Trump Assassination: Crooks’ Impossible Path to the Roof at Butler, PA Rally (Analysis)


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TRUMP ASSASSINATION: Crooks’ Impossible Path to the Roof at Butler, PA Rally (Analysis)​

17 Jul 2024 ~~ By Benjamin Wetmore

In the aftermath of the attempted assassination of President Trump, federal law enforcement can’t figure out a motive for the shooter, and they can’t get into all the details of his phone, but they’re 100% sure that he acted alone.
What does not make sense is how a 20-year-old nursing home food attendant managed to find one spot with a direct line of sight to President Trump and how Thomas Crooks managed to know of all the ongoing security lapses and failures that day, including the reassignment of the Secret Service to Jill Biden, who had a function in Pittsburgh the same day.
Another part of the story that makes no sense is that 20-year-old Thomas Crooks, who lived an hour away before he went to the rally, knew that he would need a ladder in order to scale the walls and take a shot at President Trump. According to federal authorities, Crooks stopped at Home Depot on his way to the rally in his hometown of Bethel Park and bought a 5-foot ladder.
It also makes no sense how Crooks would have been able to do enough advance research and investigation beforehand to know the security protocols of the Trump rally, and know the details of which building to get on top of, to take sniper shots at Trump.
Here’s the exact quote from USA Today on this point: “Hours before the shooting, Crooks stopped at a Home Depot in his hometown of Bethel Park and purchased a ladder, CNN and NBC reported, citing unnamed law enforcement officials.” Read more:
Here’s a clip of one such image that is circulating online. These two images serve to validate the implausible federal version of events. It explains that the police were the ones with the 10+ foot ladder observed elsewhere, and that Crooks’ ladder could have been easily placed next to the loading bay to gain entry to the roof. This image makes the federal narrative make some bit of coherent sense as to how Crooks got onto the roof.
Law enforcement is now suggesting to friendly mainstream media outlets that Crooks got onto the roof by climbing air conditioner units. The story keeps changing as their prior stories continue to fall apart.

Why is no one questioning why there were no drones? I've heard the word "drone" maybe 3 times in 50 hours of MSM viewing since Saturday. I'm not talking about a multimillion dollar drone. One for $5000 would have worked perfectly.
We all know why they didn't have them, but why is no one asking?
The point is, a drone would have spotted this guy on the roof, but it wouldn't matter because they already knew he was there! They saw him! The people on the ground saw him! The people in the building knew he was up there! The problem had nothing to do with seeing him. They did nothing. At any time, SS (or any LEO for that matter) could have uttered one word into the radio and Trump would have been off that stage in seconds. They literally declined hundreds of opportunities to do that up to and including the point where he was on the roof pointing a rifle at the President.
The counter-sniper looking through his scope could not only see he had a rifle, but could probably read the washing instructions on his shirt label. and saw that he pointed his rifle at a LEO before turning it back on Trump. He should have taken the shot immediately (and probably long before then) and at the VERY VERY LEAST, gotten Trump off the stage. NOTHING WAS DONE.
If anyone still thinks it's just a screw-up, try this experiment (don't really):
Go anywhere that's not a Trump rally and point a gun at a cop in view of other cops who have their guns pointed at you. If you survive, you can tell me all about why you think this wasn't an inside job.
In the end, Democrat Neo-Marxists, their agency appointees and the Quisling Media would have us believe that the Secret Service was outsmarted by a ficticious Jason Bourne with a missing chromosome..
Crooks obviously had inside help.

Inside job.

SS is compromised.

First they cover up for coke in the WH, now this. Corrupt to the core.

TRUMP ASSASSINATION: Crooks’ Impossible Path to the Roof at Butler, PA Rally (Analysis)​

17 Jul 2024 ~~ By Benjamin Wetmore

In the aftermath of the attempted assassination of President Trump, federal law enforcement can’t figure out a motive for the shooter, and they can’t get into all the details of his phone, but they’re 100% sure that he acted alone.
What does not make sense is how a 20-year-old nursing home food attendant managed to find one spot with a direct line of sight to President Trump and how Thomas Crooks managed to know of all the ongoing security lapses and failures that day, including the reassignment of the Secret Service to Jill Biden, who had a function in Pittsburgh the same day.
Another part of the story that makes no sense is that 20-year-old Thomas Crooks, who lived an hour away before he went to the rally, knew that he would need a ladder in order to scale the walls and take a shot at President Trump. According to federal authorities, Crooks stopped at Home Depot on his way to the rally in his hometown of Bethel Park and bought a 5-foot ladder.
It also makes no sense how Crooks would have been able to do enough advance research and investigation beforehand to know the security protocols of the Trump rally, and know the details of which building to get on top of, to take sniper shots at Trump.
Here’s the exact quote from USA Today on this point: “Hours before the shooting, Crooks stopped at a Home Depot in his hometown of Bethel Park and purchased a ladder, CNN and NBC reported, citing unnamed law enforcement officials.” Read more:
Here’s a clip of one such image that is circulating online. These two images serve to validate the implausible federal version of events. It explains that the police were the ones with the 10+ foot ladder observed elsewhere, and that Crooks’ ladder could have been easily placed next to the loading bay to gain entry to the roof. This image makes the federal narrative make some bit of coherent sense as to how Crooks got onto the roof.
Law enforcement is now suggesting to friendly mainstream media outlets that Crooks got onto the roof by climbing air conditioner units. The story keeps changing as their prior stories continue to fall apart.

