Trump & Putin = a nice team!

Trump heard the pro-Putin buzz on the rightwing nut circuit so he's added that to his list of panders.
What is it with left-wing loons promoting pointless conflict? Are the loons cheered when they see a dead American soldier or are they just stupid?
No one really knows what the Big Quack would actually do in the ME, and he probably least of all. But if you don't know the same azzholes who brought us Iraqi Freedom aren't lining up behind the establishment candidates, you're even a tool for a Big Quack supporter.

As for the Big Quack and the Ex-KGB reporter killer, the Big Quack simply notes his fan base Trumpeters love anyone who beats his bare chest and yells.
I'm not sure I understand your post.

Trump and some of the other outsiders are against pointless nation-building in the Mideast.

Good for them!
The Soviet Union was a threat to the U.S. but Russia isn't. Russia isn't an ideological threat - Russia isn't Communist and no longer tries to infect other nations with an ideology that has killed so many millions. Russia is also much smaller than the Soviet Union.

Yeah right... Maybe you can explain who is arming Iran and Syria the prime supporters of terrorism, invaded his neighboring countries Georgia and Ukraine, other neighboring countries wants to join NATO for protections against Russia, murdering civilians in Syria, cyber attack against US..... Someone has to stand against Russian aggression.
Why do you feel Russia, Iran, and Syria directly threaten the U.S.? Have these countries invaded?

These countries may threaten Israel but not the U.S.

And consider this: Israel Supports Syrian Al Qaeda Rebels including the Islamic State (ISIS). UN Report

Pay attention read my post #56 and get back to me.
Btw this is my country and I support my country.
This is what you wrote: Maybe you can explain who is arming Iran and Syria the prime supporters of terrorism, invaded his neighboring countries Georgia and Ukraine, other neighboring countries wants to join NATO for protections against Russia, murdering civilians in Syria, cyber attack against US..... Someone has to stand against Russian aggression.

The only power in the world that threatens the U.S. is the CCP. A patriot would build a coalition of Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, India, NATO, and other countries (including Russia) who would work with the Chinese people to combat the CCP.

Instead what are we up to?

First we destroy Iraq, which empowers Iran (Iraq's enemy). Then the neocons want us to fight Iran!

We attack Assad and thereby empower ISIS! Syria is the bitter enemy of some brands of terrorism.

We are still fighting in Afghanistan. It's the longest war in U.S. history! What are we accomplishing? Bombing civilians and creating more people who hate the U.S.?

And why are we propping up Israel with billions of taxpayer dollars? Israel conducts damaging spy attacks on the U.S. and sells weapons to our most dangerous enemy!

Let's stop wasting $$$$ and lives in these endless, enervating conflicts in the Mideast.

And do what?? Let the Russians, Iran and Syria just rolling in. We just sit and watch? Right? How do you suggest we stop the ME conflict with out us getting involve?
Putin hates America and this just didn't start under Obama. Putin made strong Anti-American/The West speeches before Obama took office.
Why does the right embrace a foreign leader who's history is littered with anti-Americanism and the bodies of his enemies?
Either Putin admirers are completely ignorant or just plain hate America too.
Here's What Lies Behind Vladimir Putin's Biggest Anti-American Rant Yet
Putin's Fiery Anti-U.S. Rhetoric: Why Now?
Anti-American Sentiment Grows Worldwide

From the article you linked to: The message was clear: if America breaks rules in Kosovo, so can Russia in Ukraine. "The bear will not even bother to ask permission. Here we consider it the master of the taiga. It does not intend to move to any other climatic zones. However, it will not let anyone have its taiga either."

This does not mean that Mr Putin is ready for a real war with the West. The withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine suggests that his actions are constrained both by sanctions and by the unwillingness of Russians to lose more soldiers' lives. But Mr Putin's meddling in Ukraine is far from over.

In many ways it is Russia's weakness, not its strength, that is now the biggest danger.

Russia doesn't have the power or the inclination to challenge American interests. Putin might attack us with some harsh words but that's about it.

