Trump NOW Knows the Right People to help him run his Presidency

You’re not being honest. You can’t use Covid a once in a 100 yr pandemic and blame Trump for it.

It’s actually kind of pathetic.

Trump 2024

I am Sick of dishonest and uneducated people like you.
You need to open your mind to facts. The pandemic was not Trump's fault but the way he handled it was bad. He made a lot of mistakes that caused unnecessary deaths and additional problems to the economy and the marketplace.

I strongly suggest you watch this video. It is not biased at all. It is a very simple depiction (step by step) of where Trump failed. Watch is and LEARN. Learning of course, is something you need to want to do. Most people just want to hold on to their belief and accuse the messengers of being dishonest and pathetic. If you do not use facts as your basis for your thinking, it is you that is dishonest and pathetic.

Here, watch and learn

You need to open your mind to facts. The pandemic was not Trump's fault but the way he handled it was bad. He made a lot of mistakes that caused unnecessary deaths and additional problems to the economy and the marketplace.

I strongly suggest you watch this video. It is not biased at all. It is a very simple depiction (step by step) of where Trump failed. Watch is and LEARN. Learning of course, is something you need to want to do. Most people just want to hold on to their belief and accuse the messengers of being dishonest and pathetic. If you do not use facts as your basis for your thinking, it is you that is dishonest and pathetic.

Here, watch and learn

Only mistake was locking down the country and listening to Fauci.
No wars? Great economy? :rofl: And 2016 was the Obama administration, and 2020 gave us the highest unemployment/layoffs since the great depression, biggest single day stock market drop, worst gdp, in decades

Profiles in Courage list: First Candidate:

Liz Cheney

You're nuts, uninformed and we know better
Nonetheless, his own history does not support that statement. Trump had the biggest (85%) turnover in his first administration ever seen in any presidency.

One big problem that exists in Trump is that his beliefs do not allow him to hire good people and much less listen to them. Here is a statement that Trump made publicly in 2018, that shows exactly what his mentality is on this issue:

The problem is that he believes he knows more than anyone about anything

He even knows more about the law than his own lawyers

Video: Why Donald Trump Is Frustrated With His Lawyers

How can anyone run a country by himself, without anyone competent around him? On top of that, he lies as he repeatedly says that he will hire the best of the best?

It's what I have been saying for a while now.

Trump's presidency brought together the most crooked administration is our history.

There were so many resignations over his stupidity, scandals, arrests, convictions, disbarments, and crimes that only the dumbest and most craven crop of gutter trash would go to work for him going forward.

Look at JD Vance for a perfect example.
What video? Your partisan video? LOL

You don’t have eyes and ears? You need a video?
That video is the farthest thing from being partisan. When you see the video, you will understand that it is simply a timeline on what Trump did and did not do. There is ZERO opinion in the video. If you see it, then get back to me and debate.

You open your mouth to say garbage without knowing that you are spewing garbage.
That video is the farthest thing from being partisan. When you see the video, you will understand that it is simply a timeline on what Trump did and did not do. There is ZERO opinion in the video. If you see it, then get back to me and debate.

You open your mouth to say garbage without knowing that you are spewing garbage.
Playing Monday Morning QB? I already Opined that Trump should have never locked us down or listened to Fauci. His bad. Libs wanted lockdowns

Video is super partisan.

Are you OK?
Apparently you’re fine with Dick Cheney’s foreign policy and Goldman Sacks running the economy, because that’s Kamala. Not that Don is any better.

How you can dislike Don while loving K, boggles the mind. They aren’t that different.

It's pretty simple. Because none of the people you sy will run anyting if Harrisis president. But white supremavists WILL run the country if Trump is elected. Its ridiculous for people to even try seeing that both sides are the same in this election.

Dick Cheneys endorsement doesn't mean his foreign policy is going to be adopted by Harris. That's retarded.
Lincoln Project = pedophiles

What loonies? Those who wear masks while riding in the car alone? Those who use multiple genders cause they can’t realize they are mentally ill? Those who cry racism if you disagree with them?

The woke has gone crazy. Trump 2024
The crazies are supporting Trump. Nobody cries racism when people disgree with them. They call you racist because you say racist things. Right wing madness is the crazy. It needs to end. Vote Harris in 2024 to start putting an end to the crazy.
The crazies are supporting Trump. Nobody cries racism when people disgree with them. They call you racist because you say racist things. Right wing madness is the crazy. It needs to end. Vote Harris in 2024 to start putting an end to the crazy.
You do and you can’t spell “disagree”

Trump 2024

I would die before voting for Harris
Your cartoon isn’t the truth
But your problem is that you can't prove any of your words. You have nothing but words and words mean nothing. Even a child can say them


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