trump promised pardon for CBP head who he encouraged to break law

trumpublicans no longer believe in the rule of law....they only believe in the rule of trump....

....and its a good thing that there only about 36% of these morons roaming around (most of them hang around this forum)

You can easily tell who they are when you walk down a street since they wear a red hat and have permanent orange lips.
The founding fathers got this one wrong in allowing the president to have pardoning powers especially because it is based on the power of the monarchy which always had this power of pardoning. Lip service given to the US as a nation of laws yet one man can subvert the law. The only balance was that they believe that the president would always be a wise and just man who could not be corrupted with power. Yet he is just a man and can be corrupted

Like I said they got that wrong among other things but i guess they were just men thinking that the president would uphold the loftiness of the constitution instead of trying to make money from the constitution.

The Founders never thought a complete moron would be elected to the WH.....BUT THEN trump WAS...

Giving trump pardoning power would be like the Treasury Dept. naming Al Capone as its Commissioner....

The Founders never thought a complete moron would be elected to the WH.....BUT THEN trump WAS...

Giving trump pardoning power would be like the Treasury Dept. naming Al Capone as its Commissioner....

Like any cheap criminal, Trump is ordering a cabinet member to BREAK THE LAW....because he would pardon him as long as he remains loyal to this orange scumbag......

The weak spined GOP senators better step up........Trump is UNHINGED.
Whats wrong buttercup d9nt you want all the illegals in sanctuary citys. Demos want open boarders and love illegals donny is just giving you what your leaders have been begging for.

Its not like hes giv8ng pardons or forgiveness to cross dressing traitors or terriost like obama did
trumpublicans no longer believe in the rule of law....they only believe in the rule of trump....

....and its a good thing that there only about 36% of these morons roaming around (most of them hang around this forum)

You can easily tell who they are when you walk down a street since they wear a red hat and have permanent orange lips.

I saw two of the trumpettes humping a red fire hydrant just the other day.....obviously color blind...
The founding fathers got this one wrong in allowing the president to have pardoning powers especially because it is based on the power of the monarchy which always had this power of pardoning. Lip service given to the US as a nation of laws yet one man can subvert the law. The only balance was that they believe that the president would always be a wise and just man who could not be corrupted with power. Yet he is just a man and can be corrupted

Like I said they got that wrong among other things but i guess they were just men thinking that the president would uphold the loftiness of the constitution instead of trying to make money from the constitution.

The founding fathers never envisioned that a delusional moron would be elected president....but trump was....
You people reward leaders for violating or not enforcing The Law when it comes to Immigration. Pot, meet Kettle.

NO, you nitwit....We have long had a LAW that states that asylum seekers should be allowed into our border and make their case before a judge......THAT IS THE FUCKING LAW....

Obama, for all his flaws, allowed the cases to be heard in these seekers' OWN country....but the orange MORON wanted to stir his racist base and stopped that program......

It is so damn easy to fool the "poorly educated" Trump cult members.....YOU included.

You keep siting a law and expecting Trump and Republicans to follow the law yet you encourage people to break the law. Not everyone is seeking asylum. If that is the case, then we really do have shit hole countries to the south of US.
You people reward leaders for violating or not enforcing The Law when it comes to Immigration. Pot, meet Kettle.

NO, you nitwit....We have long had a LAW that states that asylum seekers should be allowed into our border and make their case before a judge......THAT IS THE FUCKING LAW....

Obama, for all his flaws, allowed the cases to be heard in these seekers' OWN country....but the orange MORON wanted to stir his racist base and stopped that program......

It is so damn easy to fool the "poorly educated" Trump cult members.....YOU included.

You keep siting a law and expecting Trump and Republicans to follow the law yet you encourage people to break the law. Not everyone is seeking asylum. If that is the case, then we really do have shit hole countries to the south of US.
They are using it for a excuse
Giving trump pardoning power would be like the Treasury Dept. naming Al Capone as its Commissioner
Furthermore, giving Democrats like you control of our immigration system would be like giving an Islamic terrorist a few sticks of dynamite and pointing him in the direction of the Hoover Dam.
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The Founders never thought a complete moron would be elected to the WH.....BUT THEN trump WAS...

Giving trump pardoning power would be like the Treasury Dept. naming Al Capone as its Commissioner....
"Moron?" Trump is a genius! If leftwing judges can overrule Trump's entire immigration policy, then Trump can simply overrule the leftwing judges.

Trump does have the power to pardon, whereas the leftwing judges don't truly have the power to overrule Trump's immigration decisions. That will be ended when these cases go to the SC.

The Founders never thought a complete moron would be elected to the WH.....BUT THEN trump WAS...

Giving trump pardoning power would be like the Treasury Dept. naming Al Capone as its Commissioner....

Like any cheap criminal, Trump is ordering a cabinet member to BREAK THE LAW....because he would pardon him as long as he remains loyal to this orange scumbag......

The weak spined GOP senators better step up........Trump is UNHINGED.
Isn't that what Obama did when he created DACA?
This story is a rough one for our resident "law and order" nutbags. They won't face it head on. Deflection will rule the day.

The president has committed a crime here. And Trombies will look away again.

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