Why is no one questioning why there were no drones? I've heard the word "drone" maybe 3 times in 50 hours of MSM viewing since Saturday. I'm not talking about a multimillion dollar drone. One for $5000 would have worked perfectly.
We all know why they didn't have them, but why is no one asking?
The point is, a drone would have spotted this guy on the roof, but it wouldn't matter because they already knew he was there! They saw him! The people on the ground saw him! The people in the building knew he was up there! The problem had nothing to do with seeing him. They did nothing. At any time, SS (or any LEO for that matter) could have uttered one word into the radio and Trump would have been off that stage in seconds. They literally declined hundreds of opportunities to do that up to and including the point where he was on the roof pointing a rifle at the President.
The counter-sniper looking through his scope could not only see he had a rifle, but could probably read the washing instructions on his shirt label. and saw that he pointed his rifle at a LEO before turning it back on Trump. He should have taken the shot immediately (and probably long before then) and at the VERY VERY LEAST, gotten Trump off the stage. NOTHING WAS DONE.
If anyone still thinks it's just a screw-up, try this experiment (don't really):
Go anywhere that's not a Trump rally and point a gun at a cop in view of other cops who have their guns pointed at you. If you survive, you can tell me all about why you think this wasn't an inside job.
In the end, Democrat Neo-Marxists, their agency appointees and the Quisling Media would have us believe that the Secret Service was outsmarted by a ficticious Jason Bourne with a missing chromosome..
I read something that his parents actually notified the police ahead of Trump's visit that he was a threat.

TRUMP ASSASSINATION: Crooks’ Impossible Path to the Roof at Butler, PA Rally (Analysis)​

17 Jul 2024 ~~ By Benjamin Wetmore

In the aftermath of the attempted assassination of President Trump, federal law enforcement can’t figure out a motive for the shooter, and they can’t get into all the details of his phone, but they’re 100% sure that he acted alone.
What does not make sense is how a 20-year-old nursing home food attendant managed to find one spot with a direct line of sight to President Trump and how Thomas Crooks managed to know of all the ongoing security lapses and failures that day, including the reassignment of the Secret Service to Jill Biden, who had a function in Pittsburgh the same day.
Another part of the story that makes no sense is that 20-year-old Thomas Crooks, who lived an hour away before he went to the rally, knew that he would need a ladder in order to scale the walls and take a shot at President Trump. According to federal authorities, Crooks stopped at Home Depot on his way to the rally in his hometown of Bethel Park and bought a 5-foot ladder.
It also makes no sense how Crooks would have been able to do enough advance research and investigation beforehand to know the security protocols of the Trump rally, and know the details of which building to get on top of, to take sniper shots at Trump.
Here’s the exact quote from USA Today on this point: “Hours before the shooting, Crooks stopped at a Home Depot in his hometown of Bethel Park and purchased a ladder, CNN and NBC reported, citing unnamed law enforcement officials.” Read more:
Here’s a clip of one such image that is circulating online. These two images serve to validate the implausible federal version of events. It explains that the police were the ones with the 10+ foot ladder observed elsewhere, and that Crooks’ ladder could have been easily placed next to the loading bay to gain entry to the roof. This image makes the federal narrative make some bit of coherent sense as to how Crooks got onto the roof.
Law enforcement is now suggesting to friendly mainstream media outlets that Crooks got onto the roof by climbing air conditioner units. The story keeps changing as their prior stories continue to fall apart.

Why is no one questioning why there were no drones? I've heard the word "drone" maybe 3 times in 50 hours of MSM viewing since Saturday. I'm not talking about a multimillion dollar drone. One for $5000 would have worked perfectly.
We all know why they didn't have them, but why is no one asking?
The point is, a drone would have spotted this guy on the roof, but it wouldn't matter because they already knew he was there! They saw him! The people on the ground saw him! The people in the building knew he was up there! The problem had nothing to do with seeing him. They did nothing. At any time, SS (or any LEO for that matter) could have uttered one word into the radio and Trump would have been off that stage in seconds. They literally declined hundreds of opportunities to do that up to and including the point where he was on the roof pointing a rifle at the President.
The counter-sniper looking through his scope could not only see he had a rifle, but could probably read the washing instructions on his shirt label. and saw that he pointed his rifle at a LEO before turning it back on Trump. He should have taken the shot immediately (and probably long before then) and at the VERY VERY LEAST, gotten Trump off the stage. NOTHING WAS DONE.
If anyone still thinks it's just a screw-up, try this experiment (don't really):
Go anywhere that's not a Trump rally and point a gun at a cop in view of other cops who have their guns pointed at you. If you survive, you can tell me all about why you think this wasn't an inside job.
In the end, Democrat Neo-Marxists, their agency appointees and the Quisling Media would have us believe that the Secret Service was outsmarted by a ficticious Jason Bourne with a missing chromosome..
I suspect Melania ordered the hit and called off the Secret Service