Well, I’m from [Eastern] Ukraine (unfortunately) and I can tell you one thing: there are NO regular Russian troops there and never have been in Ukraine, it’s all invented by Western propaganda. Official Kiev (we call them the junta ) started the war against its own people and doesn’t want to stop it, because it brings them a lot of criminal money (looks like we are talking about Turkey, ha?). Without alleged "Russian aggression in Ukraine" how you think Ukrainian/Western propaganda would explain it to the whole world??? And Biden comes to Kiev a few times a year to make sure the war would not stop (his son Hunter Biden has commercial interests there too, Google him in case interested).

On Nov,12 2015 German TV channel Deutsche Welle has interviewed Poroshenko [Ukrainian president], who has had a hard time answering a lot of uncomfortable questions about ceasefire, corruption, TV channel and the chocolate factory he promised to sell but still owns, “pocket armies”, Right Sector and oligarchs he promised to get rid of but they all still exist and so on.

Watch the video attached (minute 10.47) and how Poroshenko is lying about violatinging Minsk agreements:

Journalist to Poroshenko: We’ve seen shelling, OSCE ( International Organization of Security and Cooperation of Europe) has been reporting a number of cease violations:
- you’re missing the deadlines.
- why are your Grads rocket launching still in territory where they should not to be now in November as cited by OSCE 2 days ago?
Why are your Grads missiles launching in the place they shouldn’t be? OSCE is reporting it.
So, the report is wrong? You say it’s wrong.
So, they got it wrong?
But you and OSCE can’t both be right.
So, you have a different interpretation of this from OSCE?
Poroshenko interview causes stir online | World | DW.COM | 13.11.2015

Now look how Putin answered a question about Russian possible military bases in Syria (Dec.17):

Some people in Europe and the US repeatedly said that our [military] base can remain there [in Syria] if we want it to. But I do not know if we need a base there. We have a 1,500-kilometre-range Kalibr sea-based missile and aircraft-carried Kh-101 missile with a 4,500-kilometre range.
So why would we need a base there? Should we need to reach somebody, we can do so without a base.
Vladimir Putin’s annual news conference

The answer is: he does not need his troops in Ukraine and he would be in Kiev in a day or two if he wanted. The recent events in Syria have proved it pretty good.

Actually that is not true. Russia was and always been in Ukraine at the start of the conflict. See link. Do you honestly believe the Russian separatist capable of operating sophisticated military equipment without the help from Russian soldiers? Do you honestly believe Russian separatist can stand against regular army without the help from Russian soldiers?
You are from Ukraine I cannot believe you don't know what is going on.

Vladimir Putin admits: Russian troops 'were in Ukraine'
Actually that is not true. Russia was and always been in Ukraine at the start of the conflict. See link. Do you honestly believe the Russian separatist capable of operating sophisticated military equipment without the help from Russian soldiers? Do you honestly believe Russian separatist can stand against regular army without the help from Russian soldiers?
You are from Ukraine I cannot believe you don't know what is going on.

Vladimir Putin admits: Russian troops 'were in Ukraine'

Russian paratroopers landed on the property of a colleague I know around Donetsk when this all started. The Russians then went door to door, looking for support to annex, or at least reduce the autonomy of Kiev over that part of the Ukraine. They offered seniors a 4x increase in their pension payments if they supported Russia.

I don't necessarily blame Russians in the Ukraine for believing this nonsense spewed out by Moscow. They're of Russian heritage, and prone to believe what Russians tell them.

But I do blame the uneducated useful idiots in America so deranged with hatred of Obama that they are willing to back someone hostile to the interests of America and the West. They've gone Total Fucking Retard. Serious conservatives do not side with Putin.
Actually that is not true. Russia was and always been in Ukraine at the start of the conflict. See link. Do you honestly believe the Russian separatist capable of operating sophisticated military equipment without the help from Russian soldiers? Do you honestly believe Russian separatist can stand against regular army without the help from Russian soldiers?
You are from Ukraine I cannot believe you don't know what is going on.

Vladimir Putin admits: Russian troops 'were in Ukraine'

Russian paratroopers landed on the property of a colleague I know around Donetsk when this all started. The Russians then went door to door, looking for support to annex, or at least reduce the autonomy of Kiev over that part of the Ukraine. They offered seniors a 4x increase in their pension payments if they supported Russia.

