Trump at funeral service

The Trumps handled themselves professionally and respectfully during the service. They were presidential and showed respect to 41 and his family. Hillary Clinton was an arrogant disrespectful bitch, which is her normal persona.
Their appearance went over like a fart in church

Trump seems to be scowling through the entire ceremony

Most people who have to sit that close to the Corporate Whore scowl too!

Melania can be kinda tough

Melania is a tough lady. The Corporate Whore isn't tough, she's just corrupt. All you have to do is look at how she and her campaign rigged the primaries to ensure Bernie had no chance to see how corrupt she is at her core.
Years as a prostitute will do that

You think Hillary was a prostitute? Wow, who do you think would pay for that?
It's important for you that those that compete with the USA and even desire our demise to like us? That's not part of Trump's job.
'Like'? trump is the first POTUS to reference U.S/foreign relationships with terms typically found in adolescent girls' tweets.

"He likes me" seems to be some evidence that trump is furthering a healthy policy with leaders who used to be our allies, but more so with leaders who were historical foes.

He's the first POTUS who put so much weight on being 'liked'.

Probably because even his own mother never liked him.
What a crock of crap. You sound like one of the idiots that claimed George W. Bush was invading Iraq to avenge his daddy.
What a crock of crap. You sound like one of the idiots that claimed George W. Bush was invading Iraq to avenge his daddy.
Whereas Dubyah admitted that it was about revenge, it was more about allowing Cheney to pad the coffers of his cohorts, and increase the value of his shares of Halliburton stock.
The Trumps handled themselves professionally and respectfully during the service. They were presidential and showed respect to 41 and his family. Hillary Clinton was an arrogant disrespectful bitch, which is her normal persona.
Their appearance went over like a fart in church

Does Red know the Apostle's Creed ?? The trumps sure don't They remained silent Don't know why the hell they even showed up Maybe now Evangelists will have 2nd thoughts about the man who made a deal with the devil
The Trumps handled themselves professionally and respectfully during the service. They were presidential and showed respect to 41 and his family. Hillary Clinton was an arrogant disrespectful bitch, which is her normal persona.
Their appearance went over like a fart in church

Does Red know the Apostle's Creed ?? The trumps sure don't They remained silent Don't know why the hell they even showed up Maybe now Evangelists will have 2nd thoughts about the man who made a deal with the devil
You don't have to read the Apostle's Creed to be a Christian. It's a denominational thing, not a Christian thing.
Please, no politicizing the man's funeral. Have at least THAT much respect.
^ that, says a Trump supporter
Compare GHW Bush's resume with the slug in our WH now

Neither bush 41 or Trump ever transmitted classified documents on an illegal unsecure server, neither of them gave billions in cash to the Iranian mullahs that chant death to America, neither of them hated America, neither of them had sex with an intern in the oval office, neither of them was born in Kenya, neither of them had a money laundering foundation used for political bribes.

slug???? the slugs have the last names of Clinton and Obama.
PLEASE in the future don't mention Bush 41 and Dump in the same sentence Bush devoted his life to country Trump his life devoted to himself A disgusting degenerate
Most people who have to sit that close to the Corporate Whore scowl too!

Melania can be kinda tough

Melania is a tough lady. The Corporate Whore isn't tough, she's just corrupt. All you have to do is look at how she and her campaign rigged the primaries to ensure Bernie had no chance to see how corrupt she is at her core.
Years as a prostitute will do that

sorry, but no one ever would pay Hillary for sex. lesbian slut maybe, but prostitute, never.
Many, many paid Melania

Melania was a model (a well paid one) but not a prostitute or call girl. Bubba Clinton patronized an under age sex island and paid young girls or their pimps, for sex.

You are a sick human being if you cannot see the difference.
Please, no politicizing the man's funeral. Have at least THAT much respect.
^ that, says a Trump supporter
Compare GHW Bush's resume with the slug in our WH now

Neither bush 41 or Trump ever transmitted classified documents on an illegal unsecure server, neither of them gave billions in cash to the Iranian mullahs that chant death to America, neither of them hated America, neither of them had sex with an intern in the oval office, neither of them was born in Kenya, neither of them had a money laundering foundation used for political bribes.

slug???? the slugs have the last names of Clinton and Obama.
PLEASE in the future don't mention Bush 41 and Dump in the same sentence Bush devoted his life to country Trump his life devoted to himself A disgusting degenerate

the definition of disgusting degenerate------------------Bill and Hillary Clinton.
It's important for you that those that compete with the USA and even desire our demise to like us? That's not part of Trump's job.
'Like'? trump is the first POTUS to reference U.S/foreign relationships with terms typically found in adolescent girls' tweets.

"He likes me" seems to be some evidence that trump is furthering a healthy policy with leaders who used to be our allies, but more so with leaders who were historical foes.

