Trudeau, a Proud Feminist 😂

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
Reaction score
How long will the people of Canada put up with this clown? He should be embarrassed. Canada should be embarrassed

I put more $ into Canada's economy than I do ours. They know how to create and protect a great outdoor environment. We could learn a lesson from them.
I put more $ into Canada's economy than I do ours. They know how to create and protect a great outdoor environment. We could learn a lesson from them.
Murkowski makes Trudeau seem like Barry Goldwater. It all falls into place for the craziness of social justice rights that runs amok from what was earned and then the winners smelled their own shit and forced their ways from it.
I'm just talking about their hunting and fishing. We used to go up therev3 to 4 times per year for at least a week. It was on average 4 grand per trip. Well worth it though better than any hunting or fishing experience here. Not even comparable.
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