House, and then spent more time at her parents' home near Baron's school.

These guys are all big time beta losers.
Quote something from the original post and perhaps agree or disagree with it.

Bring some substance to the table.

I think it’s quite obvious that the Democrat vice presidential candidate is a weak feminized man. He believes in period products for boys at public schools and has enacted laws to support that. So that’s blatantly obvious what he is doing goes against traditional patriarchs, black and white.
DO NOT GET IT, Why are you so interested in other men?
What have they got you either want, or want to destroy?
Are you uncomfortable with your self???
If the whiny right beta men want to complain that they can't get laid because of "Feminazis", perhaps they should look in the mirror to find out why, instead of blaming others for your problems.

Last night, Trump told a Jewish business group that if he loses the election, he's going to "blame the Jews". After all he did for Israel, how can not vote for him? Why would an American Jew who is concerned about tariff's and trade wars, and making plans to expand their business, vote for Trump's anti-trade tariffs?

When Trump loses the election it's because he's unfit to govern and his policies will destroy the nation. As Jimmy Buffett said "It's his own damn fault".
Feminazis are the type who aren't interested in men. The fact is, attractive women are attracted to masculine men with a plan, aka conservative men. Women are not attracted to wimpy leftwing men who go out and protest with the pro-abortion women.

If a guy went to a speed-dating meet up and told the women he didn't have a real stable job, but was committed to helping the environment, the women would run the other way as fast as they could. But if the guy says he's a senior programmer or owned a successful business he would definitely have their interest. This is biology.
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Feminazis are the type who aren't interested in men. The fact is, attractive women are attracted to masculine men with a plan, aka conservative men. Women are not attracted to wimpy leftwing men who go out and protest with the pro-abortion women.

If a guy went to a speed-dating meet up and told the women he didn't have a real stable job, but was committed to helping the environment, the women would run the other way as fast as they could. But if the guy says he's a senior programmer or owned a successful business he would definitely have their interest. This is biology.

You're also not a woman and so you make assumptions about things you have no clue about.

You assume that an alpha male is by definition a conservative, and that's a lie. You also don't know what constitutes an Alpha Male. You think Trump is an alpha male, and he's the weakest whiniest beta ever - which is why women can't stand his whiny weak ass.

A feminist is a woman who wants equal rights for women. There is no such thing as a "feminazi". That's a perjorative used by the old drug addict and woman hating Rush Limbaugh used to disparage feminists. Rush Limbaugh - drug addict, hater, another weak beta male. Married 4 times, divorced 3 times.

The Republican Party has been taken over by old cucks and incels who like to watch other men fuck their women, and who hate women. It shows in everything they say and do.
Feminazis are the type who aren't interested in men. The fact is, attractive women are attracted to masculine men with a plan, aka conservative men. Women are not attracted to wimpy leftwing men who go out and protest with the pro-abortion women.

If a guy went to a speed-dating meet up and told the women he didn't have a real stable job, but was committed to helping the environment, the women would run the other way as fast as they could. But if the guy says he's a senior programmer or owned a successful business he would definitely have their interest. This is biology.
Masculine like Trump?
Feminazis are the type who aren't interested in men. The fact is, attractive women are attracted to masculine men with a plan, aka conservative men. Women are not attracted to wimpy leftwing men who go out and protest with the pro-abortion women.

If a guy went to a speed-dating meet up and told the women he didn't have a real stable job, but was committed to helping the environment, the women would run the other way as fast as they could. But if the guy says he's a senior programmer or owned a successful business he would definitely have their interest. This is biology.
Left leaning women often talk a big game but act completely diffierent. I think They like the idea of a virtue-signaling, emotive, soft, submissive 135 lb man… but realize after awhile that he isn’t truly attractive and they leave.

Then, these women grow old, stay single, and they don’t get why… when it’s obvious why, they just have been misled by societal feminist tropes.

All other societies understand what the male female dynamic is. We still do, but we have a massive ideological bottleneck of exposure from media, Hollywood, acadmia, etc that wants women aggressive and dominant with a chip on their shoulder… and most men don’t want to deal with that long term
You're also not a woman and so you make assumptions about things you have no clue about.

You assume that an alpha male is by definition a conservative, and that's a lie. You also don't know what constitutes an Alpha Male. You think Trump is an alpha male, and he's the weakest whiniest beta ever - which is why women can't stand his whiny weak ass.

