Trump Demands Apology(?)--Apparently For Video, "Trump Shakes It Off!" His Sympathy Vote Deal(?)


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
So the famous parody of the entire Trump Campaign, "Trump Shakes It Off," was apparently so mis-interpreted by New York Times: That now there is a demand for an apology!

Trump insists he didn't insult reporter with disabilities, now wants an apology for the accusation | Fox News

It's never a good idea to try to even guess what Donald Trump is thinking--If that is what it is(?)! What that video really was all about was a shameless(?) appeal for the sympathy vote, not a shameful appeal at all.
It was supposed to be captioned, "I would never really do this public, at all!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Maybe great leader now ready to run from Medicine Lodge, climb into Lear, and then really Hyooge jump into healing-lake waters, really, really deep--like Tahoe(?)!
when you fuck up blame the other guy.

where have we heard that for the last 8 years?
Video is forever...


My, how Presidential. What a man. Swoon.
Probably anyone being sympathetic should just say what it is he's got(?)! On the other hand, if it's really just a parody of his own campaign to date, then more likely he'll try to set up a charitable foundation--with a certain high energy type in charge(?): Unless that is what this is?!? That way he can offend the disabled and the charitable foundations, all at once!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(Maybe not good idea to give Wild Man, any matches, for the moment(?)! For December 15, maybe set fire to studio, especially if its by an NBC affiliate(?)!)
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Video is forever...


My, how Presidential. What a man. Swoon.

Video is forever for everyone BUT Drumpf.

He does this almost every day.

First he lies and then he demands an apology for getting caught in his lie.

What are you gonna believe? What Drumpf says or your own eyes?

The nutters believe Drumpf.
You fuckers should apologize.

No name was even mentioned.

Fucking liars.
Video is forever...


My, how Presidential. What a man. Swoon.

Video is forever for everyone BUT Drumpf.

He does this almost every day.

First he lies and then he demands an apology for getting caught in his lie.

What are you gonna believe? What Drumpf says or your own eyes?

The nutters believe Drumpf.

Only a world-class narcissist who would buy a place in Palm Beach without knowing it's directly in a flight path, and then when he hears jets, turn around and sue the county for having an airport, could come up with this level of pig-ignorant denial.
So now the video gives new meaning to the concept, "High Energy Kind of Guy!" It does look like someone finally stuck a loose high voltage wire up - - -maybe somewhere dark(?), and probably not Cosby, either(?)!

Anyone does surmise, however, at Cosby's chances for the Republican Presidential nomination. "Shaking Things Off" seems to be all rage among the TV rich and famous(?)! YouTube now needs some new Korean dancing guy. Barnum & Bailey seems to be what Republicans seem to mean by "Needing a Bigger Tent!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Better it is to curse the darkness--then to fool with a ConEdison utility!)
Video is forever...


My, how Presidential. What a man. Swoon.

Video is forever for everyone BUT Drumpf.

He does this almost every day.

First he lies and then he demands an apology for getting caught in his lie.

What are you gonna believe? What Drumpf says or your own eyes?

The nutters believe Drumpf.

That's doing the Donald.
Say something completely bullshit, then double down / or deny. Then demand others apologize for knowing you lied and had the nerve to say it out loud.
After that impression, I can't wait to see his Hillary impersonation.

Video is forever...


My, how Presidential. What a man. Swoon.

Video is forever for everyone BUT Drumpf.

He does this almost every day.

First he lies and then he demands an apology for getting caught in his lie.

What are you gonna believe? What Drumpf says or your own eyes?

The nutters believe Drumpf.

That's doing the Donald.
Say something completely bullshit, then double down / or deny. Then demand others apologize for knowing you lied and had the nerve to say it out loud.

The weird thing is -- why doesn't he just sue like he always does? He didn't mind suing Palm Beach County (three times) for having an airport -- yet the NYT doesn't rate a lawsuit?

What do they have to do --- buzz his wig with planes?

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