I don't necessarily blame Russians in the Ukraine for believing this nonsense spewed out by Moscow. They're of Russian heritage, and prone to believe what Russians tell them.

But I do blame the uneducated useful idiots in America so deranged with hatred of Obama that they are willing to back someone hostile to the interests of America and the West. They've gone Total Fucking Retard. Serious conservatives do not side with Putin.

Agree with you 100%.
The Great White European Christian Civilization must survive, it needs true leaders like Trump or Putin, otherwise it will became a couple of Caliphates and dirty turd world bantustants within few decades. E.g. South Africa or Rhodesia, who were transformed to hellholes on Earth.Where are 270 millions of non-Muslims who were killed by admirers of a pedophile 'prophet' while 1500 years?Only Israel has a Jews only immigration policy, we are enforced by lefts to be 'divers' and to open our doors to billions uneducated invaders with IQ 65 from the dirtiest countries.Enough is enough, go to Hell leftism and communism, we need new concepts and new leaders.Otherwise our children and grandchildren will curse us.Liberals were everywhere failed, for example Hitler, Lenin, Mao were leftists liberals too.
Is Trump a Christian? Is Putin a Christian?

Hitler was right wing fascist

Better two lukewarm Christians as a million of religious Muslims who desire to behead non-muslims and to get a place in Muslim Paradise with wine and 72 virgins.

Here a typical Muslim.

The Soviet Union was a threat to the U.S. but Russia isn't. Russia isn't an ideological threat - Russia isn't Communist and no longer tries to infect other nations with an ideology that has killed so many millions. Russia is also much smaller than the Soviet Union.

Yeah right... Maybe you can explain who is arming Iran and Syria the prime supporters of terrorism, invaded his neighboring countries Georgia and Ukraine, other neighboring countries wants to join NATO for protections against Russia, murdering civilians in Syria, cyber attack against US..... Someone has to stand against Russian aggression.
Why do you feel Russia, Iran, and Syria directly threaten the U.S.? Have these countries invaded?

These countries may threaten Israel but not the U.S.

And consider this: Israel Supports Syrian Al Qaeda Rebels including the Islamic State (ISIS). UN Report

Pay attention read my post #56 and get back to me.
Btw this is my country and I support my country.
This is what you wrote: Maybe you can explain who is arming Iran and Syria the prime supporters of terrorism, invaded his neighboring countries Georgia and Ukraine, other neighboring countries wants to join NATO for protections against Russia, murdering civilians in Syria, cyber attack against US..... Someone has to stand against Russian aggression.

The only power in the world that threatens the U.S. is the CCP. A patriot would build a coalition of Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, India, NATO, and other countries (including Russia) who would work with the Chinese people to combat the CCP.

Instead what are we up to?

First we destroy Iraq, which empowers Iran (Iraq's enemy). Then the neocons want us to fight Iran!

We attack Assad and thereby empower ISIS! Syria is the bitter enemy of some brands of terrorism.

We are still fighting in Afghanistan. It's the longest war in U.S. history! What are we accomplishing? Bombing civilians and creating more people who hate the U.S.?

And why are we propping up Israel with billions of taxpayer dollars? Israel conducts damaging spy attacks on the U.S. and sells weapons to our most dangerous enemy!

Let's stop wasting $$$$ and lives in these endless, enervating conflicts in the Mideast.

And do what?? Let the Russians, Iran and Syria just rolling in. We just sit and watch? Right? How do you suggest we stop the ME conflict with out us getting involve?
The Saudis oppose Iran. Israel opposes Syria. Let these countries work with Turkey and Egypt to establish a balance of power.

Russia doesn't want to get mixed up in some Mideast quagmire.
But I do blame the uneducated useful idiots in America so deranged with hatred of Obama that they are willing to back someone hostile to the interests of America and the West. They've gone Total Fucking Retard. Serious conservatives do not side with Putin.
I blame the cowardly chicken hawk traitors who keep pushing the U.S. into conflicts that don't serve our interests.