He's the first POTUS who put so much weight on being 'liked'.

Probably because even his own mother never liked him.

you lefties are a sick bunch. YOU LOST, HILLARY LOST-----------------TRUMP WON. get the fuck over it.
It's important for you that those that compete with the USA and even desire our demise to like us? That's not part of Trump's job.
'Like'? trump is the first POTUS to reference U.S/foreign relationships with terms typically found in adolescent girls' tweets.

"He likes me" seems to be some evidence that trump is furthering a healthy policy with leaders who used to be our allies, but more so with leaders who were historical foes.

He's the first POTUS who put so much weight on being 'liked'.

Probably because even his own mother never liked him.

you lefties are a sick bunch. YOU LOST, HILLARY LOST-----------------TRUMP WON. get the fuck over it.
^ triggered
It's important for you that those that compete with the USA and even desire our demise to like us? That's not part of Trump's job.
'Like'? trump is the first POTUS to reference U.S/foreign relationships with terms typically found in adolescent girls' tweets.

"He likes me" seems to be some evidence that trump is furthering a healthy policy with leaders who used to be our allies, but more so with leaders who were historical foes.

He's the first POTUS who put so much weight on being 'liked'.

Probably because even his own mother never liked him.

you lefties are a sick bunch. YOU LOST, HILLARY LOST-----------------TRUMP WON. get the fuck over it.
Anyone thinking that trump pos is good for America
must gain complete control over their facilities
It's important for you that those that compete with the USA and even desire our demise to like us? That's not part of Trump's job.
'Like'? trump is the first POTUS to reference U.S/foreign relationships with terms typically found in adolescent girls' tweets.

"He likes me" seems to be some evidence that trump is furthering a healthy policy with leaders who used to be our allies, but more so with leaders who were historical foes.

He's the first POTUS who put so much weight on being 'liked'.

Probably because even his own mother never liked him.

you lefties are a sick bunch. YOU LOST, HILLARY LOST-----------------TRUMP WON. get the fuck over it.
Anyone thinking that trump pos is good for America
must gain complete control over their facilities
He was not as bad at the funeral as I'd feared. He was tweeting before going in, but .... at least he didn't tweet while in church. Nor did he take issue, or probably even notice, the cathedral is explicitly non-denominational and even not exclusively Christian.
Funny, you couldn't seem to name the thing you made up, either. You can't even describe the word "chord". Go ahead, throw your little nightly hissy.

No I didn't name the was a quiz and you couldn't answer the first question, the easiest don't play the just use an old black blues player for your avatar so somebody will believe you do....pitiful.
Trump is universally mocked around the world. Disliked and not trusted

Of course he is, it's a badge of honor to finally have a President who tells the euro-trash to pay their bills and the asians they either buy from us or get locked out of our market. The only folks Trump needs to be popular with are slimy leftists will always root for the US to fail and get cheated...we expect it.
Trump is universally mocked around the world. Disliked and not trusted

Of course he is, it's a badge of honor to finally have a President who tells the euro-trash to pay their bills and the asians they either buy from us or get locked out of our market. The only folks Trump needs to be popular with are slimy leftists will always root for the US to fail and get cheated...we expect it.
Some one Teddy R I believe ,said speak softly but carry a big stick Why can't the moron in our wh learn from that
What a crock of crap. You sound like one of the idiots that claimed George W. Bush was invading Iraq to avenge his daddy.
Whereas Dubyah admitted that it was about revenge, it was more about allowing Cheney to pad the coffers of his cohorts, and increase the value of his shares of Halliburton stock.
Cheney sold his Halliburton stock before he ever ran for office.
Trump is universally mocked around the world. Disliked and not trusted

Of course he is, it's a badge of honor to finally have a President who tells the euro-trash to pay their bills and the asians they either buy from us or get locked out of our market. The only folks Trump needs to be popular with are slimy leftists will always root for the US to fail and get cheated...we expect it.
the problem is that in ten years or less we won't be able to pay our bills.
What a crock of crap. You sound like one of the idiots that claimed George W. Bush was invading Iraq to avenge his daddy.
Whereas Dubyah admitted that it was about revenge, it was more about allowing Cheney to pad the coffers of his cohorts, and increase the value of his shares of Halliburton stock.
Cheney sold his Halliburton stock before he ever ran for office.
But not his options?
Trump is universally mocked around the world. Disliked and not trusted

Of course he is, it's a badge of honor to finally have a President who tells the euro-trash to pay their bills and the asians they either buy from us or get locked out of our market. The only folks Trump needs to be popular with are slimy leftists will always root for the US to fail and get cheated...we expect it.
Some one Teddy R I believe ,said speak softly but carry a big stick Why can't the moron in our wh learn from that
So you want Trump to bash his critics with a Baseball bat?

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