Trump to steal $3 billion from the troops .

It's alright Timothy.
Our military will still be better off than under your poll puffing meat puppet faggot.
And besides...national security is national security.
How in the hell does Oblama show up in this episode of The Soap Opera Trump Show?

Good ol' Moonblow; semi-coherent as usual.
That is his nickname for Oblama...(poll puffing meat puppet faggot) so what was that about being incoherent?
Watching cbs nightly news . For Trumps emergency wall to work he needs to bleed money from some other budget . The biggest hit will go to military construction funds . He wants route that money to his sea to sea white elephant wall.
CONSTRUCTION FUNDS....A wall is CONSTRUCTION,the military's job is to DEFEND OUR BORDERS. Yep seems like money is going to exactly what it was intended for. Also why he got such a big military budget last year :) He knew the leftist anti americans weren't going to defend America.

Nice shot. I was in the Military, married with children. The Base Housing was inadequate. There wasn't enough and we were forced to go out into the civilian economy for housing. The Dollar signs in the Land Lords Eyes lit up like beacons in the night. We got over charged over and over and we stayed in what was essential, shacks and shanties waiting for base housing to open up. A Family of 4 living in a one room motel isn't my idea of proper housing. Even the on base housing wasn't that hot. We had what they called Substandard Housing which was left over from the 40s and 50s. They were vermin traps, cold in the winter, hot in the summer and the stairs to the bedrooms were almost straight up. The money he wants to take goes for those things. I guess he likes being a slum lord since he's one in the civilian world anyway.
I was in the military with substandard housing also, you know what? I manned up and didnt bitch about it, I was just glad I wasn't in some pup tent in the rain or snow, eating K rations all day.
It's alright Timothy.
Our military will still be better off than under your poll puffing meat puppet faggot.
And besides...national security is national security.
How in the hell does Oblama show up in this episode of The Soap Opera Trump Show?

The meat puppet faggot gutted our military.
The meat puppet fagot isnt the President anymore, but you know what? He President Trump got his dollar and a few more bucks from Blinkie Pelosi.. She blinked first, didnt she...bwaaaaahhhhaaaahhaaaaaa. spineless liberals.
It's alright Timothy.
Our military will still be better off than under your poll puffing meat puppet faggot.
And besides...national security is national security.
How in the hell does Oblama show up in this episode of The Soap Opera Trump Show?

Good ol' Moonblow; semi-coherent as usual.
That is his nickname for Oblama...(poll puffing meat puppet faggot) so what was that about being incoherent?

You cant read?
You know, just for grins and giggles, I decided to look up how much various military aircraft and weapons cost each, just to get a rough idea of how bad this could be for the military.

The answer? Diverting that much money from the military could have a bad impact on our military readiness.
Puhleeze. He would be diverting about 1% from the military.
Watching cbs nightly news . For Trumps emergency wall to work he needs to bleed money from some other budget . The biggest hit will go to military construction funds . He wants route that money to his sea to sea white elephant wall.
Does he have the power to close some bases and military installation in blue areas?

There’s not that many . Blue states don’t need to be propped up by glomming off military bases . Unlike red states . It’s like red state economy welfare.
You would be surprised at how many military bases there are in California.
Watching cbs nightly news . For Trumps emergency wall to work he needs to bleed money from some other budget . The biggest hit will go to military construction funds . He wants route that money to his sea to sea white elephant wall.
Does he have the power to close some bases and military installation in blue areas?

There’s not that many . Blue states don’t need to be propped up by glomming off military bases . Unlike red states . It’s like red state economy welfare.
You would be surprised at how many military bases there are in California.
You really should go live in Russia since you don’t understand that your psychotic little orange loon doesn’t have the right to steal money allocated by congress.

Watching cbs nightly news . For Trumps emergency wall to work he needs to bleed money from some other budget . The biggest hit will go to military construction funds . He wants route that money to his sea to sea white elephant wall.
And the funds Trump misappropriates won’t be near enough to build his ‘wall’ of fear, bigotry, and hate.
Then why are you so terrified by it?
Watching cbs nightly news . For Trumps emergency wall to work he needs to bleed money from some other budget . The biggest hit will go to military construction funds . He wants route that money to his sea to sea white elephant wall.

