Trump: The Mass Deportations will begin in Springfield and Aurora

LOL that's complete horseshit. Biden is flat out ignoring our immigration laws and scheming to architect an invasion of 15 million illegals.

Actually, the problem is that the economic sanctions the US government imposed on Haiti, Cuba, and Venezuela are illegal.
The consequences of those illegal economic sanctions is that now presidents have to honor asylum seekers from those being illegally starved to death.
The law is on the Biden's side. But as a dictator, I mean the unitary president theory, the president can order the Feds to do anything he wants, legal or illegal for which he is immune from prosecution according to the SC.
The law allowed harris and xiden to give these Haitians TPS, the same law allows the new president to take it back
What the SC said is that the proper means of prosecuting crimes by a president is first through impeachment by congress and the SCOTUS.
The DOJ is not the correct means.
The impeachment process and trial by the Senate is the Constitutional mechanism for removing a president from office. It is not an DOJ prosecution nor does it follow the standards of a criminal proceeding. Nothing in the Constitution precludes prosecution for crimes the President commits while in office.
The Springfield Haitians have green cards, so it would be illegal to "get rid of" them.
I was going to say that till I read your post

But hopefully trump will close the door on the rest who want to come here
The law allowed harris and xiden to give these Haitians TPS, the same law allows the new president to take it back
In reality, the power is delegated to the secretary of Homeland Security. The president will have a hard time revoking it. The only thing they can do is wait for it to expire and then simply not renew it.
Raw red meat for the savage Neo-GOP.

Of course it's an empty promise. I don't think a president has the power to deport legal immigrants.
There’s no way that we could deport 16 million people (nor would we really want to).

But Trump would SELECTIVELY deport based on politics, grievance, and just plain cruelty.

Remember… this is the guy who HIRED dozens of illegals to work at his properties
In reality, the power is delegated to the secretary of Homeland Security. The president will have a hard time revoking it. The only thing they can do is wait for it to expire and then simply not renew it.
You realize the sec of homeland security is an executive branch position that reports to the president…right?
There’s no way that we could deport 16 million people (nor would we really want to).

But Trump would SELECTIVELY deport based on politics, grievance, and just plain cruelty.

Remember… this is the guy who HIRED dozens of illegals to work at his properties
No one suggests we deport them all overnight

But illegals are not hard to find

and when we do they should be deported asap
No one suggests we deport them all overnight

But illegals are not hard to find

and when we do they should be deported asap
No one was s talking about “overnight”.

I guess you have to pre-excuse that coming failure huh?
They aren’t citizens so they shouldn’t be voting, so not sure why you think politics has anything to do with it
They don’t vote. The politics I was referring to is catering to his fucked up base
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