Trump, the "Draft Dodger"

not until you've been gone 30 days.

That is the general definition, and is mostly what is used in court martials.

But if an individual states that they are not returning to duty, they can actually be charged after only being gone a single day. As they have given a statement that they were not going to return for duty. But that rarely ever happens, so the 30 day rule is the general benchmark that is used.

In one unit I was in at Fort Bliss, we actually had a guy that had become a master at that. He was a druggie, and he knew that the penalty for going AWOL was less than for popping hot on a piss test. So whenever a test came up he knew he would fail, he would go AWOL for 28 days. Come back just in time to avoid desertion charges, do the typical punishment (normally forfeiture of pay and a week or so in-house confinement), then carry on. He did that 3 or 4 times, before he stupidly tried to rob a truck stop after going AWOL because he did not have enough money to go home for the month he normally did.
Are you Mushroom's lackey?

God Damn, you really are a special form of ignorance. Here you have actual retired military personnel trying to correct you, and you endlessly attack them instead of just admitting you are wrong.

Oh, and am still waiting for an explanation of how a 15 year old Einstein "dodged the draft", when the nation he left did not have conscription at that time in the first place. And would not institute any for many years in the future.
Boy, you really do not know what in the hell you are talking about, do you?

Here we go Braniac, here are the literal definitions as you obviously do not know what they are.

There, that is the actual UCMJ definition of AWOL. Or as we called in the Marines, UA (Unauthorized Absence).

Now here is the definition of Desertion:

AWOL is very much not the same as desertion, they are barely even close. And I notice that you resort to attacks instead of actually admitting you were wrong, or actually trying to debate facts. But guess what, bubba? Screaming you are right does not make you right. Especially when you do not know what you are talking about and are making stuff up as you go along.

But if they are the same thing, then why does the UCMJ have to very different charges and definitions for them?
You're just trying to weasel out of it, lol
You're just trying to weasel out of it, lol

Right, "weasel out", when I provide the actual UCMJ definitions of what each of those charges are.

Tell me, as you are such a god-damned expert on this apparently, exactly how much time did you serve in uniform? You seem to have such a problem with those that did not serve, care to share with us your service?
God Damn, you really are a special form of ignorance. Here you have actual retired military personnel trying to correct you, and you endlessly attack them instead of just admitting you are wrong.

Oh, and am still waiting for an explanation of how a 15 year old Einstein "dodged the draft", when the nation he left did not have conscription at that time in the first place. And would not institute any for many years in the future.
If you took the time to read my posts, as I've pointed out, he is on the draft dodging list (not my list) due to running off to Switzerland to avoid Germany's draft. His excuse was, "I'm too busy to join".

Retards are quick to cry over one or two draft dodgers, then they cry to protect one or two other draft dodgers. What is up with you retards? If they dodged the draft, they dodged the draft. If you don't want to cry to protect some draft dodgers, then wind your neck in and stop whining about others.
Right, "weasel out", when I provide the actual UCMJ definitions of what each of those charges are.

Tell me, as you are such a god-damned expert on this apparently, exactly how much time did you serve in uniform? You seem to have such a problem with those that did not serve, care to share with us your service?
You better clench, your anal tampon is gonna fall out
If you took the time to read my posts, as I've pointed out, he is on the draft dodging list (not my list) due to running off to Switzerland to avoid Germany's draft.

When he was fifteen years old, and Germany did not have a draft in the first place.

Once again, why don't you extol all of us about your glorious time in the military?
At this point, the fact that he avoided the draft during Vietnam is more just a reminder that he’s older than shit than anything else
When he was fifteen years old, and Germany did not have a draft in the first place.

Once again, why don't you extol all of us about your glorious time in the military?

Einstein was left at a boardinghouse in Munich and expected to finish his education. Alone, miserable, and repelled by the looming prospect of military duty when he turned 16, Einstein ran away six months later and landed on the doorstep of his surprised parents. His parents realized the enormous problems that he faced as a school dropout and draft dodger with no employable skills. His prospects did not look promising.


