Zone1 Traditional patriarchal men versus feminized men

Bovine excrement! Tampons are being made available in boys bath rooms form trans boys who have not had gender affirming surgery but identify as male. Should they have to go into the girls room for what they need??
If girls want to cross dress, that’s on them, but they don’t get to invade the boys bathroom, and vice versa.

Walz is doing the same thing as giving a prosthetic leg to someone with 2 legs. It’s not biologically necessary.

We know what a boy and a girl are. It’s incredible that the woke in this country have chosen to unlearn worldwide universal common knowledge. It’s like watching tin-foil hat folk protecting their heads from alien brain waves. You do you, but the rest of us don’t have to participate in your delusion/confusion
If girls want to cross dress, that’s on them, but they don’t get to invade the boys bathroom, and vice versa.

Walz is doing the same thing as giving a prosthetic leg to someone with 2 legs. It’s not biologically necessary.

We know what a boy and a girl are. It’s incredible that the woke in this country have chosen to unlearn worldwide universal common knowledge. It’s like watching tin-foil hat folk protecting their heads from alien brain waves. You do you, but the rest of us don’t have to participate in your delusion/confusion
Clearly you did not understand anything that I said. Cross dressers? Seriously. I find it amazing that you people are so threatened and freaked out by trans people that you have to deny their very existence . You should talk to someone about that
Clearly you did not understand anything that I said. Cross dressers? Seriously. I find it amazing that you people are so threatened and freaked out by trans people that you have to deny their very existence . You should talk to someone about that
Deny existence?

The person exists. They just objectively aren’t what they claim they are.

So, what you said makes no sense
You know damned well what I mean- but just in case you really are that obtuse- my point is that you deny the existence of trans people.
Of course, I don’t deny the existence of anyone. Drop the dramatic hyperbolic language, it means nothing.

I simply don’t participate in a persons claim that they are something they objectively aren’t.
You can’t help yourself your continuing to make things up about other posters. I have nothing wrong with a strong businesswoman. So you’re comment about barefoot pregnant woman is absurd. You lefty folks do this all the time whether it’s on gender or accusations of someone you oppose being racist. It’s kind of unfortunate but also laughable.

I will criticize the Secret Service making it easier for women to pass a physical test compared to men. Do you know why I do … it’s called common sense. I’ll criticize any major corporation in America with a racial job hiring quota… folks like you either accept this racism and left-wing propaganda or you just don’t know about it.

Well notice how mass school shootings, divorce, more children, born out of wedlock than ever, and andivorce, more children born out of wedlock than ever, and a general destruction of many nuclear families across America are happening at the same time with the rise of third wave feminism.

"You can’t help yourself your continuing to make things up about other posters. I have nothing wrong with a strong businesswoman. So you’re comment about barefoot pregnant woman is absurd. You lefty folks do this all the time whether it’s on gender or accusations of someone you oppose being racist. It’s kind of unfortunate but also laughable."

Sure you do! What a joke !! You must mean as long as she is not a third wave feminist. Got news for you, If she is in a position of authority she probably is a feminist. You have been railing in almost every post about feminized men who believe in gender fluidity, support reproductive rights, embrace DEI and recognize institutional racism . Yes, third wave feminism goes beyond women’s and is characterized by its intersectionality, which recognizes that gender cannot be understood in isolation from race or class and other social justice issues.

Why would anyone believe that you would respect a woman who exhibits those same attributes as the men who you have such disdain for. Oh never mind…..women are different . It’s ok for them to be “soft” and liberal.

I will criticize the Secret Service making it easier for women to pass a physical test compared to men. Do you know why I do … it’s called common sense. I’ll criticize any major corporation in America with a racial job hiring quota… folks like you either accept this racism and left-wing propaganda or you just don’t know about it.

Is that right? Did you research that?

Well notice how mass school shootings, divorce, more children, born out of wedlock than ever, and divorce, more children born out of wedlock than ever, and a general destruction of many nuclear families across America are happening at the same time with the rise of third wave feminism.

Do you understand the difference between correlation and causation? There are many other social and political forces at work, as well as economic factors to explain all of that.

School shootings? How about to many fucking guns in the wrong hands.? Do you blame feminism for the fact that there were at least two recent cases where stupid parents allowed a teenager who was know to have emotional problems to have an assault weapon.

Divorce…yes we have no fault divorce which arguably is a product of liberalization of society including women being more independent. But the upside of more divorce has been a decrease in domestic violence and the victimization of women stuck in an abusive relationship. A not, contrary to what the moron JD Vance said, it is not better for the children to remain with two parents in a violent home. A lower divorce rate does not mean that life is better for anyone.

