Trump to invoke the Alien Enemies Act Of 1798 to work around our worthless bureaucrats….Can he pull it off?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
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The act appears to be a wartime authority. Doesn’t war need to be declared by Congress to allow the Executive to invoke such an act? Wouldn’t he be better off declaring Martial Law to accomplish the same thing?
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Doesn’t war need to be declared by Congress to allow the Executive to invoke such an act?
It says:

"That whenever there shall be a declared war between the United States and any foreign nation or government, or any invasion or predatory incursion shall be perpetrated, attempted, or threatened against the territory of the United States, by any foreign nation or government, and the President of the United States shall make public proclamation of the event, all natives, citizens, denizens, or subjects of the hostile nation or government, being males of the age of fourteen years and upwards, who shall be within the United States, and not actually naturalized, shall be liable to be apprehended, restrained, secured and removed, as alien enemies.

And the President of the United States shall be, and he is hereby authorized, in any event, as aforesaid, by his proclamation thereof, or other public act, to direct the conduct to be observed, on the part of the United States, towards the aliens who shall become liable, as aforesaid; the manner and degree of the restraint to which they shall be subject, and in what cases, and upon what security their residence shall be permitted, and to provide for the removal of those, who, not being permitted to reside within the United States, shall refuse or neglect to depart therefrom; and to establish any other regulations which shall be found necessary in the premises and for the public safety: Provided, that aliens resident within the United States, who shall become liable as enemies, in the manner aforesaid, and who shall not be chargeable with actual hostility, or other crime against the public safety, shall be allowed, for the recovery, disposal, and removal of their goods and effects, and for their departure, the full time which is, or shall be stipulated by any treaty, where any shall have been between the United States, and the hostile nation or government, of which they shall be natives, citizens, denizens or subjects: and where no such treaty shall have existed, the President of the United States may ascertain and declare such reasonable time as may be consistent with the public safety, and according to the dictates of humanity and national hospitality."

Looks to me like it authorizes the President to make a proclamation that there is an invasion or predatory incursion, and take appropriate action.
You simply appoint right people. Don't need any more authority to round up illegal aliens. Round em up and charge for their ticket.

I remember in this context by the way a German who lived the first 60 years of his life (minus the first 3 months) in the USA before you sent him home to Germany with his last $20 after you had made your victim to an addict of strong analgesics in one of your clinics. Sure we take such losers back, winner. But who will be in the end the last winner and last citizen in your absurde nationalistic game?

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Trump to invoke the Alien Enemies Act Of 1798 to work around our worthless bureaucrats….Can he pull it off?​

No. And we are not at war. Nor do we need martial law.
Those MF'ers who poured across our border have killed upwards of 1 million Americans.

Name of 1 of them?

I remember in this context a German exchange student who studied for some month in the USA. An intelligent and very young man with an excellent character. It had been the last months of his life because a racist white superidiot in the USA had a conflict with US-American white teenagers who stole from time to time a bottle beer from him. So he murdered this German exchange student who had a Mediterranean look.
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HName of 1 of them?

I remember in this context a German exchange student who studied for some month in the USA. An intelligent and very young man with an excellent character. It had been the last months of his life because a racist white superidiot in the USA had a conflict with US-American white teenagers who stole from time to time a bottle beer from him. So he murdered this German exchange student who had a Mediterranean look.
This woman was killed for entertainment value.

Did she deserve it for being white?
This woman was killed for entertainment value.

Did she deserve it for being white?

I miss the point what this has to do with the color of her skin. And what means "entertainement"? And this poor lady was killed from US-Americans. She may be happy now in the hands of god. May god help all souls of the people who miss her. But what has this to do with immigrants? What do you really count when you count people who are murdered from immigrants? The color of the skin of the murderes? The names of this murderers sound as "white" for me as her name sounds "white". But what would change if the skin color of whomever had been "black" (or "white")?

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We don't need to be in a declared war for the President to invoke the act. I suggest reading the whole thing. It's a mere three pages long. It only applies to aliens (legal or illegal) so few if any bureaucrats will be removed.

Alien and Sedition Acts (1798)
The act appears to be a wartime authority. Doesn’t war need to be declared by Congress to allow the Executive to invoke such an act? Wouldn’t he be better off declaring Martial Law to accomplish the same thing?

If you think this election is contentious, let Trump win and NOT get both chambers of congress, and watch the Leftists put up every/any roadblock to stop the deportations.

Why; especially if Trump gets enough votes to show a mandate?

ANSWER--------->because Leftists know this is a 4 year term, can't be an 8 unless JD wins.............and soooo--------->they believe all they have to do is hold on 4 years, put up every obstacle to stop anything he puts forth, and wait. It will be a repeat of 2016. Without both chambers of congress for the GOP, the Left is going to tie the country in knots. And understand, GOPers winning doesn't cement the deal for Trump. In red states, the Left runs Leftists as Republicans, floods the zone, then hopes one or 2 get by. YES, they do sometimes win, and you just can not stop it.

Point is------------>unless we PURGE congress of Leftists and increase the odds of real conservatives governing, Trump is just going to end up being another placeholder President; sad but true. We will end up being totally frustrated by the situation, while the same people who told you Joe was genius, and that Kamala was the end all, be all; will come on here and LAUGH at us, because.....well......we won't be able to do much because they will use every trick in the political book to tie the GOPs hands, as long as they control one chamber of congress. Trump will be even more frustrated than we are.

You want to really change things? Even if you are confident that Trump is going to blow out Kamala, you gotta vote down ballot, so you MUST show up to vote. Give the GOP the opportunity with MASSIVE numbers to do what they see fit; and if they screw the pooch, well then, 1 term and done for all of them. It is NOT about who is the most radical conservative so we can screw leftists over, but rather...........we have to STOP Leftists, which are almost ALWAYS radical socialists, from keeping control.

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