Trump calls for return of Johnny Carson 20 years after his death

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016

This makes a whole new dimension on trumpys powers.
If he can bring back the dead he can do anything.

I hope that his maga chimps will be along soon to explain what he really meant.
Carson had a rule about politics on comedy talk shows. And he was supposed to be a liberal.

This makes a whole new dimension on trumpys powers.
If he can bring back the dead he can do anything.

I hope that his maga chimps will be along soon to explain what he really meant.
Trump's rapidly deteriorating mental fitness should be a top concern for voters
If Biden had said this there would no end of the remarks coming from the right. Trump derserves the same scrutiny. So you trump worshippers just have to dea with it.

Trumps lies about Springfield disqualify him.
This makes a whole new dimension on trumpys powers.
If he can bring back the dead he can do anything.

I hope that his maga chimps will be along soon to explain what he really meant.

So often it is difficult to guage whether you are pretending to be more stupid than you obviously are , or , whether you are permanently lost in the land of general non -comprehension
I have a feeling that your post was meant seriously which reinforces the claim that you are a regurgitator , but somebody who rarely really understands what he reads and completely misquotes from ignorance .

Try reading the source and understanding the spirit and context of the reported comment .
Enter a different Universe from the one we inhabit and one which you are apparently excluded from .

BTW, IM2.0 suffers from the same disability .
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This makes a whole new dimension on trumpys powers.
If he can bring back the dead he can do anything.

I hope that his maga chimps will be along soon to explain what he really meant.
Obviously, even the Brit twit simp, taint, knows that Trump wasn’t suggesting that Carson is still alive.

The taint is such a fraud. An obvious one.

This makes a whole new dimension on trumpys powers.
If he can bring back the dead he can do anything.

I hope that his maga chimps will be along soon to explain what he really meant.
He is talking about how bad all the current late night hosts are and have been for a long time.

Everyone would rather see someone like Johnny Carson who leaves politics out of their show.

You are a complete dolt if you think he doesn’t know Carson is long gone.

This makes a whole new dimension on trumpys powers.
If he can bring back the dead he can do anything.

I hope that his maga chimps will be along soon to explain what he really meant.

I really find it hard to believe you're SO stupid, that was your takeaway from the story.

I know you're pretty fucking dumb, but I refuse to believe you're that dumb.
Must be an age thing. I'd rather watch Carson reruns than the current crop. John Stewart excepted.
Must be an age thing. I'd rather watch Carson reruns than the current crop. John Stewart excepted.
I’d rather watch a person scraping nails over a chalkboard at full volume than watch John Stewart.
This is a lame thread even by lame enemy democrat standards. I'd go further than Johnny Carson. Bring back Steve Allen or Jack Parr even. The current crop of late night talk shows have become so political they are nauseatingly toxic.
I'm too young to remember Johnny Carson but I have seen reruns of his late night show and he was way better than the clowns that inhabit late night talk shows now.

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