Trump at funeral service

Funny, you couldn't seem to name the thing you made up, either. You can't even describe the word "chord". Go ahead, throw your little nightly hissy.

The most basic blues chord is the's the root of delta blues, which was carried up to Chicago and electrified. Robert Johnson to Muddy Waters and then across the pond to England to cats like Alvin Lee, Jimmy Page, Jeff Beck, Clapton, and Hendrix (who had to go to England to make a name for himself) who sent it back to us. Got two fingers?....learn the E7, dummy.

Actually, just as much Delta blues was played in open G and open A tuning.
Actually, just as much Delta blues was played in open G and open A tuning.

You're a worm....a slimy little worm trying to play word games about things you know nothing, zero, about. Not only don't you play a guitar, you don't know anything about music in general and blues in particular. Get that avatar off your name, worm.
Actually, just as much Delta blues was played in open G and open A tuning.

You're a worm....a slimy little worm trying to play word games about things you know nothing, zero, about. Not only don't you play a guitar, you don't know anything about music in general and blues in particular. Get that avatar off your name, worm.
Ha, you don't get many gigs, do you? Probably a mediocre player, too. I play a lot of gigs, myself. Keep at it.
Ha, you don't get many gigs, do you? Probably a mediocre player, too. I play a lot of gigs, myself. Keep at it.

You couldn't string a guitar, much less tune one. And the only "gig" you've ever had was emptying the ashtrays and busing tables after a show. I know by your stalling and stupid comments you're no player. Get rid of the avatar ya worm.
Trump seems to be scowling through the entire ceremony

Most people who have to sit that close to the Corporate Whore scowl too!

Melania can be kinda tough

Melania is a tough lady. The Corporate Whore isn't tough, she's just corrupt. All you have to do is look at how she and her campaign rigged the primaries to ensure Bernie had no chance to see how corrupt she is at her core.
Years as a prostitute will do that

You think Hillary was a prostitute? Wow, who do you think would pay for that?
Too funny

HIllary was a distinguished attorney
Melania worked her way up as a prostitute until she landed a billionaire
Trump is universally mocked around the world. Disliked and not trusted

Of course he is, it's a badge of honor to finally have a President who tells the euro-trash to pay their bills and the asians they either buy from us or get locked out of our market. The only folks Trump needs to be popular with are slimy leftists will always root for the US to fail and get cheated...we expect it.

The conservative disdain for the rest of the world is surrendering our former role as leader of the free world
Most people who have to sit that close to the Corporate Whore scowl too!

Melania can be kinda tough

Melania is a tough lady. The Corporate Whore isn't tough, she's just corrupt. All you have to do is look at how she and her campaign rigged the primaries to ensure Bernie had no chance to see how corrupt she is at her core.
Years as a prostitute will do that

You think Hillary was a prostitute? Wow, who do you think would pay for that?
Too funny

HIllary was a distinguished attorney
Melania worked her way up as a prostitute until she landed a billionaire

Distinguished? The Corporate Whore worked as an corporate attorney, representing big corporations against people who had been wronged by them. She defended one corporation against a guy who found the back end of a rodent in his food, arguing that the animal had been sterilized when the food was cooked and thus was edible, so he didn't deserve a settlement. She did take on the odd criminal case, defending a man accused of raping a 12 year old girl by attacking the girl's sanity and character. NOT a distinguished person at all.
What a crock of crap. You sound like one of the idiots that claimed George W. Bush was invading Iraq to avenge his daddy.
Whereas Dubyah admitted that it was about revenge, it was more about allowing Cheney to pad the coffers of his cohorts, and increase the value of his shares of Halliburton stock.
Cheney sold his Halliburton stock before he ever ran for office.
But not his options?
Don't believe the drunken ramblings from the T.Cat. Cheney never sold his stock. He made claims about donating his earnings to charity, but he still holds the stock from the company he ran into the ground when he was at the helm.

Which is why the Iraq debacle is so obvious.
Melania can be kinda tough

Melania is a tough lady. The Corporate Whore isn't tough, she's just corrupt. All you have to do is look at how she and her campaign rigged the primaries to ensure Bernie had no chance to see how corrupt she is at her core.
Years as a prostitute will do that

You think Hillary was a prostitute? Wow, who do you think would pay for that?
Too funny

HIllary was a distinguished attorney
Melania worked her way up as a prostitute until she landed a billionaire

Distinguished? The Corporate Whore worked as an corporate attorney, representing big corporations against people who had been wronged by them. She defended one corporation against a guy who found the back end of a rodent in his food, arguing that the animal had been sterilized when the food was cooked and thus was edible, so he didn't deserve a settlement. She did take on the odd criminal case, defending a man accused of raping a 12 year old girl by attacking the girl's sanity and character. NOT a distinguished person at all.
Highly respected attorney

Why don’t you tell us about Melanias fake degree in architecture?
Melania is a tough lady. The Corporate Whore isn't tough, she's just corrupt. All you have to do is look at how she and her campaign rigged the primaries to ensure Bernie had no chance to see how corrupt she is at her core.
Years as a prostitute will do that

You think Hillary was a prostitute? Wow, who do you think would pay for that?
Too funny

HIllary was a distinguished attorney
Melania worked her way up as a prostitute until she landed a billionaire

Distinguished? The Corporate Whore worked as an corporate attorney, representing big corporations against people who had been wronged by them. She defended one corporation against a guy who found the back end of a rodent in his food, arguing that the animal had been sterilized when the food was cooked and thus was edible, so he didn't deserve a settlement. She did take on the odd criminal case, defending a man accused of raping a 12 year old girl by attacking the girl's sanity and character. NOT a distinguished person at all.
Highly respected attorney

Why don’t you tell us about Melanias fake degree in architecture?

