Chriis Murphy "cerebral and serious"
"What makes a troll is a combination of a bad mood and the bad example of other trolls." - This is what I found in a search.
It's an academic article on it all. It's quite a good look at it all.
To tease out possible causes of trolling, the researchers set up an online experiment. Through the Amazon Mechanical Turk service, where people can be hired to perform online tasks for a small hourly payment, they recruited people to participate in a discussion group about current events.
Participants were first given a quiz consisting of logic, math and word problems, then shown a news item and invited to comment. To compare the effects of positive and negative mood, some participants were given harder questions or were told afterward that they had performed poorly on the quiz. To compare the effects of exposure to other trolls, some were led into discussions already seeded with real troll posts copied from comments on CNN.com. The experiment showed that negative mood and bad example could lead to offensive posting.
btw, I believing trolling is prohibited on this General Discussion Message Board
It's an academic article on it all. It's quite a good look at it all.
To tease out possible causes of trolling, the researchers set up an online experiment. Through the Amazon Mechanical Turk service, where people can be hired to perform online tasks for a small hourly payment, they recruited people to participate in a discussion group about current events.
Participants were first given a quiz consisting of logic, math and word problems, then shown a news item and invited to comment. To compare the effects of positive and negative mood, some participants were given harder questions or were told afterward that they had performed poorly on the quiz. To compare the effects of exposure to other trolls, some were led into discussions already seeded with real troll posts copied from comments on CNN.com. The experiment showed that negative mood and bad example could lead to offensive posting.
Internet trolls are made, not born, CIS researchers say | Cornell Computing and Information Science
You, too, could become a troll. Not a mythological creature that hides under bridges, but one of those annoying people who post disruptive messages in internet discussion groups – “trolling” for attention - and off-topic posters who throw out racist, sexist or politically controversial rants...

btw, I believing trolling is prohibited on this General Discussion Message Board