Trump Elephant: Demonology(?)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a malady-based approach to TrumpUSA- criticism, so it's not really a story (more of a journal).

This one (my last one) is inspired by Capitalism: A Love Story.

Signing off,



"U.S. President Donald Trump felt like a clumsy and naïve elephant approaching a cunning mouse threatening to crawl up its trunk and gnawing on its brain. The mouse of course was a dissatisfied American public overly-critical about a capitalism-baron and casino-owner becoming the American President. Trump was the first celebrity-president since Ronald Reagan who gave the world the dissatisfying system of Reaganomics, so naturally, the public was wary of a devastating 'Trumponomics' yielding a 'legacy' of foolish economics-based governance in a modern geopolitical market more or less 'ruled' by consumerism (e.g., Wall Street, European Union,, etc., etc.). What was Trump to do?"


"Of course, to make capitalism work, you have to coordinate capitalism with democracy and it's darn-right challenging to soothe all egos when capitalism can become so naturally competitive (i.e., Wall Street). After all, many Americans grew up reading Richie Rich comics and watching Gordon Gekko (the iconic fictional Wall Street tycoon) in movie theaters. Capitalism is all about competition while democracy is all about negotiation and since the two rarely meet in-between, there are all kinds of deadly 'sparks' created in the American system (e.g., U.S. vs. Microsoft). So how was Trump to convince the public that the world needed a capitalism-shark to lead?"


"A philosopher might suggest that capitalism is like a group of bulbous-headed field-mushrooms. You have to cultivate the roots to make the stalks grow sturdy enough to support the large bulbous-head, and if you fail to do so, either the stalk is too short, or the head is too small and the overall mushroom is basically dysfunctional (e.g., Enron). How do you create a capitalist system that fosters sportsmanship when it's basically all about competitive instincts? President Trump thought the answer was in commerce-gauged geopolitical treaties (e.g., between North Korea and South Korea). Failure might mean mushroom-shaped nuclear-bomb clouds, as Trump contemplated during the nuclear-missile test crisis/fiasco involving North Korea during Labor Day weekend 2017!"


"A journalist suggested that President Trump should seek the wise counsel of First Lady Melania Trump who might advise him to consider how capitalism is a brutish form of 'sandpaper' --- the more you rub it on natural wood to create a desired texture/thickness, the more you realize you're literally rubbing a material down to oblivion. Indeed, President Trump would certainly consider how modern capitalism was rough on the edges and too sharp for straightforward diplomacy, and as the World Cup in Russia approached, Trump wondered if failure to continue capitalism-geared negotiations would create a type of 'democratic jaundice'!"


"Fortunately, the public is not dumb. Americans make and enjoy sci-fi horror-films such as Alien: Covenant which symbolize a modern meditation on the complications involved with trust and betrayal in a world more or less 'ruled' by savage competitiveness. Alien: Covenant after all presented vicious fictional predatory alien creatures called 'Xenomorphs' which symbolize the pure dangers of life when there is no such thing as teamwork. What is the character of American imagination? Do we fear devastating 'deconstructive parasites'?"


GOD: Capitalism is inherently weak...
SATAN: There's optimism when it comes to the World Bank!
GOD: Perhaps that's true, but humanity is fascinated by Wall Street.
SATAN: Yes, and Wall Street fosters savage competitiveness...
GOD: Precisely; that's why we need to consider alternatives.
SATAN: I don't think Americans like the idea of ingesting socialism.
GOD: No, they don't, but they seem very critical of 'TrumpUSA.'
SATAN: I like SimCity video-games which represent constructive thinking.
GOD: Yes, SimCity certainly presents teamwork-scenarios (and managerial-thinking!).
SATAN: Why not encourage schoolteachers to use SimCity as a teaching-tool?
GOD: That might be dangerous, since video-games create juvenile-delinquency!
SATAN: I think Netflix might save the world...
GOD: How's that?
SATAN: Easy access to Wall Street (Oliver Stone) suggests democratic-marketing.
GOD: In that case, let's encourage mankind to avoid apathy-induced jaundice.
SATAN: Treatment of jaundice involves iron, steroids, and even radiation...
GOD: Well, let's think of all kinds of proactive approaches!




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