Notice she wasn’t there?
Doc7505 once again is in conspiracy grounds with no links for his allegations.
It's like a poor man's Get Smart. Kaos and Control. Ziegfreid and Maxwell Smart. We need to use the Cone of Silence. 99 was not DEI.
I doubt it was an inside job.

More like plenty of opportunity, because of stupidity and dereliction of duty.

Photos of Thomas Crooks at Butler Rally Prove Snipers Were 40 Feet from Him as Shots Rang Out​

21 Jul 2024 ~~ By Benjamin Wetmore

The information coming out from the Butler PA Trump Rally Shooting provided by authorities does not make sense. The federal narrative has been unwinding and falling apart the past week since the attempted assassination of President Trump.
Very limited information has emerged, usually in the form of selective leaks by the FBI to compliant media outlets.
Part of the story that has not made sense is how Thomas Matthew Crooks, aged 20, with no specialized training, was able to identify a very unique security flaw in the rally arrangements, find the one building that would give him a clear line of sight to kill President Trump, evade any engagement by law enforcement, and then end up on top of a building where a counter-sniper team was operating inside, all at the exact right times in order to try and kill President Trump.
The lack of clarity about where the counter-sniper team was in the building has contributed to the confusion.
These pictures are taken by the sniper team that was on the second story of the AGR Complex.
So who is this team of snipers? Who was in the second floor of the AGR building? Who was in this building during the shooting, what were they doing, and were they legitimately with law enforcement?

Did someone move the rifle? How can it be so far away and parallel to him? From the imgaes I've seen the rifle appears to be just over 6 feet from the body. Doesn’t look right if he was still firing at trump when shot.
Seems strangely funny that, for the first time in history government law enforcement didn't think a guy with an "assault rifle" was a threat to anyone especially the GOP choice for president.
Everything read, heard or viewed prior to this article made it seem like the local LEO snipers were in the same building as Crooks. They made it seem like it was impossible for them to see him because no one sees what is on top of the roof of their own building. Now that we see pictures of those snipers’ location behind open windows of a second floor with a clear line of site to Crooks and to Trump, things are different, clear and horrifying.
I'm sure the FBI "After Action" Investigation is more Keystone Cops than the Actual actions of the 5 or 6 Security Branches that were supposedly there that day. Secret Service, Local County Police, the other County Police, the Secret Service that were not actual Secret Service but HSI agents, the Sherriffs Deputies, and any Trump Security....
This becomes all the more reason to shut all the alphabets down. There is nothing in the constitution requiring them, they've been created by Congress and Congress has the authority over all the the agencies if by anything the power of the purse.
Also related to this subject and good assessment:
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Doc is using gatewaypundit.

None of what he reports is true. This is inflammatory defamation and should be severely fined.
The kid was a patsy.
The kill shot came from the 1st floor.
The SS said that locals had security for the buikdings, the locals say not true.

So who were the snipers in the building? I want their names.
I suspect Melania ordered the hit and called off the Secret Service

Notice she wasn’t there?
President Trump may have known he was being targeted for assassination and likely made sure his wife was safe. He wouldn't knowingly allowed his wife to be in harm's way. His enemies hate him, and he wouldn't allow them to harm her. He is a good man to insure his family is protected from satanic haters.
I suspect Melania ordered the hit and called off the Secret Service

Notice she wasn’t there?
What, now you are a conspiracy theorist?

Melania knows there are a lot of people out there that hates Trump, and rather see him dead. Why would Trump risk by bringing her to his rallies, when he knew at any given moment, both could have been hurt very badly?
I don't believe the United States Secret Service, one of the most elite well-trained agency that's ever existed in the history of mankind, could have bungled this badly.

They were in on it. And they didn't do it on their own.

The FBI is in on it too.

I would not be surprised to learn Biden himself gave the orders to carry out this covert operation.
I don't believe the United States Secret Service, one of the most elite well-trained agency that's ever existed in the history of mankind, could have bungled this badly.

They were in on it. And they didn't do it on their own.

The FBI is in on it too.

I would not be surprised to learn Biden himself gave the orders to carry out this covert operation.
I think it was probably Hillary
She does stuff like that all the time

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