A feminist is a woman who wants equal rights for women. There is no such thing as a "feminazi". That's a perjorative used by the old drug addict and woman hating Rush Limbaugh used to disparage feminists. Rush Limbaugh - drug addict, hater, another weak beta male. Married 4 times, divorced 3 times.

The Republican Party has been taken over by old cucks and incels who like to watch other men fuck their women, and who hate women. It shows in everything they say and do.
Honey, you don't have to be a woman to know how women react. I've been on the other end of it. I've been both types of men. In the 70s, I watched MASH and saw the witty but soft sensitive leftwing Alan Alda character get all these beautiful nurses, so for a short time I was like that. I am ashamed to say I even saw myself as a Democrat for a time. Then I was interested in a smart beautiful bookworm of a girl, and lost out to a football player, it made me reassess everything. Woman don't like leftwing smartass guys complaining about the wealthy and endorsing liberal causes like feminism. They like men. So I became one. I started grooming properly, got contacts, worked out, became athletic, and got serious about my life's plans. I actually aspired to be like Trump, but on a smaller scale. Things then went a lot smoother with the ladies

Trump is an alpha male. He played sports, he makes no bones about telling the truth, he had a great plan, he made tons of money and he's gotten beautiful women by the boatload.. If you deny that, you aren't being truthful. Same with Rush Limbaugh. Highly successful, hard hitting, made no apologies. Women loved the guy.
I'm quite old and retired. Even my grandchildren are grown in grad school.
Shouldn't you be focusing on doing all the good you can do and not wasting your little remaining time hating on good people in an an online forum? You might start by dropping liberalism. It's a cancer.
Feminized men believe in reparations payments. They complain constantly about racism and things like that. They want reparations. This group represents weakness and complaining. These people are most likely to believe in 100 genders , most likely to be extremely pro abortion

Patriarchal men believe in traditional values, being proud of their history, realizing that all people of history went through dealing with racism and struggles. This group believes the historical scientific fact that there are two genders and they oppose abortion. This group represents strength and someone to look up to for kids.
Holly shit!! WHAT ?? More of your blatherskite? Patriarchal are the real men. How decidedly chauvinistic of you. Basically what you are saying is that to be a real man, as opposed to a feminized man you must believe in denying a woman’s right to autonomy over her own body, have ridged ideas about gender and gender rolls, and be a racist adhere to your narrow and uninformed views of history and science
Oh the trail of tears grows longer still
Left leaning women often talk a big game but act completely diffierent. I think They like the idea of a virtue-signaling, emotive, soft, submissive 135 lb man… but realize after awhile that he isn’t truly attractive and they leave.

Then, these women grow old, stay single, and they don’t get why… when it’s obvious why, they just have been misled by societal feminist tropes.

All other societies understand what the male female dynamic is. We still do, but we have a massive ideological bottleneck of exposure from media, Hollywood, acadmia, etc that wants women aggressive and dominant with a chip on their shoulder… and most men don’t want to deal with that long term
I thought you were a man!
Shouldn't you be focusing on doing all the good you can do and not wasting your little remaining time hating on good people in an an online forum? You might start by dropping liberalism. It's a cancer.

I was a lifelong Republican until we invaded Iraq. I can't imagine a more stupid blunder.

Intelligence matters to me.
Holly shit!! WHAT ?? More of your blatherskite? Patriarchal are the real men. How decidedly chauvinistic of you. Basically what you are saying is that to be a real man, as opposed to a feminized man you must believe in denying a woman’s right to autonomy over her own body, have ridged ideas about gender and gender rolls, and be a racist adhere to your narrow and uninformed views of history and science​
Your post was leftist buzzword bingo.

  • Abortion isn’t a man vs woman issue.
  • The fetus has different DNA than the mother, so it’s not part of her body
  • gender roles work, just look at all of world history. They are good. It doesn’t mean they have to be extreme, but men and women are different, and they generally bring different strengths to the table.
  • “racist”? LMAO
Left leaning women often talk a big game but act completely diffierent. I think They like the idea of a virtue-signaling, emotive, soft, submissive 135 lb man… but realize after awhile that he isn’t truly attractive and they leave.

Then, these women grow old, stay single, and they don’t get why… when it’s obvious why, they just have been misled by societal feminist tropes.