Now shut up and annoy someone else with your lack of knowledge.
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It's easy for today's fukups who never experienced the draft to be critical of politicians based on political affiliation. Clinton was the most notorious draft dodger. He lied to his draft board that he was joining the National Guard and then he didn't join the Guard. It was a crime but Bill was a popular democrat so the media ignored the charge when he was running. Biden claimed to have asthma when he could never have gotten a job as a lifeguard. Shit happens and republicans are always in the bullseye.
All the journalists who were writing about Clinton were ALSO draft dodgers, so there was little appetite to exploit that issue.

Seriously, we should re-institute the draft. No deferments. Men and women. Two years service. The biggest stumbling block is the large number of American Yoots who simply would not qualify because of physical conditions, interaction with the Justice System, dependency, and - sorry to say it - mental deficiency.
Here's a list of some that didn't join -

Bruce Springsteen
Muhammad Ali
Ted Nugent
Bill Clinton
Donald Trump
Rush Limbaugh
Albert Einstein
John Wayne
Jimi Hendrix
Jim Morrison
George W. Bush
Joe Biden
Chevy Chase
John Lithgow
Arnold Schwarzenegger

If you want anymore, I can do some research.
I can address two names.
John Wayne beyond normal draft age, he was classified 1H (men over 28 years of age). He was under contract to Republic Films who wouldn't release him to enlist.
Mohammad Ali went to prison as a draft resistor. - I can respect his stance since he was willing to pay the price for his beliefs.
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I can address two names.
John Wayne beyond normal draft age, he was classified 1H (men over 28 years of age). He was under contract to Republic Films who wouldn't release him to enlist.
Mohammad Ali went to prison as a draft resistor. - I can respect his stance since he was willing to pay the price for his beliefs.

For John Wayne, he was also given an exemption given to most who had high incomes as well as high debts. His was the only income in the family, and the pay of the military would not have even come close to covering his bills. "Financial Deferments" were actually fairly common, especially for business owners where the company would fail without them being there to run it. Very few were in the situation of say General Walter McIlhenny, who's uncle held off his retirement and continued to run the company so his nephew could go off to fight.

Another funny name on his list is Jimi Hendrix. as he was not only in the Army but a paratrooper at Fort Campbell. That is actually where guitars went from a passion to almost an obsession.


And George W Bush? Who served six years in the National Guard?

I think the list is a complete and utter joke, simply compiled of random names of people he does not like (and more than a few of them are actual veterans). And it all comes across as rather comical as he apparently has never served himself. I always find it hypocritical in the extreme when those who never served themselves feel this obsession to scream about others who did not serve.
For John Wayne, he was also given an exemption given to most who had high incomes as well as high debts. His was the only income in the family, and the pay of the military would not have even come close to covering his bills. "Financial Deferments" were actually fairly common, especially for business owners where the company would fail without them being there to run it. Very few were in the situation of say General Walter McIlhenny, who's uncle held off his retirement and continued to run the company so his nephew could go off to fight.

Another funny name on his list is Jimi Hendrix. as he was not only in the Army but a paratrooper at Fort Campbell. That is actually where guitars went from a passion to almost an obsession.


And George W Bush? Who served six years in the National Guard?

I think the list is a complete and utter joke, simply compiled of random names of people he does not like (and more than a few of them are actual veterans). And it all comes across as rather comical as he apparently has never served himself. I always find it hypocritical in the extreme when those who never served themselves feel this obsession to scream about others who did not serve.
Modern lefties call him a frat boy but George Bush Jr. was a freaking pilot in the Guard. What did y'all Guard experience ever accomplish?
Yes, they are.
Where are Trump's x-rays?

Trump made up injury to dodge Vietnam service, his former ...

View attachment 1004227
Military Times › news › 2019/02/27 › t...
Feb 27, 2019 — President Donald Trump acknowledged to advisors that he made up a fake injury to avoid military service, because “I wasn't going to Vietnam,” his former lawyer ...
Back then, X-rays deteriorated very rapidly and were useless after a short period. My wife had bone spurs in the mid-1990s. Where are her x-rays? I tried to get my medical records from 1994 for a VA disability claim. Guess what? They stored them after two years and destroyed them after 10.

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