Russia is only a regional power. Only half-wits think Russia threatens U.S. vital interests. Stop wetting your pants in fear Toro. You're pathetic. lol.

It's dopes like Toro who keep the U.S. mired in endless, pointless conflicts like the occupation of Afghanistan.
Last edited:
But I do blame the uneducated useful idiots in America so deranged with hatred of Obama that they are willing to back someone hostile to the interests of America and the West. They've gone Total Fucking Retard. Serious conservatives do not side with Putin.
I blame the cowardly chicken hawk traitors who keep pushing the U.S. into conflicts that don't serve our interests.

Russia is only a regional power. Only half-wits think Russia threatens U.S. vital interests. Stop wetting your pants in fear Toro. You're pathetic. lol.

It's dopes like Toro who keep the U.S. mired in endless, pointless conflicts like the occupation of Afghanistan.
Toro's no dope... nor a war monger.
But I do blame the uneducated useful idiots in America so deranged with hatred of Obama that they are willing to back someone hostile to the interests of America and the West. They've gone Total Fucking Retard. Serious conservatives do not side with Putin.
I blame the cowardly chicken hawk traitors who keep pushing the U.S. into conflicts that don't serve our interests.

Russia is only a regional power. Only half-wits think Russia threatens U.S. vital interests. Stop wetting your pants in fear Toro. You're pathetic. lol.

It's dopes like Toro who keep the U.S. mired in endless, pointless conflicts like the occupation of Afghanistan.
Toro's no dope... nor a war monger.
If he thinks Russia threatens U.S. vital interests he is a dope. We need Russia as an ally in our conflict with the CCP.

Sorry to criticize your boyfriend.
Putin and the Donald has that familiar ring, like Hitler and Mussolini. Both nut jobs.
Yeah right... Maybe you can explain who is arming Iran and Syria the prime supporters of terrorism, invaded his neighboring countries Georgia and Ukraine, other neighboring countries wants to join NATO for protections against Russia, murdering civilians in Syria, cyber attack against US..... Someone has to stand against Russian aggression.
Why do you feel Russia, Iran, and Syria directly threaten the U.S.? Have these countries invaded?

These countries may threaten Israel but not the U.S.

And consider this: Israel Supports Syrian Al Qaeda Rebels including the Islamic State (ISIS). UN Report

Pay attention read my post #56 and get back to me.
Btw this is my country and I support my country.
This is what you wrote: Maybe you can explain who is arming Iran and Syria the prime supporters of terrorism, invaded his neighboring countries Georgia and Ukraine, other neighboring countries wants to join NATO for protections against Russia, murdering civilians in Syria, cyber attack against US..... Someone has to stand against Russian aggression.

The only power in the world that threatens the U.S. is the CCP. A patriot would build a coalition of Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, India, NATO, and other countries (including Russia) who would work with the Chinese people to combat the CCP.

Instead what are we up to?

First we destroy Iraq, which empowers Iran (Iraq's enemy). Then the neocons want us to fight Iran!

We attack Assad and thereby empower ISIS! Syria is the bitter enemy of some brands of terrorism.

We are still fighting in Afghanistan. It's the longest war in U.S. history! What are we accomplishing? Bombing civilians and creating more people who hate the U.S.?

And why are we propping up Israel with billions of taxpayer dollars? Israel conducts damaging spy attacks on the U.S. and sells weapons to our most dangerous enemy!

Let's stop wasting $$$$ and lives in these endless, enervating conflicts in the Mideast.

And do what?? Let the Russians, Iran and Syria just rolling in. We just sit and watch? Right? How do you suggest we stop the ME conflict with out us getting involve?
The Saudis oppose Iran. Israel opposes Syria. Let these countries work with Turkey and Egypt to establish a balance of power.

Russia doesn't want to get mixed up in some Mideast quagmire.

Russia doesn't want to get mixed up in some ME quagmire? How can you say that?????? Russia is mixed up with all these mess in ME. BTW..... Israel opposes both Syria and Iran.
But I do blame the uneducated useful idiots in America so deranged with hatred of Obama that they are willing to back someone hostile to the interests of America and the West. They've gone Total Fucking Retard. Serious conservatives do not side with Putin.
I blame the cowardly chicken hawk traitors who keep pushing the U.S. into conflicts that don't serve our interests.

