Trump NOW Knows the Right People to help him run his Presidency

Apparently you’re fine with Dick Cheney’s foreign policy and Goldman Sacks running the economy, because that’s Kamala. Not that Don is any better.

How you can dislike Don while loving K, boggles the mind. They aren’t that different.
They aren't that different? They are exact opposites.

Lincoln Project = pedophiles

What loonies? Those who wear masks while riding in the car alone? Those who use multiple genders cause they can’t realize they are mentally ill? Those who cry racism if you disagree with them?

The woke has gone crazy. Trump 2024
You are PROVING my statement!!!!

Do you take Trump seriously?

Because if you do, then explain these statements from Trump from 2016/2017 as he was campaigning for the presidency, and after hearing them, explain to me how you can call someone that knows more than anyone else EVER, a "rookie" that did not understand "core competencies and how they work and how they don't work"?

I love his confidence. Exactly what we need
You admit Lincoln Project preyed on children?

Well done, you're evolving
It was NOT the Lincoln Project but one single person and he has quit. You have the audacity to criticize that person when Trump has been accused of sexual misconduct by 26 women and he has been judged and found guilty of that on a court of law of having done that to one of them? Has Trump quit? You are the height of Hypocrisy!!!
It was NOT the Lincoln Project but one single person and he has quit. You have the audacity to criticize that person when Trump has been accused of sexual misconduct by 26 women and he has been judged and found guilty of that on a court of law of having done that to one of them? Has Trump quit? You are the height of Hypocrisy!!!
The Democrats are known to parade out women with accusations but no proof. I thought you were a big advocate for evidence and proving things. I guess I was wrong
You mean to say that checking on the validity of his statements is criticizing?

Are we not supposed to see if what he says is true or not?
Sure it's fine when you find an actual lie. You guys push the word to ridiculous extremes.
Nonetheless, his own history does not support that statement. Trump had the biggest (85%) turnover in his first administration ever seen in any presidency.

One big problem that exists in Trump is that his beliefs do not allow him to hire good people and much less listen to them. Here is a statement that Trump made publicly in 2018, that shows exactly what his mentality is on this issue:

The problem is that he believes he knows more than anyone about anything

He even knows more about the law than his own lawyers

Video: Why Donald Trump Is Frustrated With His Lawyers

How can anyone run a country by himself, without anyone competent around him? On top of that, he lies as he repeatedly says that he will hire the best of the best?

has there ever been a presidency made up of more criminals in history.
Women's right to choose will do in the national election what it has done in every election across the country. It is something that a poll doesn't include. It will be worth 3 to 5% for Harris.
They aren't that different? They are exact opposites.

View attachment 1017584
Too funny.

They agree on almost all foreign policy issues, particularly unconditional support for the Zionist apartheid regime. Constant wars and full support for the MIC is done by both. They agree on almost all economic issues, including making sure big corporations are fully supported. The tax code which benefits the 1% is perfectly acceptable by both. They’ll both do little to nothing for the working class. American hegemony with potential for nuclear holocaust will be present with both. And on and on.

Open your eyes!
Who are the “good people” you would like him to hire? Be specific
Anyone, who is not afraid of him, tells him the truth,doesn't let him bully them in to his way, when it is wrong, or against standards, or against the constitution, or when it is going to get us all killed.

He will only hire those who will kiss the ring....or be bullied in to kissing the ring, which is a very dangerous position for us to be in....imo.
And geez, the guy is out there selling rings in the image of him, and studded sneakers, and social media stock, and crypto currency, and Bibles.... acting like a two bit door to door salesman....while running to be President of the United States...

And YOU TRUMPERS are not even a bit embarrassed by it.....

Something is WRONG with you guys, upstairs...imo.
Too funny.

They agree on almost all foreign policy issues, particularly unconditional support for the Zionist apartheid regime. Constant wars and full support for the MIC is done by both. They agree on almost all economic issues, including making sure big corporations are fully supported. The tax code which benefits the 1% is perfectly acceptable by both. They’ll both do little to nothing for the working class. American hegemony with potential for nuclear holocaust will be present with both. And on and on.

Open your eyes!
Except that one of them has the best interest of the people in mind, and the other one has his best interests in mind.
Anyone, who is not afraid of him, tells him the truth,doesn't let him bully them in to his way, when it is wrong, or against standards, or against the constitution, or when it is going to get us all killed.

He will only hire those who will kiss the ring....or be bullied in to kissing the ring, which is a very dangerous position for us to be in....imo.
You’re not being specific. Give me some names. From 2016-2020 the country did great. No wars. Great economy. Not sure how he was a “threat to democracy”.
You wokies really don’t have much to go on sans your hurt feelings
Of course not. Blind-by-choice people never see the evidence of what they want to see.

After, they are voting for a convicted felon but they do not see that, do they?
Lol. Apparently you don’t know K and Don are very similar. I’ll grant you she isn’t a convicted felon, but she should be.

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