Trudeau, Trump to meet at White House on Monday


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
This "unique" relationship has been about Canada and it's British pals taking advantage of America via use of Canadas geographical and economic relationship. This has been going on for thirty years, multiple Prime Ministers who have relied on the theory of "globalization" as an argument that American companies should be creating jobs in Canada, only to in turn violate International laws against these same businesses while they try and operate in a "free market" (a fallacy in the Canadian system).

The first question Trump should have for Trudeau is, "why in the hell have you been placing state operatives in American corporations who operate in Canada"? Followed by the statement, "you will no longer be placing state operatives in Americans corporations who operate in Canada".

Then, since Canada has proven itself to not be dependable, reliable or trustworthy, suggest that Canada must pay it's share of NATO obligations at 2% of GDP, and that NAFTA is null and void, replaced with a 15% tariff until a replacement or redrawing of NAFTA is completed.

That's the only way to negotiate with a Constitutional Monarchy based on communist principles disguised as a socialist system that is apparently "mixed". To be sure, there is little free market capitalism in Canada, the RCMP, CSIS, OPP and their pals have their fingers in every major business operating in Canada, pretending that they are "protecting" businesses.

Trudeau, Trump to meet at White House on Monday

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will travel to Washington on Monday to hold talks at the White House with U.S. President Donald Trump.

“They look forward to discussing ‎the unique relationship between Canada and the United States of America and how we can continue to work hard for middle-class Canadians and Americans, together,” the Prime Minister’s Office announced Thursday.

This will be the first face-to-face encounter between the two leaders, although they have had two telephone conversations since Mr. Trump become President.

The key topic on the agenda will be trade relations, particularly the President’s plans to renegotiate the North American free-trade agreement. Another item on Canada’s radar is a Republican proposal to impose a “border adjustment tax” on foreign imports, not unlike a surcharge former president Richard Nixon briefly imposed in 1971.

The talks will also likely focus on Russia, the fight against the Islamic State and Canada’s contribution to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

Aside from NAFTA, Mr. Trudeau is likely to raise the problems that have arisen from Mr. Trump’s sweeping ban on citizens from seven majority-Muslim nations entering the United States.
Trump ought to tell Mr. Smiley Face to meet him at the Denny's on the D.C. Turnpike for their meeting and see if he shows up.
Oh -- JUSTIN Trudeau. I read the title and thought of this guy...


Now that's a meeting we could expect. Con artist convention.

Btw what the hell does "state operatives in Americans corporations who operate in Canada" mean?
Btw what the hell does "state operatives in Americans corporations who operate in Canada" mean?[/QUOTE]

It means precisely as it is stated. I blew the whistle on Canadian operatives at IBM and it cost me dearly. How I know what I know is not of importance for the purposes of this thread, however I became aware of multiple employees, a manager and Business Unit Executive who were working at IBM on behalf of the State of Canada. One agent in particular was undermining the company, America in general (with very strong anti-American rhetoric and conspiracies) and attempting to draw interest in a union at IBM where none existed.

This tactic of generating interest in unions at U.S corporations is not new. I am aware of at least two other businesses in which operatives attempted to create interest in unions. This is what happens in a system like Canadas, which is not based on the same principles and foundation as the United States. You have the tampering of positions from HR on up, allowing nepotism for family members in these companies so that these businesses do not receive the best and brightest employees, and worse, they undermine the American corporations and their shareholders.

This will not go away, regardless of the outcome on Monday. My guess is that Trump isn't going to be willingly blind as other administrations might have been. Without a doubt NAFTA needs to be altered greatly, if not done away with until Canada learns to embrace the free market as other strong allies such as Japan have done.
Pogo, why is the .gif in your signature so violent?

Good question. I don't know, I didn't make it up but whoever did sure did a masterful job. This was given me by MisterBeale -- maybe he knows where it comes from.

Obviously it's a fake depiction of a physical act that never took place. Consider it a metaphorical sentiment for what our People should be doing, figuratively, to a fascist megalomaniac who wants to take golden showers on our Constitution. Actually --- and if the gifmaker wants a challenge --- it could have been more violent. He could have had the bus backing up just as Rump's head lands behind the tire.... :eusa_think:

My own personal opinion, though --- I'm not an NFL referee but that looks like an illegal hit. The guy should prolly get a 15-yard penalty. Which in the CFL would be a 15-meter penalty.
Btw what the hell does "state operatives in Americans corporations who operate in Canada" mean?

