Trump NOW Knows the Right People to help him run his Presidency

The problem is Harris is just as much a fascist. Maybe worse.
Please explain how...

Have you read each of the policies of both candidates...

Trump is basically Project 2025...

What makes Harris worse than that?

You have a choice, no one said they are perfect...
Please explain how...

Have you read each of the policies of both candidates...

Trump is basically Project 2025...

What makes Harris worse than that?

You have a choice, no one said they are perfect...
No choice, when both are nearly identical. This has been the way of the uniparty for decades.

Tell me the difference between W and O, for example?

You need to research K. She’s every bit of a corporatist elitist warmongering asshole, just like Don.
Please explain how...

Have you read each of the policies of both candidates...

Trump is basically Project 2025...

What makes Harris worse than that?

You have a choice, no one said they are perfect...
Do you not know this?
Please explain how...

Have you read each of the policies of both candidates...

Trump is basically Project 2025...

What makes Harris worse than that?

You have a choice, no one said they are perfect...
Trump has zero to do with Project 2025

You keep perpetuating this lie. It’s quite comical. gipper is a Jew hating loser. Why are you even conversing with that defect?
He sucked. Do you somehow think I support that asshole? You support K who is just like him. Think better.
I am not a supporter of Kamala but those are the two choices given to us and Kamala is a better choice between the two.

One thing I have always believed is that as long as the president has at least one of the 4 basics of life (moral, ethics, principles or humanity), that person cannot and will not cause great damage to our nation.

Kamala has morals and she has humanity. Trump has none.

As such, our nation will survive with her, where our nation and Democracy would die with Trump. In addition, it is "possible" that she could be better than any of us think.

Either way, Trump is chaos and that is a given. If I have to jump off a cliff, I would prefer to jump with water below than jump with rocks below

I am not a supporter of Kamala but those are the two choices given to us and Kamala is a better choice between the two.

One thing I have always believed is that as long as the president has at least one of the 4 basics of life (moral, ethics, principles or humanity), that person cannot and will not cause great damage to our nation.

Kamala has morals and she has humanity. Trump has none.

As such, our nation will survive with her, where our nation and Democracy would die with Trump. In addition, it is "possible" that she could be better than any of us think.

Either way, Trump is chaos and that is a given. If I have to jump off a cliff, I would prefer to jump with water below than jump with rocks below

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She’s no better. She very likely might be worse.
Translation. You cannot. This is the problem with you wokies. You refuse to have a polite dialogue. It’s frankly funny.
I always debate issues with people that are willing to accept data, statistics and facts. You have SHOWN a blindness for those. Perfect example is this post of yours below. You state that:
Trump has zero to do with Project 2025

You keep perpetuating this lie.

and yet here are the facts:

The one issue where Trump can’t escape Project 2025

Trump and anti-abortion activists are joined at the hip — regardless of what he says.

Trump, meanwhile, insists we should pay no attention to that 922-page policy plan behind the curtain, claiming that he has “nothing to do” with it and has “no idea who is behind” it.

In reality, Project 2025, an initiative put together last year by the right-wing Heritage Foundation to plan for the next GOP administration, was shaped by longtime close allies of Trump.

Furthermore, many of Project 2025’s key proposals — to centralize presidential power, crack down on unauthorized immigrants, deprioritize fighting climate change, and eliminate the
Department of Educationare fully and openly supported by Trump.
She’s no better. She very likely might be worse.
"likely" is a key word. With Trump, there is no "likely", it is a guarantee. Look at the pic I put up. Yes, jumping off a cliff into water could mean your death but if you had to jump off a cliff, would you rather it be into water than into rocks?
Do you not know this?

what a LOAD OF SHIT that video is. That video has no facts, data, or statistics attached. It is all speculation.

You even putting up such a video (which has NO facts in it) shows what is in your mind.

"741 National Security leaders", meaning they are part of the military, part of the backbone of our country, the ones that have defended our country for decaded and ensure that our country is not attacked, invaded, or destroyed by our enemies are the DEEP STATE?

You think that Trump is going to be able to rule this country without those 741 National Security leaders? He is going to get rid of them all and replace them with WHAT????? People like you?



You have now crossed the line with this post and video you supplied. You are not worth talking to.
I am not a supporter of Kamala but those are the two choices given to us and Kamala is a better choice between the two.

One thing I have always believed is that as long as the president has at least one of the 4 basics of life (moral, ethics, principles or humanity), that person cannot and will not cause great damage to our nation.

Kamala has morals and she has humanity. Trump has none.

As such, our nation will survive with her, where our nation and Democracy would die with Trump. In addition, it is "possible" that she could be better than any of us think.

Either way, Trump is chaos and that is a given. If I have to jump off a cliff, I would prefer to jump with water below than jump with rocks below

View attachment 1017734
In general terms , I believe there is no body on the right that comes close to the conscience and direction of the democrats, but I do like you cliff analogy. I can't get over my thought that the right exist for one reason and that is to transfer the wealth of this country to the golden few at the top. all the rest is garbage to get votes. I honestly see no reason anyone who cares for this country would vote for any 2024 right winger.
Reason, intelligence and common sense. are tools that you can't argue with when you are dealing with the right. MAGA=Hate, bigotry and lies.
Reason, intelligence and common sense. are tools that you can't argue with when you are dealing with the right. MAGA=Hate, bigotry and lies.
I don't see us in a cliff scenario with Kamala but I used that analogy because the right does see Kamala hurting this country and I have to make the point that even if that is true (that they are right), that scenario is what we are facing.

I am not "yet" a fan of Kamala but I am willing to give her "the benefit of the doubt" as she has earned it. Trump showing repeatedly who he is, can no longer be given the benefit of the doubt. He is a POS.
I don't see us in a cliff scenario with Kamala but I used that analogy because the right does see Kamala hurting this country and I have to make the point that even if that is true (that they are right), that scenario is what we are facing.

I am not "yet" a fan of Kamala but I am willing to give her "the benefit of the doubt" as she has earned it. Trump showing repeatedly who he is, can no longer be given the benefit of the doubt. He is a POS.
all these people live in a world that is defined by things different then our worlds. but a conscience is a good place to start for these people to be good for this country and it's people.
I always debate issues with people that are willing to accept data, statistics and facts. You have SHOWN a blindness for those. Perfect example is this post of yours below. You state that:

and yet here are the facts:
He isn’t anti abortion. He has said it on numerous occasions. He left it up to the states and would never support a federal ban. Stop posting biased link and converse like a normal human being. Also, abortion is issue 102 on the list of what the country needs.
You’re not being specific. Give me some names. From 2016-2020 the country did great. No wars. Great economy. Not sure how he was a “threat to democracy”.
You wokies really don’t have much to go on sans your hurt feelings
No wars? Great economy? :rofl: And 2016 was the Obama administration, and 2020 gave us the highest unemployment/layoffs since the great depression, biggest single day stock market drop, worst gdp, in decades

Profiles in Courage list: First Candidate:

Liz Cheney
No wars? Great economy? :rofl: And 2016 was the Obama administration, and 2020 gave us the highest unemployment/layoffs since the great depression, biggest single day stock market drop, worst gdp, in decades

Profiles in Courage list: First Candidate:

Liz Cheney
You’re not being honest. You can’t use Covid a once in a 100 yr pandemic and blame Trump for it.

It’s actually kind of pathetic.

Trump 2024

I am Sick of dishonest and uneducated people like you.

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