Trump helps a mom of three pay for groceries

And the Trumpsters aren't insulted that he knows they'll buy this.

Okay. I'm used to it.
like scamala going on Oprah? hahahahahahahhahaha we get your one way only fence. Still waiting for Scamala and Walz to take random questions in public like Trump and Vance. Still, naw. They won't because they got absolutely nothing for americans. Springfield and Aurora, CO is that evidence.
25,000 dollars for your vote
That's not an act of individual kindness. That's a political policy that she is advocating in an effort to help the lower and middle classes and make life a little easier for people in this country.

Is Trump running on a political policy to buy groceries for everyone?? No, he is not.

Your arguments are moronic, MAGA simpleton.
I can only imagine how hard trump's PR team laughed when they considered how many rubes would be sucked in to this canard. Playing the suckers comes so naturally to trump it's like breathing for him.
That's not an act of individual kindness. That's a political policy that she is advocating in an effort to help the lower and middle classes and make life a little easier for people in this country.

Is Trump running on a political policy to buy groceries for everyone?? No, he is not.

Your arguments are moronic, MAGA simpleton.
Doesn’t help everyone, it’s for a specific group. Spare me. Free shit for votes
There are smart people who didn't go to college....but very few of them are Trump supporters.

None of you idiots ever developed critical thinking skills and you believe everything that a grifter conman like Trump tells you.

Even the dumbest shit in the world, like this Haitian immigrant crap in Springfield, all don't consider for one freaking minute that Trump might be lying to you. Just a bunch of unsophisticated rubes.
Who's surprised? The dumb fucks picked the biggest lowlife shitheel in history & made him POTUS. Trump is ruuning over the rubes with his bullshit & grifting like Grant took Richmond.

"Please Dear Leader Donny yell at me more lies & here, take my money"!
Doesn’t help everyone, it’s for a specific group. Spare me. Free shit for votes
Well, this is why you are a simpleton who will keep getting scammed by conmen and crooks like Trump.

Rational people vote for government policies that they think will help make their lives a little easier and more fulfilling. That's the whole fucking point of having elections.
Who's surprised? The dumb fucks picked the biggest lowlife shitheel in history & made him POTUS. Trump is ruuning over the rubes with his bullshit & grifting like Grant took Richmond.

"Please Dear Leader Donny yell at me more lies & here, take my money"!
How did Trump’s four years hurt you?
How did Trump’s four years hurt you?
It definitely hurt women, the overturning of Roe vs Wade. If it hurts women, it hurts their husbands and boyfriends as well.

As a result, your party is going to pay dearly in November. Over 60% of women are going to vote for Harris. That is a total disaster for Trump and the Republican Party.
How did Trump’s four years hurt you?
Chaos agent Trump got away with turning the W.H. into a shitshow with his corruption, incompetence, self dealing & outright stupidity. Then the bastard tried to overturn the election. I know it & you know it, your cult knows it but you've had so much smoke blown up your ass by Trump & his bootlicker's like Lindsey Graham, Jim Jordan & Fox that you think that rotten fuck is good for this Country.

He wins, you'll pay in spades like everyone else.

Ya think Dick Cheney & other name Republicans voting for Harris are just RINOS, amirite?

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