Trump helps a mom of three pay for groceries

Insincere Photo-Op... :abgg2q.jpg:

Now, if he had doing that for years, with no cameras to see it, THEN I might have believed that it was sincere... :itsok:
when you are responsible for tens of thousand of people over decades having good paying jobs in some of the best places on earth you have room to complain or question his motives,,
until then youre just background static,,

I bet youre the kind of person that kicks homeless people off the sidewalk,,
Might want to try talking to more women and fewer imbecile white men who never went to college.

This deranged MAGA Nazi echo chamber of a message board does not represent the average voter.
It is such a stupid concept that going to college makes one intelligent or that those who did not attend college are stupid. All you have to do is look at all the college-educated Democrats who believe males can become females or can't answer questions basic questions about sex -- like how males can become pregnant or that 4th grade boys need tampons in their bathroom.
It is such a stupid concept that going to college makes one intelligent or that those who did not attend college are stupid. All you have to do is look at all the college-educated Democrats who believe males can become females or can't answer questions basic questions about sex -- like how males can become pregnant or that 4th grade boys need tampons in their bathroom.
There are smart people who didn't go to college....but very few of them are Trump supporters.

None of you idiots ever developed critical thinking skills and you believe everything that a grifter conman like Trump tells you.

Even the dumbest shit in the world, like this Haitian immigrant crap in Springfield, all don't consider for one freaking minute that Trump might be lying to you. Just a bunch of unsophisticated rubes.
In the whole, the data bears it out.

Think of it like your racist rants, but with more evidence.
Well .. when 20 percent of students in a 4-year college have a basic or below quantitative literacy proficiency, 22 percent perform at a proficient level in civic literacy and politics, and 75% struggle to write at a basic level .. I would disagree about 'your data.'

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