It means precisely as it is stated. I blew the whistle on Canadian operatives at IBM and it cost me dearly. How I know what I know is not of importance for the purposes of this thread, however I became aware of multiple employees, a manager and Business Unit Executive who were working at IBM on behalf of the State of Canada. One agent in particular was undermining the company, America in general (with very strong anti-American rhetoric and conspiracies) and attempting to draw interest in a union at IBM where none existed.

This tactic of generating interest in unions at U.S corporations is not new. I am aware of at least two other businesses in which operatives attempted to create interest in unions. This is what happens in a system like Canadas, which is not based on the same principles and foundation as the United States. You have the tampering of positions from HR on up, allowing nepotism for family members in these companies so that these businesses do not receive the best and brightest employees, and worse, they undermine the American corporations and their shareholders.

This will not go away, regardless of the outcome on Monday. My guess is that Trump isn't going to be willingly blind as other administrations might have been. Without a doubt NAFTA needs to be altered greatly, if not done away with until Canada learns to embrace the free market as other strong allies such as Japan have done.

OK so you meant to refer to American corporations which operate in Canada, and the first part means "state operatives OF Canada?

When you posted "who" it looks like it refers to "operatives". Unless of course corporations are people...
Btw what the hell does "state operatives in Americans corporations who operate in Canada" mean?

It means precisely as it is stated. I blew the whistle on Canadian operatives at IBM and it cost me dearly. How I know what I know is not of importance for the purposes of this thread, however I became aware of multiple employees, a manager and Business Unit Executive who were working at IBM on behalf of the State of Canada. One agent in particular was undermining the company, America in general (with very strong anti-American rhetoric and conspiracies) and attempting to draw interest in a union at IBM where none existed.

This tactic of generating interest in unions at U.S corporations is not new. I am aware of at least two other businesses in which operatives attempted to create interest in unions. This is what happens in a system like Canadas, which is not based on the same principles and foundation as the United States. You have the tampering of positions from HR on up, allowing nepotism for family members in these companies so that these businesses do not receive the best and brightest employees, and worse, they undermine the American corporations and their shareholders.

This will not go away, regardless of the outcome on Monday. My guess is that Trump isn't going to be willingly blind as other administrations might have been. Without a doubt NAFTA needs to be altered greatly, if not done away with until Canada learns to embrace the free market as other strong allies such as Japan have done.

OK so you meant to refer to American corporations which operate in Canada, and the first part means "state operatives OF Canada?

When you posted "who" it looks like it refers to "operatives". Unless of course corporations are people...

American corporations, such as Walmart, IBM et al. that have opened up offices, headquarters and operations in Canada, who believe they are operating in a free market based on Rule of Law and Self Determination, actually have a varying, sometimes vast number of Canadian operatives "finding" employment in these corporations.

The purposes for this deceit and covert work in these companies are endless, in the case of my whistleblowing, it was clear at least one of these operatives was there to spread interest in a union there. An old communist tactic to undermine a business is to create employer/employee unrest, but this is being done on the scale of a major corporation, where no grievance existed otherwise and where no need or desire existed, without someone attempting to introduce such actions.

These tactics being engaged in on a large scale in Canada are not acceptable, and by such large support from U.S corporations creating work in Canada they have passively been supporting these tactics, whether they know it or not. They have a fiduciary duty to their shareholders to not allow this to take place, as does the government of the U.S.

Let's hope Mr. Trump doesn't get too caught up in some issues while allowing such abuses by so-called allies to go on without consequences. My wife and I have paid a steep price, I hope it is not in vain, and I trust it won't be, it's only a matter of time.
This "unique" relationship has been about Canada and it's British pals taking advantage of America via use of Canadas geographical and economic relationship. This has been going on for thirty years, multiple Prime Ministers who have relied on the theory of "globalization" as an argument that American companies should be creating jobs in Canada, only to in turn violate International laws against these same businesses while they try and operate in a "free market" (a fallacy in the Canadian system).

