Trump leads Biden on Israel vs genocidal Gaza regime - Biden's gamble on Michigan's Arab Islamic voting 'uncommitted'


Platinum Member
Nov 13, 2023
It seems Biden's gamble on Arab Islamic immigrants voting 'uncommitted' in Michigan is failing so far.

Trump leads Biden in:

- Immigration: Trump +9 PTS.

- Economy: Trump +5 PTS.

- Israel-Hamas war: Trump +4 PTS.

- Guns: Trump +2 PTS.

It seems Biden's gamble on Arab Islamic immigrants voting 'uncommitted' in Michigan is failing so far.

Trump leads Biden in:

- Immigration: Trump +9 PTS.

- Economy: Trump +5 PTS.

- Israel-Hamas war: Trump +4 PTS.

- Guns: Trump +2 PTS.

Here is the irony, even those on the left probably realize that Trump is better positioned to secure peace, even as he will be supportive of Israel. Trump applies strength to allies and enemies alike and he will lead countries to peace through strength.

In other words, the best way to have global peace is to have a strong America. Economically, militarily and otherwise.

The rest of the world knows this now after they foolishly looked to undermine the U.S. Don't listen to the NeoCons of the world, they are lacking in their depths. They think the Military Industrial Complex represents strength. These fools don't understand it isn't 1999. You need a multi-pronged level of success which goes well beyond just big spending on bombs and jets, you need an economically, united and patriotic nation to win.

China understood this while America was embroiled in the M.E. Trump wants to win across the board, not just appease a few big pocket donors. This is because Trump gets a vast amount of money in small donations, he doesn't need to capitulate. This will lead to peace around the globe even as the U.S doesn't need to send boots on the ground except in extreme cases.
It seems Biden's gamble on Arab Islamic immigrants voting 'uncommitted' in Michigan is failing so far.

Trump leads Biden in:

- Immigration: Trump +9 PTS.

- Economy: Trump +5 PTS.

- Israel-Hamas war: Trump +4 PTS.

- Guns: Trump +2 PTS.

The Democrats are CONTINUING to thumb their nose at the American people and the victims of illegal immigrant crime. Their PRIORITIES are keeping immigrant families together and giving the illegals amnesty. They casually ignore the Rachel Morins and the Laken Rileys raped and murdered by Bidens NEWCOMERS. Those are acceptable losses to the Democrats.

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