"Trump is the Best President Ever" - is this statement by Trumpers correct?

So data, statistics, and facts are Liberal propaganda?

So what do you call the lies, misinformation, and fake truths that the Conservatives give?

No, here's your words....."Trump had full (100%) control as both the House and the Senate had a Republican majority, meaning that anything that Trump wanted to do, could be passed."

Trump did not have a 60 vote filibuster proof senate....MEANING that he couldn't do whatever he wanted nor did he have free rein to have everything that he wanted passed.
The Trumpers continue to preach that Trump is the Best President Ever. Do facts support that statement?

Absolutely not, in fact almost the opposite.

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The Trumpers have also claim that Trump was successful "in spite" of the Democrats being 100% against him. It does have to be mentioned that the first two years of his presidency, Trump had full (100%) control as both the House and the Senate had a Republican majority, meaning that anything that Trump wanted to do, could be passed.

This fantasy of theirs is not supported by facts. Nonetheless, that does not mean anything to Trumpers. Facts mean nothing to them.

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But they didn’t have a filibuster proof majority, and despite having a slight numbers advantage, they still relied on democrats for passing bills..because of the filibuster.

Also, there’s this:

Also, you don’t think Covid had an affect on his numbers?

Also, “the best” is always subjective because people have different measures for what “the best” is.

Also, the dems say Biden was the best president, when, a lot of his success was from a rebound after Covid.
No, the only people that thought he did a great job were the Trumpers. No one else did. When you consider that our adult population in 2020 were about 280 million and Trumpers only total about 35 million, you can only say that about 12% of the population thought he did a great job.

That is far from "any American".

As always, facts do not support your statement. You are living in a fantasy world.
How does Trump only have 35 million supporters when he got over 70 million votes? And that’s just the number of people who voted. There are probably millions who didn’t vote.

Your numbers are off.
No, here's your words....."Trump had full (100%) control as both the House and the Senate had a Republican majority, meaning that anything that Trump wanted to do, could be passed."

Trump did not have a 60 vote filibuster proof senate....MEANING that he couldn't do whatever he wanted nor did he have free rein to have everything that he wanted passed.

they have no idea how Government operates
In 2020, the United States experienced one of its most dangerous years in decades.

The number of murders across the country surged by nearly 30% between 2019 and 2020, according to FBI statistics. The overall violent crime rate, which includes murder, assault, robbery and rape, inched up around 5% in the same period.

But in 2023, crime in America looked very different.

"At some point in 2022 — at the end of 2022 or through 2023 — there was just a tipping point where violence started to fall and it just continued to fall," said Jeff Asher, a crime analyst and co-founder of AH Datalytics.

In cities big and small, from both coasts, violence has dropped.

"The national picture shows that murder is falling. We have data from over 200 cities showing a 12.2% decline ... in 2023 relative to 2022," Asher said, citing his own analysis of public data. He found instances of rape, robbery and aggravated assault were all down too.

"Especially with murder, there's no doubt that it is falling at [a] really fast pace right now. And the only way that I find to discuss it with people is to talk about what the data says."

How does Trump only have 35 million supporters when he got over 70 million votes? And that’s just the number of people who voted. There are probably millions who didn’t vote.

Your numbers are off.
I am talking about the Trumpers, those that would support Trump under any circumstance

Fully 28 percent of Republican primary voters are so devoted to the former president that they said they’d support him even if he ran as an independent

There are 161 million registered voters of which 48% are registered as Republicans. That means that approximately 78 million are republicans. With 28% of them being Trump cult members, that means about 29 million. I may have given a bigger number that actually exist but it is reality that around 30 million are blind-by-choice voters that would vote for Trump even if he were to leave the Republican party.
I am talking about the Trumpers, those that would support Trump under any circumstance

Fully 28 percent of Republican primary voters are so devoted to the former president that they said they’d support him even if he ran as an independent

There are 161 million registered voters of which 48% are registered as Republicans. That means that approximately 78 million are republicans. With 28% of them being Trump cult members, that means about 29 million. I may have given a bigger number that actually exist but it is reality that around 30 million are blind-by-choice voters that would vote for Trump even if he were to leave the Republican party.

Sure but you said the only ones who claimed he did a great job are the 30 or so million trump “cult” members, there were over 70 million who voted for him and he will probably get that again, so apparently more than just the “trumpers” thought he did a great job

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