All other societies understand what the male female dynamic is. We still do, but we have a massive ideological bottleneck of exposure from media, Hollywood, acadmia, etc that wants women aggressive and dominant with a chip on their shoulder… and most men don’t want to deal with that long term
Lefties think they’re above and beyond human nature.
I play music in bars and the divorced older women regretfully looking for men are a great big lonely hearts club. Brainwashed into thinking they don’t need a man until they find out they do.
Lefties think they’re above and beyond human nature.
I play music in bars and the divorced older women regretfully looking for men are a great big lonely hearts club. Brainwashed into thinking they don’t need a man until they find out they do.
It’s sad… there’s an epidemic of single, lonely, successful, aggressive, masculine women in their late 30’S through mid 40’s who wasted their prime of when they could have attracted the man they want into marriage.. being told to be career-first and have lots of “experiences” (sex)… only to come out on the back end, ready to “settle down”, but those men they want don’t want them back.. those men want younger, less aggressive, more agreeable and kind women.

Then, they continue to to be told to “never settle” for an “average man” when that’s what they should be trying to get.. and they all join together, bash men, stay lonely and single, and buy a bunch of cats.

Oh, and they’ll whine on social media to get attention from the simps they don’t want, and get an inflated set-worth from the clicks/dopamine… and thus will never “settle”, will stay lonely, bitter, buy cats, etc
It’s sad… there’s an epidemic of single, lonely, successful, aggressive, masculine women in their late 30’S through mid 40’s who wasted their prime to find the man they want.. being told to be career-first and have lots of “experiences” (sex)… only to come out on the back end and the men they want don’t want them back.. those men want younger, less aggressive, more agreeable and kind women.

Then, they continue to to be told to “never settle” for an “average man” when that’s what they should be trying to get.. and they all join together, bash men, stay lonely and single, and buy a bunch of cats and whine on social media to get attention from the simps they don’t want.
I remember doing a gig at a ritzy country club and one of the band wives asked “Why are the men here so much older than the women?”.
I remember doing a gig at a ritzy country club and one of the band wives asked “Why are the men here so much older than the women?”.
Men and women are so different. As far as the active dating market is largely concerned:

A man can “get” a woman through sex
A woman only “gets” a man through marriage.

Women sometimes think because they sleep with a 9 or 10, that’s what they should be dating or marrying. That’s not how it works. Women can easily sleep with men, the challenge is, can she get the ring? Can she keep him?

Without the ring or the title, it’s usually nothing. They were used. the guy doesn’t want to be seen with her in public
Men and women are so different. As far as the active dating market is largely concerned:

A man can “get” a woman through sex
A woman only “gets” a man through marriage.

Women sometimes think because they sleep with a 9 or 10, that’s what they should be dating or marrying. That’s not how it works. Women can easily sleep with men, the challenge is, can she get the ring? Can she keep him?

Without the ring or the title, it’s usually nothing. They were used. the guy doesn’t want to be seen with her in public
Men and women have different sexualities. Feminist women are in denial of that.
Strip clubs designed for men are ubiquitous and strip clubs designed for women are almost non-existent. That’s nature.
Or, as was once wisely said, men like to see women naked and women like to see specific men naked.
Your post was leftist buzzword bingo.

  • Abortion isn’t a man vs woman issue.
  • The fetus has different DNA than the mother, so it’s not part of her body
  • gender roles work, just look at all of world history. They are good. It doesn’t mean they have to be extreme, but men and women are different, and they generally bring different strengths to the table.
  • “racist”? LMAO

Your post along with the op is classic right wing misogyny and toxic masculinity​
  • Abortion isn’t a man vs woman issue.?

Abortion should not be men vs. women but the moronic MAGA minions and Evangelical have made it that

The fetus has different DNA than the mother, so it’s not part of her body. ?

It is not just about the fetus . It is about the dangers of pregnancy , the full range of reproductive health issue and the woman’s ability to make her own health care decisions along with the doctors without government interference​

gender roles work, just look at all of world history. They are good. It doesn’t mean they have to be extreme, but men and women are different, and they generally bring different strengths to the table.?

First, male and female rolls in the workplace, and at home are almost interchangeable, but that is not all that this is about. The issue is what it means to be male or female apart from the rolls that they fill. It’s about recognizing that everyone does not neatly fit into one category or the other and that those differences should be respected

The OP thinks that men who accept the reality of gender fluidity are feminized. I submit to you that men who are insecure in their masculinity are the ones who need to denigrate trans and non binary people and even deny their existence. Real men are not threatened by them contrary to what

Zone1 - Traditional patriarchal men versus feminized men thinks

“racist”? LMAO:

Yes Racist The white washing and outright denial of history beginning with 1619 to the civil ware , Jim Crow, Andrew Jackson,s Indian removal policy to the present day institutional racism is racist​

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