Trump calls for return of Johnny Carson 20 years after his death

Trump's rapidly deteriorating mental fitness should be a top concern for voters
For 3 months, all the supposedly liberal press could talk about was the age of Biden. Trump--who is like 2 years younger and far more demented--never has his age or fading mental capacity talked about in the press.
He is still president. He was not replaced. If you could gve a rats ass, then you don't repeat the same stupidity. Biden stopped because he was losing in the polls aand he felt that a trump presidency was too much of a risk for him to continue. Personally I think he should have stayed in because about right now the things Trump is saying would be giving Biden the lead. And I doubt if Biden would hve ost the second debate.
replaced in his run for another term.......thats stupidity on your part for acting like you didnt know what i was talking about....i told you he was to old but you, like harris,said he is as sharp as a tack...that makes you as reliable as she is..........

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