trio shoplifts 15 plus electronics at best buy in port charlotte

I find the whole story hilarious. While I don't really care whatsoever, how does that happen?
I find the whole story hilarious. While I don't really care whatsoever, how does that happen?
even more hilarius the first place they got is to get chicken wings. yet they say making chicken for then ins racist lol lol idiots.
And who is the President of the US Again? If we had a real president the crime would end with a quick drop and a stop....

What does the president have to do with petty crime in Port Charlotte, FL?
Yeah, what does the President Have to do with the Riots in Portland either? Oh yeah, because everything was blamed on President Trump during his time in office. How easy a Marxist/Demofascist forgets the past.

So you can't answer my question.

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