Russia is only a regional power. Only half-wits think Russia threatens U.S. vital interests. Stop wetting your pants in fear Toro. You're pathetic. lol.

It's dopes like Toro who keep the U.S. mired in endless, pointless conflicts like the occupation of Afghanistan.

Actually people like you are traitors by supporting Putin which it has done nothing good to America.....
Nobody here wanted any kind of conflict with Russia ..... But it's the people like you who trash Obama in favor Putin thug.
Pay attention...... Iran and Syria are prime sponsors of terrorism..... Putin support both countries by selling them arms.......... Who do you expect to stand against these bastards?
But I do blame the uneducated useful idiots in America so deranged with hatred of Obama that they are willing to back someone hostile to the interests of America and the West. They've gone Total Fucking Retard. Serious conservatives do not side with Putin.
I blame the cowardly chicken hawk traitors who keep pushing the U.S. into conflicts that don't serve our interests.

Russia is only a regional power. Only half-wits think Russia threatens U.S. vital interests. Stop wetting your pants in fear Toro. You're pathetic. lol.

It's dopes like Toro who keep the U.S. mired in endless, pointless conflicts like the occupation of Afghanistan.
Toro's no dope... nor a war monger.
If he thinks Russia threatens U.S. vital interests he is a dope. We need Russia as an ally in our conflict with the CCP.

Sorry to criticize your boyfriend.

I think you do not understand..... Iran wants to destabilize ME by sponsoring terrorism all over the world. Iran wants to take control of Yemen ( see link ) a vital and strategic importance to America. Russia support Iran.....

America, Saudi Arabia, and the Strategic Importance of Yemen | Center for Strategic and International Studies

Iran's proxy war in Yemen just got exposed
Why do you feel Russia, Iran, and Syria directly threaten the U.S.? Have these countries invaded?

These countries may threaten Israel but not the U.S.

And consider this: Israel Supports Syrian Al Qaeda Rebels including the Islamic State (ISIS). UN Report

Pay attention read my post #56 and get back to me.
Btw this is my country and I support my country.
This is what you wrote: Maybe you can explain who is arming Iran and Syria the prime supporters of terrorism, invaded his neighboring countries Georgia and Ukraine, other neighboring countries wants to join NATO for protections against Russia, murdering civilians in Syria, cyber attack against US..... Someone has to stand against Russian aggression.

The only power in the world that threatens the U.S. is the CCP. A patriot would build a coalition of Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, India, NATO, and other countries (including Russia) who would work with the Chinese people to combat the CCP.

Instead what are we up to?

First we destroy Iraq, which empowers Iran (Iraq's enemy). Then the neocons want us to fight Iran!

We attack Assad and thereby empower ISIS! Syria is the bitter enemy of some brands of terrorism.

We are still fighting in Afghanistan. It's the longest war in U.S. history! What are we accomplishing? Bombing civilians and creating more people who hate the U.S.?

And why are we propping up Israel with billions of taxpayer dollars? Israel conducts damaging spy attacks on the U.S. and sells weapons to our most dangerous enemy!

Let's stop wasting $$$$ and lives in these endless, enervating conflicts in the Mideast.

And do what?? Let the Russians, Iran and Syria just rolling in. We just sit and watch? Right? How do you suggest we stop the ME conflict with out us getting involve?
The Saudis oppose Iran. Israel opposes Syria. Let these countries work with Turkey and Egypt to establish a balance of power.

Russia doesn't want to get mixed up in some Mideast quagmire.

Russia doesn't want to get mixed up in some ME quagmire? How can you say that?????? Russia is mixed up with all these mess in ME. BTW..... Israel opposes both Syria and Iran.
What country wants a protracted, futile conflict?
..... But it's the people like you who trash Obama in favor Putin thug.
Pay attention...... Iran and Syria are prime sponsors of terrorism..... Putin support both countries by selling them arms.......... Who do you expect to stand against these bastards?
You seem really mixed up! lol You like Obama and yet you want to stop Iran?!

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