Trump Spokesperson Absolutely Destroys CNN Anchor Who Tried to Slam Her Boss

This is why is it so stupid to write him off as a foreign policy expert for not knowing the exact name of some little known terrorist leader. He will appoint people to do that....just as he would employ accomplished military strategists to make sure that the military does its job properly...and he would appoint competent leaders in every field to do the work of the government. If they fail, they will hear the dreaded, "You're fired!"

It just depends on the TV shows he watches. Because that's where he gets his military advice.

Todd asked, “Who do you talk to for military advice right now?”

Trump answered, “Well, I watch the shows. I mean, I really see a lot of great — you know, when you watch your show, and all of the other shows,​

Trump: I Get My Military Advice from Watching Shows - Breitbart

It's an alternative reality TV world.


Beats the fuck out of Obama ALLOWING ISIS to fight in the Ukraine mother fucker. Or Libya. Or Afghanistan.

All on record.
This is why is it so stupid to write him off as a foreign policy expert for not knowing the exact name of some little known terrorist leader. He will appoint people to do that....just as he would employ accomplished military strategists to make sure that the military does its job properly...and he would appoint competent leaders in every field to do the work of the government. If they fail, they will hear the dreaded, "You're fired!"

It just depends on the TV shows he watches. Because that's where he gets his military advice.

Todd asked, “Who do you talk to for military advice right now?”

Trump answered, “Well, I watch the shows. I mean, I really see a lot of great — you know, when you watch your show, and all of the other shows,​

Trump: I Get My Military Advice from Watching Shows - Breitbart

It's an alternative reality TV world.


As compared to bitch from hell Jarret. Righto assholes.
We have ISIS in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Afghanistan and my particular going to go for the throat the Ukraine.

Oh this wounds me deeply.

All hell will break loose in January for Obama and his supporters to send ISIS fighters into the Ukraine.

You will bleed. Trust me.
did that guthro chick also say something like "That Alleged Attack on the Twin Towers"?
You don't need the Donald to destroy the liberal news media...just an honest, smart, Black woman!

WASHINGTON WEEKLY NEWS ^ | December 6, 2015
Trumps newly-minted national spokesperson, Black conservative Katrina Pierson, on the job for just three weeks, wiped the floor with CNNs Brian Stetzer, who tried (feebly) to accuse Trump of all manner of things. Pierson would have none of it, and turned the interview into an interrogation on media bias.

I love how the asshat states that the media is the Fourth Estate (in essence claiming to be a part of the government) and then whines that the loss of influence they have experienced (gee I wonder why) is somehow weakening America. What a fucking moron.
I find it pathetic that Republicans have so little to celebrate regarding Mr Trump. His representative just obfuscated and deflected to.....What about Obama?

She must have trained on this board
I find it pathetic that Republicans have so little to celebrate regarding Mr Trump. His representative just obfuscated and deflected to.....What about Obama?

She must have trained on this board

I thought her points valid. The media NEVER questions any progressive candidate. Period. They will go out of their way though to try and dredge up any minor thing, such as Ben Carsons use of a word, and then attempt to blow that tiny little thing all out of proportion in an attempt to smear the candidate.

As you say, the media no doubt gets their training on this Board from progressives like you.
I find it pathetic that Republicans have so little to celebrate regarding Mr Trump. His representative just obfuscated and deflected to.....What about Obama?

She must have trained on this board

An entirely valid question if the claim is being made that the press is treating them in an equal manner.

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