Trump, the "Draft Dodger"

You guys are proving my point. If your family had resources you could avoid the draft. If not, you probably couldn't. If it were not for Trump's bone spurs it would have been something else. There was no way the scion of a wealthy family in NYC was going to be drafted.

Quite a funny thread watching folk sticking up for draft dodgers to spite Trump for dodging the draft, lol.
Well just think about this, if we had the same politicians back then as we have now we would have been crawling through the jungles of South East Asia getting our balls blown off, the US says jump they ask how high, they are pathetic.

Well that shit is Hollywood, this is reality, if the US had looked at the History of Vietnam they would have known the people resisted all comers including the French Colonialists and the Japs, the difference between them and the US soldiers was they were committed and knew what the objective was the liberation of their Country despite horrific casualties, most Us soldiers didn't want to be there they just wanted to survive their tour.

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