The first question Trump should have for Trudeau is, "why in the hell have you been placing state operatives in American corporations who operate in Canada"? Followed by the statement, "you will no longer be placing state operatives in Americans corporations who operate in Canada".

Then, since Canada has proven itself to not be dependable, reliable or trustworthy, suggest that Canada must pay it's share of NATO obligations at 2% of GDP, and that NAFTA is null and void, replaced with a 15% tariff until a replacement or redrawing of NAFTA is completed.

That's the only way to negotiate with a Constitutional Monarchy based on communist principles disguised as a socialist system that is apparently "mixed". To be sure, there is little free market capitalism in Canada, the RCMP, CSIS, OPP and their pals have their fingers in every major business operating in Canada, pretending that they are "protecting" businesses.

Trudeau, Trump to meet at White House on Monday

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will travel to Washington on Monday to hold talks at the White House with U.S. President Donald Trump.

“They look forward to discussing ‎the unique relationship between Canada and the United States of America and how we can continue to work hard for middle-class Canadians and Americans, together,” the Prime Minister’s Office announced Thursday.

This will be the first face-to-face encounter between the two leaders, although they have had two telephone conversations since Mr. Trump become President.

The key topic on the agenda will be trade relations, particularly the President’s plans to renegotiate the North American free-trade agreement. Another item on Canada’s radar is a Republican proposal to impose a “border adjustment tax” on foreign imports, not unlike a surcharge former president Richard Nixon briefly imposed in 1971.

The talks will also likely focus on Russia, the fight against the Islamic State and Canada’s contribution to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

Aside from NAFTA, Mr. Trudeau is likely to raise the problems that have arisen from Mr. Trump’s sweeping ban on citizens from seven majority-Muslim nations entering the United States.
DJT will probably tell Trudeau in no uncertain terms "If you don't keep Canucks out of the USA then I will build a wall there too !!!"
Trump ought to tell Mr. Smiley Face to meet him at the Denny's on the D.C. Turnpike for their meeting and see if he shows up.
there is no DC turnpike and there are no denn
Pogo, why is the .gif in your signature so violent?

Good question. I don't know, I didn't make it up but whoever did sure did a masterful job. This was given me by MisterBeale -- maybe he knows where it comes from.

Obviously it's a fake depiction of a physical act that never took place. Consider it a metaphorical sentiment for what our People should be doing, figuratively, to a fascist megalomaniac who wants to take golden showers on our Constitution. Actually --- and if the gifmaker wants a challenge --- it could have been more violent. He could have had the bus backing up just as Rump's head lands behind the tire.... :eusa_think:

My own personal opinion, though --- I'm not an NFL referee but that looks like an illegal hit. The guy should prolly get a 15-yard penalty. Which in the CFL would be a 15-meter penalty.
Again with the reference to President Trump not complying with the constitution, What exactly has he done that is unconstitutional? and, I'm even more curious as to why the left is concerned with the constitution so deeply now after watching their choice for the last 8 years openly wipe his ass with it .
Trump ought to tell Mr. Smiley Face to meet him at the Denny's on the D.C. Turnpike for their meeting and see if he shows up.
there is no DC turnpike and there are no denn
Pogo, why is the .gif in your signature so violent?

Good question. I don't know, I didn't make it up but whoever did sure did a masterful job. This was given me by MisterBeale -- maybe he knows where it comes from.

Obviously it's a fake depiction of a physical act that never took place. Consider it a metaphorical sentiment for what our People should be doing, figuratively, to a fascist megalomaniac who wants to take golden showers on our Constitution. Actually --- and if the gifmaker wants a challenge --- it could have been more violent. He could have had the bus backing up just as Rump's head lands behind the tire.... :eusa_think:

My own personal opinion, though --- I'm not an NFL referee but that looks like an illegal hit. The guy should prolly get a 15-yard penalty. Which in the CFL would be a 15-meter penalty.
Again with the reference to President Trump not complying with the constitution, What exactly has he done that is unconstitutional? and, I'm even more curious as to why the left is concerned with the constitution so deeply now after watching their choice for the last 8 years openly wipe his ass with it .

Here's the one that keeps ringing in my head:

But there's plenty of others. Rump: a One Man Constitutional Crisis

The other thing --- on what kind of blanket-statement planet do you live where "the left" -- or "the right" --- has a unanimous "choice"?

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