Trump & Putin = a nice team!

American astronauts and Russian cosmonauts have been working together for years very efficiently showing the whole world: two great countries are able to contribute from cooperation with each other rather than fight with each other. And now ISIS appearance could be the signal: it's time for much wider cooperation, even possibly at the Presidential level.
  • 65,000 jihadists in Syria ready to replace ISIS if it's defeated – report
    Russia Today ^ | December 20th, 2015 | Unattributed
    The West is making a strategic mistake by focusing its anti-terrorist effort on Islamic State (IS. previously ISIS/ISIL) and overlooking other groups, an upcoming report claims. Sixty percent of fighters in the country can be classified as Islamists and have goals similar to IS. Those fighters belong to at least 15 other militant groups, which are mostly being ignored by the West, British media cited the Centre on Religion & Geopolitics, a think-tank run by the Tony Blair Faith Foundation, as saying. Fewer than one quarter of the groups surveyed by the center had no ideological agenda, but many of...
Are lefties so ignorant of history at a time when we need freaking intelligence instead of left wing blog idiocy? FDR called Joe Stalin "Uncle Joe" and made jokes at the expense of Winston Churchill. You could even say that FDR made it easy for the monster Stalin to exterminate his own people. Thank God we still had what was left of the U.S. Constitution during the time FDR administration tried to undermine it.
"Trump & Putin = a nice team!"

A 'nice' team of arrogant, war-mongering authoritarian tyrants who have nothing but contempt for the rule of law.
Oh, the irony.

Trump will remove the immigration restrictions for the Russians. Then will have all the Russians taking over this country under welfare. I am very happy for you. Be careful what you wish for.
Putin and Trump.

Satan and snake.

And look how easily some are fooled AGAIN by this pairing.
American astronauts and Russian cosmonauts have been working together for years very efficiently showing the whole world: two great countries are able to contribute from cooperation with each other rather than fight with each other. And now ISIS appearance could be the signal: it's time for much wider cooperation, even possibly at the Presidential level.

Agree. It's a start of a small gesture in regards to fighting with ISIS. But we cannot just ignore Putin aggression in other part of the world. Such as Europe and ME.

Sweden rethinking neutrality amid fear of Russian aggression
this union could exist only for two years. In 2018 Russia will hold elections, and nobody knows does Putin participate. At least he is old (66 by 2018).
However, it would be great if Russia and US become friends, but seeing in the past of relationships between British and Russian Empires, it seems not real.
USSR isn't Russia and is irrelevant here.
"Trump & Putin = a nice team!"

A 'nice' team of arrogant, war-mongering authoritarian tyrants who have nothing but contempt for the rule of law.

What law you are talking about?
That one which allow black on white crimes, white genocide, satanism on TV, non-stop homo and communist propaganda, corrupt politic, outsourcing to China, invasion of muzzies, welfare fraud, beginning of WWIII, NATO spreading, demonisation of Russia and Russians, collapsing of economy, existence of federal reserve, mocking of Christians and Christianity etc. etc. etc.
Enough is enough!
We need presidents who are patriots, have sound mind and believe in God.

Also, who hates the Jews.

Don't forget the Jews!
Only Trump and Putin together can save the greatest civilization on earth - the White Christian one.What would be almost all others without our inventions, science and technologies? Nothing.Traitorous leftists and corrupt cuckservatives fervently desire either Bush 3.0 ( two were enough! ) or lady who can't have even a good relationship to her man and is guilty on death of millions innocents in the Middle East and North Africa.
Look South Africa. It would be the same destiny for the US in thirty years if Trump lost elections.Only Trump can make a political alliance with Russia, make freedom in the Middle East and make America great again.
Together with Putin they will change the world for its best.
Only Trump and Putin together can save the greatest civilization on earth - the White Christian one.What would be almost all others without our inventions, science and technologies? Nothing.Traitorous leftists and corrupt cuckservatives fervently desire either Bush 3.0 ( two were enough! ) or lady who can't have even a good relationship to her man and is guilty on death of millions innocents in the Middle East and North Africa.
Look South Africa. It would be the same destiny for the US in thirty years if Trump lost elections.Only Trump can make a political alliance with Russia, make freedom in the Middle East and make America great again.
Together with Putin they will change the world for its best.
Be our generations great leaders. Just like Hitler and Mussolini! Some say that in a bad way mean it in a great way.

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