Children being born “out of wedlock”? Yes there was an increase in such births starting in the 80 but it has leveled off in the last 20 years or so. But so what.? Some women choose to have a child as a single parent and that is there right- Damned Feminists. Deal with it ? A good single parent is better then two in a dysfunctional relationship. And don’t forget that we have a problem with low birth rate in this country. Women who chose to have a child but do not have a partner should be applauded

Many other children born to a single mother are the result of an unwanted pregnancy and it often involves teenagers. That is not the fault of feminism. It is the fault of a conservative, pig headed education system that fails to provide meaningful sex education to kids. Abstinence only does not work. Provide access to contraception and allow honest and open discussions about sex.

You did not mention abortion in this latest screed. .Sure, liberated feminist women have led the charge for abortion access. Good for them. Unlike conservative fools, those women and the so called feminized liberal men who support them know that banning abortion will not prevent abortion, It will only make it unsafe for women

So, Buba, you can rail all you want about feminized liberal men as opposed to patriarchal men . You can call us soy boys and what ever other pejoratives floats you boat. The fact is that we are the real men who stand up for women, and promote social justice, and we are proud of it. You can cling to and hide behind your patriarchal macho bullshit all you want bue we know what cowards and snowflakes you really are
You can’t help yourself your continuing to make things up about other posters. I have nothing wrong with a strong businesswoman. So you’re comment about barefoot pregnant woman is absurd. You lefty folks do this all the time whether it’s on gender or accusations of someone you oppose being racist. It’s kind of unfortunate but also laughable.

I will criticize the Secret Service making it easier for women to pass a physical test compared to men. Do you know why I do … it’s called common sense. I’ll criticize any major corporation in America with a racial job hiring quota… folks like you either accept this racism and left-wing propaganda or you just don’t know about it.

Well notice how mass school shootings, divorce, more children, born out of wedlock than ever, and andivorce, more children born out of wedlock than ever, and a general destruction of many nuclear families across America are happening at the same time with the rise of third wave feminism.
PS I’m not finished with you. You also said something about “ a general destruction of many nuclear families “ What does that mean exactly?. I suspect that you’re alluding to a redefining of families to include same sex couples and other “non traditional”configurations . Well, If that’s the case I’m here to tell you that those new kinds of families are just as valid as your beloved mom and dad with kids family. Yes , we “feminized -non patriarchal men support that. A more inclusive definition of family and marriage has strengthened the family, not destroyed it.

I’ll tell you another thing, if people are shying away from forming families and having children all together , it has nothing to do with feminism .. Consider our tax policies and corporate welfare system that has created enormous income and wealth disparity. Consider the lack of support systems like affordable housing and child care. Consider the destruction of the environment and the resulting climate change that causes people to reconsider whether they want to bring a child into this world. Don’t blame the feminists or the soy boys for that . It’s the macho patriarchal jackasses of the world who the ire should be directed at.

The trail of tears continues . Have a nice day
This is the clean debate zone remember that. Where we can freely express ourselves without personally attacking other posters. Where our voices can be heard …. This isn’t the public streets where left-wingers have been allowed to riot and set up their own zones like the chop zone in Seattle.

The Democrat vice presidential candidate is a weak feminized man. He believes in tampons for boys. Providing Products for boys at public schools and he has an enacted laws to support this.

The Traditional black man and traditional white man in America is abhorred by the position(s) of the vice presidential candidate.

the men who say “what do you care or we should mind your own business , Who cares about period Products for boys and public schools” ….. “who cares about a kid getting a sex change operation, after all it’s not your kid why does it affect you” These men are a part of the weak feminized men of society. And I think that they are terrible role models for society.
When teams from other schools compete they use both boys and girls lockers.
We should keep in mind that part of the weak feminized male strategy is to personally attack people and even riot. These were the folks who conducted the BLM riots for example.

Where as the traditional, masculine man and also the traditional, strong willed woman if you will believes in working hard for what they get. They believe in law and order.
Are Trump's January 6th mob feminized men?

Who is wearing pancake makeup?
So says a feminized weak man.
It’s pretty sad that you guys associate “weak “ with men who stand up for human and civil rights, want to keep guns away from dangerous and unstable people , and want to stop the rape of our environment. Got news for you . The OP’s alpha patriarchal man is not a real man and is not strong. They hide behind a macho facade . They practice cruelty and disrespect other who are different and disadvantaged in order to build themselves up, because that is what defines them. It's all that they have, just observe the Orange Ogre.

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