Trump makes it clear the need for true journalism


Gold Member
Sep 8, 2008
True Journalism in the main stream media is non-existent period. Lying, mind control, and opinion making is what they do. It's a hidden agenda to every story they report. Objectivity is something our state media is incapable of ever attaining.

The most dangerous part is that most American believe we have a free press, and this is very far from true. At least the communist countries know their media is run by the state. Our media attempts to pass itself off as something other than the state media, and spends many millions of dollar trying to convince people that the media is something that's it's not. It's all lies! All the claims these news networks make concerning themselves all lies!

Any of the make believe journalist who do not go along with the hidden agenda of the news networks are finished. They all know that they cannot tell the truth, for their career will be over, and no in the entire country will ever them hiring again. This is common knowledge.

Trump is a breath of fresh air. He's one who knows that he does not have to jump though all the hidden agenda hoops. Our state media attempts to make or break candidates based on their approve just like any state media. Trump was not going for it. In Iowa he showed everyone that we don't need the state media. It's nothing but a “multi billion dollar propaganda machine” it's not about journalism.

The establishment don't want Mr. Trump in office because they don't know how he will respond to the classified information a president is privy to. For one who builds beautiful skyscrapers he may not be too happy about knowing first hand, that it was not so-called Al Qaeda that wired the twin towers and WTC building 7 with explosives and thermite.

The establishment don't want Mr. Trump in office because they don't know how he will respond to finding out first hand who the terrorist really are! Sure they dread being fired, but they dread justice even more. Someone upholding the Constitution may not ignore those involved in treason. They destroy our troops and put them at great risk while hiding behind their political party labels. They even want to use our troops against the American people! They love playing all aspects of our society against each other.

The over-up squad (known as the media) are always confirming the fact that it's really the state media, create fictional realities, and the last thing they would do is tell the truth. We don't need them, for all they do is "lie" for those involved in treason.

Donald Trump is the only real candidate, and has the potential of greatly surpassing Reagan's leadership. It's rare that someone seeking the highest office of this country could "with our help" attain the greatness of someone like president Lincoln. This is a very serious election and America's final chance to retain our true identity and take back our sovereignty.


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Well, you pretty well said it all, all I can do is agree..
It's not just the failure to report on Trump's awfulness that shows how decrepit and useless the the mainstream media is now. The story of the century is how the Republican party has lost touch with reality completely, yet the media can't bear say that, being it would violate the "but both sides do it!" politically correct media standard for reporting.
It's not just the failure to report on Trump's awfulness that shows how decrepit and useless the the mainstream media is now. The story of the century is how the Republican party has lost touch with reality completely, yet the media can't bear say that, being it would violate the "but both sides do it!" politically correct media standard for reporting.
I think it's well reported that Hillary is a compulsive liar, promotes divisive politics, a criminal, responsible for American soldiers deaths, will change her opinion for votes, is a racist, supports her husbands sexual harassments and rapes ... etc. but Democrat voters simply don't care, they have no standards they just want to win at any cost.
If journalism in this country was what it should be, Trump would have been done months ago.
It's not just the failure to report on Trump's awfulness that shows how decrepit and useless the the mainstream media is now. The story of the century is how the Republican party has lost touch with reality completely, yet the media can't bear say that, being it would violate the "but both sides do it!" politically correct media standard for reporting.
I think it's well reported that Hillary is a compulsive liar, promotes divisive politics, a criminal, responsible for American soldiers deaths, will change her opinion for votes, is a racist, supports her husbands sexual harassments and rapes ... etc. but Democrat voters simply don't care, they have no standards they just want to win at any cost.

Very well said!
It's not just the failure to report on Trump's awfulness that shows how decrepit and useless the the mainstream media is now. The story of the century is how the Republican party has lost touch with reality completely, yet the media can't bear say that, being it would violate the "but both sides do it!" politically correct media standard for reporting.
I think it's well reported that Hillary is a compulsive liar, promotes divisive politics, a criminal, responsible for American soldiers deaths, will change her opinion for votes, is a racist, supports her husbands sexual harassments and rapes ... etc. but Democrat voters simply don't care, they have no standards they just want to win at any cost.
No one matches Trump when it comes to lying. Provable lies but his followers accept the lies and when the big bad MSM asks him questions he whines about fairness and evades answering the question. What about Carley. Her lies are outrageous too. Trump is calling Cruz a liar and Cruz is calling Rubio a liar and everyone is calling Bush a liar. Hillary seems to be in the minor league when it comes to lying compared to these guys.
It's not just the failure to report on Trump's awfulness that shows how decrepit and useless the the mainstream media is now. The story of the century is how the Republican party has lost touch with reality completely, yet the media can't bear say that, being it would violate the "but both sides do it!" politically correct media standard for reporting.
I think it's well reported that Hillary is a compulsive liar, promotes divisive politics, a criminal, responsible for American soldiers deaths, will change her opinion for votes, is a racist, supports her husbands sexual harassments and rapes ... etc. but Democrat voters simply don't care, they have no standards they just want to win at any cost.

And you think Ted Cruz, Bush and the others tell the truth...? They all lie..

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