Trump & Putin = a nice team!

Just let Iran and Syria taking over the whole ME with Russian support? Yeah right.
The destruction of Iraq was a great victory for Iran. Thank the neocons for that.

Iran and Syria are not taking over the Mideast. Stop trembling with fear. Turkey, Israel, the Saudis, Egypt, etc. will push back against Iranian expansion. No reason for the U.S. to get involved.

Did you ever think if we cooperated more with Putin, he would be less inclined to support Iran?

We cooperated with Putin. Obama reached out to Putin. We reached to Ayatollah...... What made you think Putin will cooperate? Why would Putin give up billions $ of arms sales to Iran? Then Putin invaded Ukraine, continue to support Assad. So what do you expect Obama should do? Then you have these anti Obama plus traitors trashing for not doing enough or doing too much.
Iran is supplying arms to fellow terrorist in Yemen destabilizing the whole country and other ME countries. So I'm not sure if you are really up to date.
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US mixed up with Syria civil war?Someone has to stop these bastards slaughtering Syrian people.
I guess you don't realize Obama has been fueling the civil war.

Obama Seeking $500 Million To Train, Arm Syrian Rebels

Which makes you kind of stupid.

Russia fighting ISIS? Putin only goal is to make sure Putin will remain in power. Nothing more.
Who cares about his motive. He is bombing ISIS.

Putin and Assad should be charge with war crimes.
Should Obama be charged with war crimes?

Obama says we're bombing ISIS to protect civilians. Bullshit.

Pay attention...... Yes.... Obama are arming the Syrian Rebels to protect themselves from getting slaughtered by these bastards Assad and Putin... So what is your point? Your lucky they didn't arm them anti aircraft makes those Russian plane obsolete.
Your link about Bullshit read it again it's nothing but Bullshit as it is.
Okay but who is protecting people from the Syrian rebels?

Syrian Rebels Accused Of Atrocities

If Assad gassed your whole family .... What do I expect from you when you have a chance to retaliate? Are you going to give Assad a hug, sing and dance or cut off someone head?
Assad was responsible for American deaths in Iraq as far back as 2005.


why wouldn't Russian loving American Hating traitors love Assad ?
Explain why his neighboring countries wants to join NATO. Explain why he invaded Ukraine which you don't know nothing about. Explain why he invaded Georgia.
He's trying to advance the interests of Russia. I'm not saying his goals are laudable, but they are limited. Today's Russia is not the Soviet Union, and Putin is not trying to take over the world.

You edited my post to fit your agenda. That's not very smart on your part. Try again.
Yes indeed, Trump is the man for the White House:


Obama's red line......This is a good example of what I'm talking about. People like you are laughing because he didn't go through his red line. At the same time people like you are arguing why Obama want to destabilize Syria.
If Obama did not back off from his red line.... Where and what do you think is Syria right now? Think hard and make up your mind.
Who do you think convinced Obama to change his mind?
If you don't know that Hitler and Stalin were allies for a time you are a real dope.

Fascists and Communists fought on occasion, but does that mean they are different? Communist China fought with the Soviet Union and Communist Vietnam. Were those regimes fundamentally different?

There's was a marriage of convenience. Nothing more.

Um, China, the USSR and Vietnam were all Communist. So, no, they were no fundamentally different.
Divvy it up into Putinilnovich and Trump. You cannot water down a brand. The Pangea of Trump.
You do mean the CCCP, don't you?
No, the CCP - the Chinese Communist Party.

Russia aspires to regain its status as a global superpower.
Russia doesn't have the GNP to make that possible.

And the incompetent Obama has allowed Putin a shoehorn into the Middle East.
I agree Obama is an incompetent.

Fortunately, the conservatives that matter
You mean the Republican party establishment? They're not doing so well. The voters are not happy with the Bush dynasty.
Just let Iran and Syria taking over the whole ME with Russian support? Yeah right.
The destruction of Iraq was a great victory for Iran. Thank the neocons for that.

