Trump Force 47

Typical tRumpling, straight to the violence, as I already said.

I want everyone to note that we have right here a tRumpling talking about shooting children in the throat for exercising their constitutional rights.

This is who these animal are.

Mindless, violent apes.

No more intelligent or advanced than a chimpanzee but with less moral compass.
I was referring to the Ashli Babbit murder, which you lawless assholes will spare no pretzel logic to rationalize.

No moral compass indeed....Go fuck yourself.
I was referring to the Ashli Babbit murder, which you lawless assholes will spare no pretzel logic to rationalize.

No moral compass indeed....Go fuck yourself.
You mean the rioter given justice.

Okay girl, get back in the kitchen and stop thinking about abortion.
Lol, they were aggressively sitting and holing a poster.

You're not only triggered, you're a snowflake as well.

If they are trespassing, and you ask them to leave, you should call the police and have them removed, that’s the proper way to do it, but at the end, the kids were in the wrong. Leftism in teaching them the wrong things.
LET'S EXTINGUISH TRUMP FOR GOOD. (not a peep out of the MSM)

Biden’s commerce chief says ‘let’s extinguish’ Trump ‘for good’ — after two attempted assassinations of ex-prez​

View attachment 1017937
She needs to shut her Democrat mouth before she finds a hole in her face.
Settle down Rambo.
You fascist deviants just keep at it, as if we won't fuck you animals up, as if you are free to just rape and groom our kids, attempt to assassinate your lawful political opponents, incite destruction and mayhem within our nation, and otherwise incite Satanic evil, all free and clear of our inevitable and righteous annihilating response to you animals, just keep at it, the clock ticks and your date with eternity approaches.... Who do you plan on hiding behind, I am the armed forces, we will not be defending you fascist democrats again, this time you are on your own, and with nowhere to hide from the wrath you have called down upon selves.... :fu:
I was referring to the Ashli Babbit murder, which you lawless assholes will spare no pretzel logic to rationalize.

No moral compass indeed....Go fuck yourself.
What murder?

Babbit was a criminal shot in the act by police.

You would be cheering it in almost any other circumstance.

You on the other hand are saying children should be shot because they disagree with your insane point of view.

You belong in a locked mental facility until you get the help you need.
If they are trespassing, and you ask them to leave, you should call the police and have them removed, that’s the proper way to do it, but at the end, the kids were in the wrong. Leftism in teaching them the wrong things.
You gonna say they should be shot in the throat now, like the other tRumpling headcase?
My first thought was grab them by the hair and drag them out to the street. That was quickly replaced with, put a slip knot in a sturdy rope, put it over their heads and then drag them out. Question. Should the rope be tied to the rear bumper of a car and take them across town.
View attachment 1017913

Wow, that seems pretty scary. What do you think?
That’s scary to you? Looks like an ad to me, Trump has Force 47, a bunch of volunteers to help get him elected, not sure why that feels scary to anyone. Funny, you attack people and name call you back it, if it is a name a group who rally behind a begnin name you go freaking out. Ever just stop and look at your partisan extreme and think, why am I so emotional?

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