You know he just declared the emergency to pander his base. He had no other way out and new they'd have an orgasm if he declared the emergency. He also said the could have waited and built this over a number of years but wanted it now. So if you can wait how much of a national emergency is it to him, really?
Watching cbs nightly news . For Trumps emergency wall to work he needs to bleed money from some other budget . The biggest hit will go to military construction funds . He wants route that money to his sea to sea white elephant wall.
CONSTRUCTION FUNDS....A wall is CONSTRUCTION,the military's job is to DEFEND OUR BORDERS. Yep seems like money is going to exactly what it was intended for. Also why he got such a big military budget last year :) He knew the leftist anti americans weren't going to defend America.

Nice shot. I was in the Military, married with children. The Base Housing was inadequate. There wasn't enough and we were forced to go out into the civilian economy for housing. The Dollar signs in the Land Lords Eyes lit up like beacons in the night. We got over charged over and over and we stayed in what was essential, shacks and shanties waiting for base housing to open up. A Family of 4 living in a one room motel isn't my idea of proper housing. Even the on base housing wasn't that hot. We had what they called Substandard Housing which was left over from the 40s and 50s. They were vermin traps, cold in the winter, hot in the summer and the stairs to the bedrooms were almost straight up. The money he wants to take goes for those things. I guess he likes being a slum lord since he's one in the civilian world anyway.
Oh well. No one is FORCED to join the military. Their job is to defend our borders and that's what they will do. I hope Trump ignores any court order to stop the wall and takes the money and gets it done,fuck em. They can whine about it after its done.

You know nothing about quality of life. Just pitch tents. A tent for each family of four with a coleman heater and light, is that it?
Watching cbs nightly news . For Trumps emergency wall to work he needs to bleed money from some other budget . The biggest hit will go to military construction funds . He wants route that money to his sea to sea white elephant wall.
Does he have the power to close some bases and military installation in blue areas?

There’s not that many . Blue states don’t need to be propped up by glomming off military bases . Unlike red states . It’s like red state economy welfare.
You would be surprised at how many military bases there are in California.
You really should go live in Russia since you don’t understand that your psychotic little orange loon doesn’t have the right to steal money allocated by congress.

Eric Holder stole $17 billion from the BofA settlement and gave it to his commie friends. It didn't even go to a governmental purpose. None of you Obama dick suckers had a problem with that, so why should anyone listen to your whining about this?
Watching cbs nightly news . For Trumps emergency wall to work he needs to bleed money from some other budget . The biggest hit will go to military construction funds . He wants route that money to his sea to sea white elephant wall.
CONSTRUCTION FUNDS....A wall is CONSTRUCTION,the military's job is to DEFEND OUR BORDERS. Yep seems like money is going to exactly what it was intended for. Also why he got such a big military budget last year :) He knew the leftist anti americans weren't going to defend America.

Nice shot. I was in the Military, married with children. The Base Housing was inadequate. There wasn't enough and we were forced to go out into the civilian economy for housing. The Dollar signs in the Land Lords Eyes lit up like beacons in the night. We got over charged over and over and we stayed in what was essential, shacks and shanties waiting for base housing to open up. A Family of 4 living in a one room motel isn't my idea of proper housing. Even the on base housing wasn't that hot. We had what they called Substandard Housing which was left over from the 40s and 50s. They were vermin traps, cold in the winter, hot in the summer and the stairs to the bedrooms were almost straight up. The money he wants to take goes for those things. I guess he likes being a slum lord since he's one in the civilian world anyway.
I was in the military with substandard housing also, you know what? I manned up and didnt bitch about it, I was just glad I wasn't in some pup tent in the rain or snow, eating K rations all day.

I didn't either. I bought into the fact the Military was working to improve things. And, for the most part, they were. Plus, as the good housing opened up, I got one of those.
Watching cbs nightly news . For Trumps emergency wall to work he needs to bleed money from some other budget . The biggest hit will go to military construction funds . He wants route that money to his sea to sea white elephant wall.
No worries, the right doesn’t give a shit about the troops.
You know, just for grins and giggles, I decided to look up how much various military aircraft and weapons cost each, just to get a rough idea of how bad this could be for the military.

The answer? Diverting that much money from the military could have a bad impact on our military readiness.

so...what do YOU know about the military budget? Give us your street cred.

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