Iran and Syria are not taking over the Mideast. Stop trembling with fear. Turkey, Israel, the Saudis, Egypt, etc. will push back against Iranian expansion. No reason for the U.S. to get involved.

Did you ever think if we cooperated more with Putin, he would be less inclined to support Iran?
We cooperated with Putin. Obama reached out to Putin. We reached to Ayatollah...... What made you think Putin will cooperate? Why would Putin give up billions $ of arms sales to Iran? Then Putin invaded Ukraine, continue to support Assad. So what do you expect Obama should do? Then you have these anti Obama plus traitors trashing for not doing enough or doing too much.
Iran is supplying arms to fellow terrorist in Yemen destabilizing the whole country and other ME countries. So I'm not sure if you are really up to date.
I don't get you charwin95. You like Obama, who has cuddled up to Iran and let Putin walk all over him. Yet you scream about the danger of Iran and Russia and their imminent conquest of the world!
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Decisive leadership. Like ... Hitler and Mussolini.

I certainly can see Trump agreeing with Putin to divvy up the world into Trumpistan and Putinia.

Hillary loves:
  • The corporate state
  • Omnipresent government
  • Military adventures abroad
  • To be worshipped by a degraded populace
Are you Russian or Russian descent?
No. I just recognize that Russia, unlike the Soviet Union, is not a major threat to U.S. interests.

The only real threat the U.S. faces is the CCP. China has the 2nd largest GNP. Russia is 10th, below Italy.
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US mixed up with Syria civil war?Someone has to stop these bastards slaughtering Syrian people.
I guess you don't realize Obama has been fueling the civil war.

Obama Seeking $500 Million To Train, Arm Syrian Rebels

Which makes you kind of stupid.

Russia fighting ISIS? Putin only goal is to make sure Putin will remain in power. Nothing more.
Who cares about his motive. He is bombing ISIS.

Putin and Assad should be charge with war crimes.
Should Obama be charged with war crimes?

Obama says we're bombing ISIS to protect civilians. Bullshit.

Pay attention...... Yes.... Obama are arming the Syrian Rebels to protect themselves from getting slaughtered by these bastards Assad and Putin... So what is your point? Your lucky they didn't arm them anti aircraft makes those Russian plane obsolete.
Your link about Bullshit read it again it's nothing but Bullshit as it is.
Okay but who is protecting people from the Syrian rebels?

Syrian Rebels Accused Of Atrocities

If Assad gassed your whole family .... What do I expect from you when you have a chance to retaliate? Are you going to give Assad a hug, sing and dance or cut off someone head?
We agree many of the rebels are violent maniacs.
I love this election cycle. Republicans now support a long-time Democrat, and a communist dictator, because those other guys are "RINOs". These people are retarded as shit. :lol:
Assad was responsible for American deaths in Iraq as far back as 2005.


why wouldn't Russian loving American Hating traitors love Assad ?
Don't be childish. Nobody likes Assad. The questions are: Are the rebels any better? Are U.S. vital interests at stake? Do we really want to occupy another Mideast country? Will such an occupation create more people who hate the U.S.?
People like you are laughing because he didn't go through his red line. At the same time people like you are arguing why Obama want to destabilize Syria.
If Obama did not back off from his red line.... Where and what do you think is Syria right now?
Looks like we agree that Obama's decision to draw a red line was quite stupid.
I love this election cycle. Republicans now support a long-time Democrat, and a communist dictator, because those other guys are "RINOs". These people are retarded as shit.
Democrats are smart? They are kneeling before a corrupt tool of the banks and corporations. Queen Hillary is as dishonest as she is incompetent. Look at some of her foreign policy screw-ups:

Pat Buchanan - Has Hillary Ever Been Right?

Hillary’s Libyan Disaster Is A Bigger Scandal Than Who Emailed Her

She also enables her sexual predator husband.

Flight logs released from Jeffrey Epstein's 'Lolita Express'

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