Trump helps a mom of three pay for groceries

Well .. when 20 percent of students in a 4-year college have a basic or below quantitative literacy proficiency, 22 percent perform at a proficient level in civic literacy and politics, and 75% struggle to write at a basic level .. I would disagree about 'your data.'
Then you're a fool with incomplete information.

What is it for high school and middle school? What of the other 80% How would the general public fare in such tests?

You haven't even come close to making any point. You regurgitated cherry picked, incomplete stats from a paid charlatan. Nothing more.
There are smart people who didn't go to college....but very few of them are Trump supporters.

None of you idiots ever developed critical thinking skills and you believe everything that a grifter conman like Trump tells you.
Your broad net of cluelessness needs to be repaired. I'm sure you were a good sheeple under your democrat leadership and did what you were told by wearing a mask, getting all 26 vaccinations and socially distancing.

Even the dumbest shit in the world, like this Haitian immigrant crap in Springfield, all don't consider for one freaking minute that Trump might be lying to you. Just a bunch of unsophisticated rubes.
Well .. all you have to do is look at the shit hole of a country they live in ..
when you are responsible for tens of thousand of people over decades having good paying jobs in some of the best places on earth you have room to complain or question his motives,, until then youre just background static,, I bet youre the kind of person that kicks homeless people off the sidewalk,,
Nothing more than an Insincere Photo-Op...
Then you're a fool with incomplete information.

What is it for high school and middle school? What of the other 80% How would the general public fare in such tests?

You haven't even come close to making any point. You regurgitated cherry picked, incomplete stats from a paid charlatan. Nothing more.
The National Survey of American College Students with an advisory board made up of the U.S. Department of Education, various universities, the Pew Charitable Trusts, and educational leaders.
The National Survey of American College Students with an advisory board made up of the U.S. Department of Education, various universities, the Pew Charitable Trusts, and educational leaders.
And you regurgitated cherry picked information that doesn't actually make any point.
Your broad net of cluelessness needs to be repaired. I'm sure you were a good sheeple under your democrat leadership and did what you were told by wearing a mask, getting all 26 vaccinations and socially distancing.

Well .. all you have to do is look at the shit hole of a country they live in ..
Haitian immigrants have been living in Springfield for 20 years, imbecile. Why wasn't Trump complaining about them eating pets a long time ago???

This is what I mean....fucking dumb ass rube.
Your broad net of cluelessness needs to be repaired. I'm sure you were a good sheeple under your democrat leadership and did what you were told by wearing a mask, getting all 26 vaccinations and socially distancing.

Well .. all you have to do is look at the shit hole of a country they live in ..
Look at the shit hole they are making of Springfield. But if you REALLY want to see immigrants making shitholes, try Charleroi Pennsylvania.

The biden/harris immigration disaster might give Trump Pennsylvania. But the real shocker is Illinois. Illinois has been reliably democrat because shithole Shitcago with its massive bloated population is democrat. With immigrants moving in, specifically immigrant gangs moving in on Chicago gang territory, democrat majority might be done.
Haitian immigrants have been living in Springfield for 20 years, imbecile. Why wasn't Trump complaining about them eating pets a long time ago???

This is what I mean....fucking dumb ass rube.
And there you have it.

They had a tranny speaking at the RNC 8 years ago. Now trannies are public enemy #1.

It's all theater for bigots. Can't pick on women and all brown people as much anymore, as it loses elections (except for in some States).

These are just the toys they throw to the base to play with.
My are truly fucking deranged, dude.

Trump calls dead soldiers "suckers". He doesn't have an empathetic bone in his body.

If Trump was a good human being, he would do stuff like this when the cameras are not on and when he is not running for President. Trump has been sued for stiffing working people more times than you can count.
You’re taking that out of context while your side openly believes white people are privileged and that a kid can get a sex change operation. My goodness.
Inflation has been a global problem, gomer. Starting with covid. Starting with Trump.
Nope under Biden two wars have affected the global market one in Ukraine, one in Palestine.

not to mention the other wars raging in Africa and the catastrophic situation in Haiti. you think Trump is actually going win, even though 70% of the women in this country hate his guts.

We’ll see about that Trump won 45% of the female vote in 2016. And now more Black people than ever support Trump.

Hey, it’s you who is full of shit you don’t give a crap about the Democrat racist policies on white people. Like BLM and all their radical views on gender. You will never talk about it because you’re embarrassed by it or worse you support it.
Insincere Photo-Op... :abgg2q.jpg:

Now, if he had doing that for years, with no cameras to see it, THEN I might have believed that it was sincere... :itsok:
Yet you NEVER see (or hear) about any Democrat doing such things. And, for the record, Trump HAS been doing good deeds like this for YEARS
We’ll see about that Trump won 45% of the female vote in 2016. And now more Black people than ever support Trump.
That was before the overturning of Roe vs Wade. That was before Jan 6.

Nov 5 is going to be a long bad night for you all. The polls close at 7:30 pm in N. Carolina and we'll probably know by 8:30 pm how that state is going to go. And you won't like it.

Hey, it’s you who is full of shit you don’t give a crap about the Democrat racist policies on white people. Like BLM and all their radical views on gender. You will never talk about it because you’re embarrassed by it or worse you support it.
I don't speak this alien MAGAt gibberish. I literally have no idea what you are saying.
Has anyone ever seen a democrat politician offer to pay for anything, for themselves, for others?

Can anyone provide a video of a democrat politician actually paying for something?

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