Not highly respected...a bottom feeder who NEVER found a corporate dollar she didn't crave.
In 1979, Hillary magically turned a $1,000 “investment” in cattle futures into $100,000 in the space of only one year — and then surprisingly quit cold, never to “invest” again. Many people considered this a one-time payoff from Tyson Foods. The Whitewater land deal scandal involving the Rose Law Firm (in which Hillary was a partner), and the criminal involvement of the Guaranty Savings and Loan Association. Billing records of the Rose Law Firm that would have exposed Hillary’s involvement in the fraud had been subpoenaed by the government, but had mysteriously disappeared, only to magically turn up in the Clinton White House after the statute of limitations had expired.

Not distinguished or respected. A corrupt corporate whore.
Last edited:
Years as a prostitute will do that

You think Hillary was a prostitute? Wow, who do you think would pay for that?
Too funny

HIllary was a distinguished attorney
Melania worked her way up as a prostitute until she landed a billionaire

Distinguished? The Corporate Whore worked as an corporate attorney, representing big corporations against people who had been wronged by them. She defended one corporation against a guy who found the back end of a rodent in his food, arguing that the animal had been sterilized when the food was cooked and thus was edible, so he didn't deserve a settlement. She did take on the odd criminal case, defending a man accused of raping a 12 year old girl by attacking the girl's sanity and character. NOT a distinguished person at all.
Highly respected attorney

Why don’t you tell us about Melanias fake degree in architecture?

Not highly respected...a bottom feeder who NEVER found a corporate dollar she didn't crave.
Hunarcy what you should be doing instead of spouting all the repub BS about Hill is get supplied with all the BS you'll be spewing about our next president Biden
It's important for you that those that compete with the USA and even desire our demise to like us? That's not part of Trump's job.
'Like'? trump is the first POTUS to reference U.S/foreign relationships with terms typically found in adolescent girls' tweets.

"He likes me" seems to be some evidence that trump is furthering a healthy policy with leaders who used to be our allies, but more so with leaders who were historical foes.

He's the first POTUS who put so much weight on being 'liked'.

Probably because even his own mother never liked him.

you lefties are a sick bunch. YOU LOST, HILLARY LOST-----------------TRUMP WON. get the fuck over it.
^ triggered

not triggered, just honest
Most people who have to sit that close to the Corporate Whore scowl too!

Melania can be kinda tough

Melania is a tough lady. The Corporate Whore isn't tough, she's just corrupt. All you have to do is look at how she and her campaign rigged the primaries to ensure Bernie had no chance to see how corrupt she is at her core.
Years as a prostitute will do that

You think Hillary was a prostitute? Wow, who do you think would pay for that?
Too funny

HIllary was a distinguished attorney
Melania worked her way up as a prostitute until she landed a billionaire

distinguished? she got fired for lying and corruption, she lost her law license.

Models are not prostitutes, grow up, boy.
You think Hillary was a prostitute? Wow, who do you think would pay for that?
Too funny

HIllary was a distinguished attorney
Melania worked her way up as a prostitute until she landed a billionaire

Distinguished? The Corporate Whore worked as an corporate attorney, representing big corporations against people who had been wronged by them. She defended one corporation against a guy who found the back end of a rodent in his food, arguing that the animal had been sterilized when the food was cooked and thus was edible, so he didn't deserve a settlement. She did take on the odd criminal case, defending a man accused of raping a 12 year old girl by attacking the girl's sanity and character. NOT a distinguished person at all.
Highly respected attorney

Why don’t you tell us about Melanias fake degree in architecture?

Not highly respected...a bottom feeder who NEVER found a corporate dollar she didn't crave.
Hunarcy what you should be doing instead of spouting all the repub BS about Hill is get supplied with all the BS you'll be spewing about our next president Biden

Biden ????? you are in fantasy land, that pervert will never be president.
Most people who have to sit that close to the Corporate Whore scowl too!

Melania can be kinda tough

Melania is a tough lady. The Corporate Whore isn't tough, she's just corrupt. All you have to do is look at how she and her campaign rigged the primaries to ensure Bernie had no chance to see how corrupt she is at her core.
Years as a prostitute will do that

You think Hillary was a prostitute? Wow, who do you think would pay for that?
Too funny

HIllary was a distinguished attorney
Melania worked her way up as a prostitute until she landed a billionaire
Why was Hillary removed from the Watergate committee?

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