Trump says that his transition team will not use government resources because they want to save money. However, this is merely a smokescreen.


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
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No government spies wanted. Security, security, security.

Trump says that his transition team will not use government resources because they want to save money. However, this is merely a smokescreen. What's really happening is that Trump has learned from past experiences, particularly what they did to
@genflynn during the previous transition, as well as the fake briefing Trump got from Comey, which was used as a pretext to weaponize the Russia collusion hoax.
This time, there will be no involvement from deep state operatives, no bureaucratic hindrances, and, most importantly, no spying.


Trump says that his transition team will not use government resources because they want to save money. However, this is merely a smokescreen. What's really happening is that Trump has learned from past experiences, particularly what they did to @genflynn during the previous transition, as well as the fake briefing Trump got from Comey, which was used as a pretext to weaponize the Russia collusion hoax. This time, there will be no involvement from deep state operatives, no bureaucratic hindrances, and, most importantly, no spying.

This could really spell trouble.

For democrats in the Deep State and thus, Xi Jinping.

There goes China's Early Warning System.

Maybe everyone in Trump's Team should use Elon's Star Link.

They could build their command center in the mountains of NC where even FEMA cannot reach. :smoke:
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